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Tux of Borg

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Everything posted by Tux of Borg

  1. I met the real life Rudy. Reminded me a lot of George off of Seinfield. Talk about a major let down.
  2. He'll be gone early 3rd round. From the mock drafts i have seen, the 49ers, Raiders, Steelers and Falcones are all looking at him.
  3. Nothing pisses me off more than finding ding marks on my door. It seems like every time I go to the tops/kmart parking lot here in town, I come out with a new one. Let me catch somebody doing that to my import racer... I will !@#$ them up!
  4. The mob quit doing that years ago. Now they sue you and your family for everything you have.
  5. I have some serious doubts about Kitna's ability to be a starting QB in the NFL.
  6. When was the last time you updated your DivX?
  7. Ground Hog Day Alert I can just see it now, 8 months of waking up to the same JP vs Drew thread. I'm heading back to bed...
  8. I've been looking to see if Terry Porter was given any bowl games this year. I haven't seen him in any games I've watched.
  9. What about when they park their car sideways and take up 3 spots.
  10. "If the Sooners are despondent today after absorbing a 55-19 bludgeoning from the Trojans, they can take solace that each and every one of them could have taken the halftime stage dressed in drag and mooed like a cow and still induce fewer boos than Ashlee did Tuesday night."
  11. Travis Deion Henry has a youth football camp? Isn't that a probation violation.
  12. Simpson's SNL and Orange Bowl videos Judge for yourself... which was worse, Ashlee Simpson's SNL disaster or her Orange Bowl performance. Thanks to collegeguy for the video.
  13. They say the most secure p2p client is blubster. BTW, be ready to run your spyware removal program right after you install it. This thing is loaded.
  14. I'm going to start working on my JPLosman.org and JPLosman.info site in about a month. As for as my EliManningSucks.net website... i might point that to a Big Ben homepage.
  15. Monte, anything to add? Uh, no. He's not the best colorman in the league for nothing.
  16. I'm waiting for a duet between Ashlee Simpson and Lindsay Lohan.
  17. I was wondering if the members of the Stadium Wall ever met up to watch the NFL draft together. I know this year won't be too exciting, but what about the past?
  18. Wow... that thing must have exploded on impact.
  19. They tried to make Ashley into the next Avril Lavigne. You have to give Avril's record company credit. They created this punk rocker/skateboard chick image and kids bought it up. Who cares if she is 100% fake. Somewhere Wendy O. Williams is rolling over in her grave.
  20. And I'm not embarrassed to say I'm a heterosexual male, and Ashley Simpson just doesn't do it for me. I thought musicians were supposed to play instruments? Wait, I bet she plays a mean cowbell.
  21. Poor Toby Keith... looks like his OU is getting B word smacked.
  22. So far that national anthem is the highlight of the game for OU.
  23. I think JoJo was trying to set a record for the fastest national anthem. The players couldn't even keep up with the words she sang so fast.
  24. My resolution is to catch up to Gene Simmons in the ladies department. However, I might fall a few thousand short by the end of the year.
  25. I vote to ban Brenda Warner and John Madden from network TV.
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