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Tux of Borg

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Everything posted by Tux of Borg

  1. Why come to the NFL. Learn from the mistakes of Holtz, Shula and Spurrier.
  2. You're correct, I misspoke when comparing the two types of body armor. The old RBA which I use to wear could not stop a 7.62 round. The new Interceptor body armor can stop one 7.62 round from 50 meters. The problem they're going to run into is the insurgents will upgrade to a stronger round. (ex armor piercing, smart ammunition) I wish I could find the video. There is a video where they put level IV body armor on live animals. What they did was try out different ammo to see what got through it. Not exactly endorsed by PETA, but it got the point across.
  3. It's a 4 team league with a playoff system. They play in lingerie, shoulder pads and helmets. Curious to see what happens when somebody tries to tackle someone by their bra strap.
  4. Get up Cowbell Nation and make some noise!
  5. When the NBA gets more cowbell, then I might start watching a game or two.
  6. Cowbell nation, speak up!
  7. Stand up cowbell nation and make some noise!
  8. I think the term bullet proof armor is a bit deceptive. The Interceptor flak (a hybrid of the old ranger body armor) is what rangers and special forces wear. The problem with it is it can only stop 9mm and 44 rounds. It can NOT stop a 7.62 round being shot out of an AK47 or Russian SKS. Basically it can stop pea shooters but not the rifles the terrorist are using. A few months ago I was shooting off rounds with an AK-47. My buddy had a half inch steel plate and wanted to see if we could shoot through it. From the distance of 20 meters, the AK-47 shot clean through it.
  9. PM #89... it seems like she always has extra tickets.
  10. Henry returning to practice this week is a good sign. If McGahee's injury is more serious than they let on, i rather have Henry than Williams in the backfield.
  11. According to Rams coach Mike Martz, we're all a bunch of dirty cheaters anyways. BTW, the beernoculars were easy to sneak into the game. Kept me nice and warm.
  12. Bruce Dickinson needs more illegally downloaded cowbell!
  13. Can't wait for the google bots to get ahold of this thread. I'm Bruce Dickinson. Yes, THE Bruce Dickinson. The song is great, but it could use more cowbell. Guess what... I got a fever. And the only prescription, is more cowbell.
  14. These might be a little bit more work friendly. Nikki's Portfolio Nikki in Import Tuner
  15. Life is good. Nikki Zeno has joined up for the 2005 Lingerie Football League. She will play for the NY Euphoria Nikki in uniform.
  16. Brady played like crap. The dolphins looked pissed off last night. Might have had something to do with the Ricky interview.
  17. Let's say we beat Pittsburgh, I would like to see us take on the Pats. It will show us what this team is made of.
  18. I love Nikki Zeno
  19. You think the Dolphins were pissed over the Ricky interview?
  20. Wheres the tuck rule now bitches!
  21. Brady 4int
  22. I don't want Miami to have the overall #1 pick in the draft.
  23. touchdown... what a nice pass.
  24. Ignorance is bliss.
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