That particular girl was 24. I was in the doghouse with her before that night. Now I am Santa's little helper.
I'm full of bad ideas... A few weeks ago I went out with a girl named Tara. Her roommate decided to tag along and we all went out to a club. After an hour they told me they had to go to the bathroom. Now they didn't really have to go to the rest room. They went in there to talk about me. This was our first date and I wanted to know how I was doing. So I go up to the bar and told this one girl, "if you go in there and find out what they are saying, I will buy you any drink you want". My informant went in there and got the low down on how the date was going. I found out what I was doing wrong, and what I was doing right. I made half-time adjustments and made myself more to their liking. The date ended great and it's all thanks to a $5 drink.