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Tux of Borg

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Everything posted by Tux of Borg

  1. I'm all for playing the Dolphins on monday night football. Preferably on Jan 3rd with the windchill at negative 20.
  2. Glad to know i'm not the only one.
  3. Where I live in New York, they require you to have a masters degree just to get in the door. I know other school districts that will hire you with a 4 year degree, but you have "x" amount of years to finish up your masters. I don't know about Virginia because I don't live there. There is a lot of variables you have to throw into this equation. It took my dad 25 years just to crack the $50,000 mark in teaching, and that's with 2 master degrees. Those who start out make much less then that. He doesn't get paid in the summer, but is expected to come in and work on administrative things like scheduling. He can't stand the politics of the job. Over the summer he had to go to the school board and justify the educational purpose of the senior prom. This is the same school board that forced them to have a gay and lesbian club at school. Then there is the pressure of getting these kids through the regents. Most come into class stoned and don't open up their text book all year long. I wouldn't want to do it. All that education to be a baby-sitter.
  4. Most school teachers have masters degree. I don't know how you can really complain about them making $40,000 a year. It's a stevestojantty job. They have to put up with !@#$ kids all day long. Their performance is based on state tests that the kids are too lazy to study for.
  5. Because the war on terror will be over as soon as OBL is captured. And by golly... Kerry has a plan for that!
  6. Desmond Howard who..... Yeah Edwards looks like a hell of a receiver. He's got a great reach on him and pretty good hands. I'd like to see a few more games with him.
  7. I don't think people realize that this is not McGahee's first knee injury. Frank Gore has shown us you can come back from multiple ACL injuries. However, Gore was averaging 10 yards a carry his Freshman year. He still puts up good numbers but not as high as that. I'm not sure what McGahee's NFL value would be if he should suffer another ACL.
  8. I vote because people have died to give me the right to do it.
  9. Who would have though Eli Manning would still be sitting on the beach this far into the season. Kurt won that starting job and shows no signs of letting it go. Then you have Philip Rivers who is wasting away in San Diego. I'm glad to see at least one of the high draft picks doing something this season.
  10. The jets always come out of the gates strong and then fall apart. If Buffalo beats the Jets, it will be brushed off as another Jets collapse.
  11. Wonderful... nice and warm in the carrier dome on Saturday, and out in the cold at the Ralph on Sunday. What a perfect weekend.
  12. Maybe you should apply for an internship with her.
  13. What's next... a TBD sorority?
  14. I don't consider Bush or Kerry an average guy. Kerry is a political machine and never speaks in a heart felt way. That's why so many people think he is more presidential. Bush tends to speak more from a personal stand point. Which is why he says a lot of stupid things, but its also why a lot of people tend to consider him an average joe.
  15. I'm suffering from a slight cold from yesterday's game and went to the store for some soup. I saw Chunky's new Hot & Spicy Beef & Bean Chili and decided to give it a try. What a waste of money! It has to be the worse chili of all time. It's nothing more then chunky soup with beans in it. There is nothing spicy or hot about it. Now I'm glad they left us out of their commercials. Granted there is nothing better then home made chili, but these guys didn't even come close to nailing it. :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: Chunky for giving chili a bad name.
  16. You didn't miss much. No sign of catwomen at the bills game.
  17. The reason why McGee is good is because he is a north/south runner. Get the damn ball and run up field. If a hole opens up great, if not you still got a few yards. Hopefully he doesn't fall into this sideline to sideline crap that most return men do.
  18. Willis McGahee Stats McGahee's 40 time is 4.55
  19. Watch Travis go to Miami and haunt us for the next 10 years. Travis is a north/south runner and needs a good offensive line in front of him. With a good O-line in front of him, he's a pro-bowl caliber running back. I doubt if anybody will give up a 1st round pick for Travis, but don't under estimate his ability.
  20. That point isn't nearly brought up enough. Before the "glory years" in New England, the Pats stands were empty.
  21. My dad ran for senator of Rhode Island before I was born. He didn't win but got a good portion of the vote. I have no idea why he wanted the job. Maybe things were different 20-30 years ago.
  22. Gives new meaning to safe-sex.
  23. Most people started to leave half way through the 4th quarter. The game was over and the weather was stevestojan. I stayed until the last bills touchdown and left myself.
  24. That's a pretty KzooMike thing to say.
  25. I had to drive during trick or treat hours to pick up some dinner. It was a nightmare, and kids were all over the place. I drove as slow as I could and kids were running out in front of my car.
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