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Tux of Borg

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Everything posted by Tux of Borg

  1. Take a look to the sky just before you die It is the last time you will
  2. Quit getting me excited.
  3. Finally, some scientific research to support our claims.
  4. I've been lucky... I'm finishing up my 4 year degree and owe nothing so far. In fact I'm making $1,200 a month tax free from all my scholarships. About a month a go I met a veteran who was finishing up his 27th degree! I asked him why he was still in school. He replied, "cause I make more as a student then I would on the outside". I wonder if there are any scholarships available for law school students.
  5. The girl I bribed gave me all the info I needed. I found out that it drove Tara wild when I ran my fingers up her neck. I also found out she wanted me to quit staring at her roommates chest. (opps, whole other story) The 2nd half of the night went smooth. It was almost too easy. I have some photos that I need to get developed of that night. Good times... Lesson learned... It was a ballsy move to bribe a stranger at the bar. But the payoff was well worth it.
  6. That particular girl was 24. I was in the doghouse with her before that night. Now I am Santa's little helper. I'm full of bad ideas... A few weeks ago I went out with a girl named Tara. Her roommate decided to tag along and we all went out to a club. After an hour they told me they had to go to the bathroom. Now they didn't really have to go to the rest room. They went in there to talk about me. This was our first date and I wanted to know how I was doing. So I go up to the bar and told this one girl, "if you go in there and find out what they are saying, I will buy you any drink you want". My informant went in there and got the low down on how the date was going. I found out what I was doing wrong, and what I was doing right. I made half-time adjustments and made myself more to their liking. The date ended great and it's all thanks to a $5 drink.
  7. Make his fight on the hills in the early day Constant chill deep inside
  8. That's pretty close to what I heard on the subject. If you want to make the big money, you need to get into the top 15 schools. And the way you do this is by maxing out your LSAT. Money isn't important to me, and isn't the reason why I want to go law school. From what everybody is telling me, I might want to check out UB.
  9. Somethings money can't buy....
  10. We'll see how well the cowbell works on sunday.
  11. Lets see... last week I took a girl on a toy buying date. I told her that I was going to give it all to charity. $200 later, she thought I was the greatest guy on earth. After the date I went ahead and took everything back. So for a Bills SB victory, I would actually go out and rebuy those toys and give them to charity.
  12. The "chosen one" Kellen Winslow.
  13. Pedro's little friend.
  14. I'll be happy to get my foot in the door at this point. My specific area of study is in computer forensics. That covers everything from hacking and viruses, to identify theft and economic crime. After my grunt days on active duty, I switched sides and took a military intel job in the guard. I got my first real taste of intel work during the Afghanistan conflict. I went back to active duty for a while and got to work with civilians in the intel field. It was one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. The guys that did this full time gave me great advice in how to get into the field. Hence, the career path I am on right now.
  15. Vick reminds me of Randall Cunningham. Good, but will never win a superbowl.
  16. Right now I am finishing up my degree in computer forensics. This spring I plan to take the LSAT. My ultimate goal is to work in the intelligence field. I went to airborne and ranger school while in the military. I also hold a top secret security clearance. I hope that once I finish law school, I'll have all the pieces in place to do what I want.
  17. During the Rams game, a Canadian couple a few seats down from me snuck in a case of beer. I felt bad when security busted them. lol
  18. Wow... look whos FTP space that is. ;-)
  19. The sons of confederate veterans... is that a politically correct term for another group?
  20. What about Jonathan Ogden, that guy was embarrassed by Indianapolis.
  21. A few years ago, I had a buddy who had constant problems with his roommate. They were always fighting back and forth. One time his roommate decided to poke a pin through all his condoms. Lucky for him, no Jon Jr. came from the incident. He decided to move out shortly after that.
  22. And thats why they have a union.
  23. If we were at the Ralph every other word would be bleeped out.
  24. For when you decide to quit your job and smoke weed for a living... they fight so you can keep your signing bonus.
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