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Tux of Borg

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Everything posted by Tux of Borg

  1. We have our own so-called freedom fighters here in the United States. They're called militants, extremist and neo-nazis. You won't find me cheering on those groups anytime soon.
  2. I have a 10% pepper defense spray. One night I was shooting it at some cats that were on the hood of my new car. I didn't realize it and got some on my hands. I went to bed and about 2 minutes later, I was on fire. Not thinking I jumped in the shower thinking I could wash it off. Bad idea... after I got out of the shower I found it spread to all over my body. At that point I gave up and went back to bed. Boy was I hurting that night!
  3. 3.7 yards a carry behind the worse offense line in the league. But you are missing the obvious points. One, it keeps the ball out of bledsoe's hands. Second, when a running back carries for 40 times a game, it keeps the opposing QB (brady) off the field.
  4. He's a lucky guy if he did. On draft day I tried to buy both JPLosman.com and JPLosman.net, but both were already taken. I ended up buying JPLosman.org and JPLosman.info for 99 cents a piece. I've already started on a flash game for the website which should be pretty cool.
  5. Takeo's site isn't going to have anything on the JPLosman site I am going to build.
  6. On the net, I prefer to go to CNN.com. At home I like to watch fox news. When I worked in the Intel field, I read all foreign based newspapers. Really interesting how other countries perceive us.
  7. Its November and the sabres are still mathematically alive for a playoff spot. I'll drink to that!
  8. Tennesseeboy, that's why he hasn't been posting lately.
  9. Oh no... Clarett exposed the biggest secret in division 1 football! Years ago my cousin went to Syracuse on an athletic scholarship. He's told me the same type of stories that Clarett is referring too.
  10. I'd like to see us win outright and not get into the playoffs. Then we'll have the entire offseason to talk about breaking the patriots streak.
  11. Nicely aligned... what division are the colts in again.
  12. He already got a game ball from Willis McGahee, what more could a FB ask for!
  13. Brees has had one good year and has yet to proof he is worth the money. Somebody is going to seriously overpay for this guy.
  14. How do they plan on stopping McGahee? So far not one team in this league has been able to effectively shut him down. NE can't count on Bledsoe !@#$ing up the game for us this time.
  15. I was wondering when we were going to get our weekly boob post.
  16. I got a free year subscription to FHM mag, and that pic is PG compared to the others they took of her.
  17. Bowl Predictions It might be a tad bit early for bowl projections. However, foxsports has already posted them. Somehow Penn State didn't make it onto the list. Auburn vs. Virginia Ohio State vs. Oklahoma State Virginia Tech vs. Notre Dame Miami (FL) vs. Texas Tech
  18. Detox's theory on creation.... "when in doubt, whip it out."
  19. No, no.... Guess who's back?
  20. He was fun to watch... I followed him from the islanders to the sabres.
  21. Those seats were great. Not to far from where my season tickets were last year.
  22. I know we talked about this a week or two ago. But in case anybody is curious about the process. I got a summons for jury duty two weeks ago and today was my day in court. I got to the court house at 9am and filled out a questioner about myself. They showed us an episode of 60 minutes, which gave a brief history and description of jury duty. Then they randomly called 12 people up to the bench and asked them basic questions. Do you know anybody in the court room, do you know this particular doctor, etc... I wasn't picked and sat around waiting for everything to end. There was one guy who made it known he didn't want to be part of the jury. Everytime the prosecutor asked a question, this juror raised his hand and said he couldn't agree to that. It was comical and people were chuckling everytime he spoke. To the prosecutors credit, he made that bastard sit up there until the final selection. I got out of the court house around 11:30am and have fulfilled my obligation for the next 6 years.
  23. That guy did a great move to make the 1st security guard miss. Not that I'm advocating bad behavior at the bills games.
  24. Buffalo would have to play a perfect game to beat New England. Personally I can see us shutting down the Pats running game. However, I see them picking on McGee all night long.
  25. Damn... looks like the smurf will be bundled up like Kenny from south park today.
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