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Everything posted by sullim4

  1. Not that it matters...
  2. I'd put the Donahoe firing at the top of the list. His reign of terror over this organization is worse than the apathy of Jauron.
  3. Leave it to Crayonz to make the post of the day!
  4. nfl.com says "Fewell Perry" is the hc: http://www.nfl.com/news/story?id=09000d5d8...mp;confirm=true
  6. Lots of checkdown throws, nothing getting thrown deep, lots of near-sacks. Quarterbacks that are on the same level, or who are being brought down to the level of their supporting cast?
  7. Jay Clocker?
  8. Moorman belongs in that discussion
  9. Kneel down just like your coach, end the game.
  10. Does this mean Chroise comes in on the next drive?
  11. Cutting Dick Jauron would do wonders for fan morale.
  12. Yep. Just about sums up how any self-respecting fan should feel. This team is a joke and has been walking all over its fans for the past decade.
  13. It's great that you still have faith in Dick Jauron. I have none.
  14. You can't quit if you never had a chance in the first place.
  15. I would too if I were TO... who in their right mind would play hard for this pathetic excuse for a head coach?
  17. If you do not have enough confidence in your defense to stop them on a 3rd and 16, you don't deserve to be head coach. Period.
  18. Dammit.....
  19. Willingham is a grade-A jackass - look what he did to UW's program. I'm no ND apologist but they are 6-3. Navy's no slouch at 7-3. That's almost as good as PSU.
  20. Assuming you know how to rip the audio from the CD, and it isn't more than a handful of files, why not just email them? Or just zip them up and email them?
  21. Personal opinion hat on... again, personal opinion only here... these do not in any way, shape, or form, represent opinions of the company that I work for. As a software developer, back compat just plain sucks. It stresses test organizations so hard it's unbelieveable - test case matrices can triple in size, configs that need to be tested get huge (in the case of non-O/S software, we're talking things like x86, x64, WoW, different O/Ses, etc), side-by-side configurations are costly, etc. It is impossible to hit everything. Developers hate it because it creates spaghetti code and forces them to maintain ancient codepaths that see little code coverage. Program managers hate it because it limits the development of new features. And then after all that work, someone will complain that their scenarios don't work and requests a QFE. Without question, it is the most un-fun part of development. And really, in the end it's the customer that suffers because perf is what usually suffers. Back compat comes with a price.
  22. They should have worn them for all AFL/AFL matchups. The cherry picking is kinda dumb.
  23. All you have to bring, is your love of everything! Beautiful Mount Airy Lodge! Edit: The ad!
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