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Tux of Borg

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Everything posted by Tux of Borg

  1. If Kerry can go to a Red Socks game and drink a beer, Bush can wear an Orange tie. The things politicians do to get people to like them.
  2. Easy to look past the weaker teams. The dolphins were 7 turnovers away from beating us!
  3. What can we say, TD is a sucker for guys with torn ACLs. A lot of mock drafts had Evans falling to the late 1st, early 2nd round. He tore his ACL in 2002 and didn't regain that burst of speed in 2003. TD took a risk that he was going to make a full recovery and he did.
  4. I love the quote... "That body has seen more juice than an elementary school cafeteria."
  5. A late season collapse of the Jets? I've never heard of such a thing.
  6. Happy Birthday!
  7. My old roommate went to high school with Britney. She looked much better before the breast implants. Linkin Park sounds like sh-- live. Avril Lavigne is as real as Milli Vanilli. I had the unpleasant experience of watching one of her videos the other day. One moment she was playing the piano and the next she was strumming on her guitar. It appears they taught her one cord, and she was doing some sort of air guitar motion on it. So fake, just to portray an image that little kids will fall for. Greenday, Sum41, Good Charlotte, Simple Plan, New Found Glory.... 3 bar cords and a bad haircut does not make you punk. All would benefit immensely if they read Zack Wyldes and Kerry King's articles in Guitar World.
  8. Bonds, Giambi, Sheffield, Sosa, McGwire, Caminiti, Canseco, and everybody in the WWE...
  9. Na.... i had Willis McGahee as my backup running back. He was a steal in the 8th round.
  10. The pet store must have been out of gerbils.
  11. Na... he decided to try out for the Mets this year. He heard there are some extra incentives in their contracts.
  12. One of the problems with this country is that the laws aren't always based on the moral calculus. Sometimes favorable laws are passed when a certain group contributes to a political campaign. We've already seen court cases challenging copyright infringement. The battle was already fought over parodies and "(company)sucks.com" websites. 2 live crew won the fight to parody a song, and "sucks.com" websites were found to be protected under the 1st amendment. It's a matter of time until other copyright laws are challenged.
  13. Depending on what state you are in, verbal or oral contracts can be legally binding. Both parties have to consent. There has to be an offer and acceptance. Finally, the action of the contract or agreement must be completed. The problem you'll come across will be that they are hard to proof in court. Some states have Statute of Frauds laws which require you to have specific things in writing. (ex land, car)
  14. I was wondering how the Mets were going to sweeten Pedro's contract.
  15. I don't get him... serve out your 4 game suspension, and think about everything over the off season. Now if he changes his mind he will have to serve a 4 game suspension at the beginning of next season. Maybe he just wants to screw over the dolphins.
  16. I haven't looked too much into the Internet2 project yet. The way I see it, everything will be wireless in the future. Take a look at Europe now, you can already use cell phone towers to get wireless access to the Internet. Imagine the hacker problem they will have in a few years! I think in the near future you are going to see more anonymous projects, such as Eternity and freenetproject.org. The same thing with anonymous protocols, such as the manolito (aka blubster) protocol.
  17. I knew it was a matter of time until CW joined the conversation. The RIAA managed to do one thing very well. They showed the youth of America how corrupt and special interest driven congress is. When I was growing up my father showed me the arpanet. The army reserve unit he worked at had it, and I got to see it first hand. After that I didn't get online until 94. I really miss the days before the .com revolution, where everything became grossly over commercialized. The more the federal and state government try to regulate the Internet, the worse it gets. They want to tax it, they want to monitor it and they want to meddle in the development of it.
  18. Now AD, can you really compare unions such as the RIAA and the NFLPA to those who do grunt labor for a living.
  19. Right click on the IE icon on your desktop. Click on Properties. Click on the Short Cut Tab Where it says Run: make sure it is set to maximize.
  20. I know Joe Montana goes around the country making appearances and selling his own merchandise. I met him a few years back at one of his events. Pretty cool guy...
  21. Heartbreak ridge (good Eastwood movie) Blackhawk down (because i knew a lot of people who were there) Apocalypse now (awesome quotes!) Patton I think all the other good ones were already named.
  22. The best antivirus in the world is Kaspersky Antivirus. Eugene Kaspersky is widely respected and acknowledge in both the virus and antivirus community as being the best out there. Norton antivirus is my personal favorite. The only time it has ever had any major problem was when the CIH virus came out. It's pretty reliable, but can be a resource hog. They have one of the best antivirus researchers in world with Peter Szor working for them. http://peterszor.com/ And for those who wonder, Peter Norton hasn't had anything to do with that antivirus since the DOS days. McAfee was in real trouble but paid a 3rd party vendor big bucks for the Olympus search engine. Now they are always getting the VB 100% award. FYI John McAfee is no longer with the company and runs his own ISP in Colorado now. If you want to run a viral zoo I would recommend getting F-Prot. It is the best antivirus out there that will tell you what exact virus you have. (ex LoveLetter Q) Instead of giving you a generic name that most AV programs do. I have a copy of PC Chillen and have no complaints with it. They don't have any big names in the antivirus field working for them. Well except David Perry who is the company spokesman. If you ever go to any security conferences, chances are you will run into him there.
  23. I was really rooting for Ty to bring Notre Dame back into the spot light. A true class act... I wish him nothing but the best. Although Notre Dame hasn't produced a number 1 pick in years, I think they are a talented team. One of Ty's biggest mistakes was sticking with Holiday too long. That guy has the ability but not the brains to be QB. I blame a lot of this season on poor coaching. Some games they played great, others they came out flat. How long until the Notre Dame alumni start screaming about wanting Holtz back.
  24. The question that needs to be asked, is what are the benefits of opening a business in NY compared to somewhere else. I use to tune in to Jimmy B on the way to work and he was always talking about waterfront development. One time he had the mayor of Tampa Bay or New Orleans on his show. They talked about how cleaning up their city's water front boosted their economy. The problems we face are 1) the government would have to cut special interest funding to finance such a project. 2) you "should" give these businesses some sort of tax break or incentive to open up here. I don't see either happening in the near future.
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