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Everything posted by sullim4

  1. Sammy! Mr. Beverage Container had better be on the case!
  2. These scanners amount to nothing more than security theater - they would not have stopped the underwear bomber because TSA themselves admit that they blur the genital and facial areas on the scan. Don't believe me? Then perhaps you should read Bruce Schneier's blog on the matter: http://www.schneier.com/ Of course, the scanners also don't detect explosives hidden in body cavities. Should we search body cavities too while we're at it? We all want to be "safe", don't we? The health issue is another area of concern. The MMW machines are safe - but the backscatter machines use cancer-causing ionizing radiation focused at the skin. The amount itself is indeed less than 2 minutes worth of flying - TSA has that correct. However, that radiation is absorbed by the entire body rather than just the skin, which is what happens during a scan. The effects of the backscatter machines with respect to skin cancer are widely unknown at this point and we're supposed to take the government's word that everything is a-ok. I'm sorry - but I just don't have that amount of blind faith in them. So ignoring the fact that they are unable to detect explosives in the genital area, or inside body cavities, or if they are folded along the contours of the skin, why doesn't the federal government just use the millimeter wave machines given that they have no health controversy? Because former DHS-head Michael Chertoff's company, Rapiscan, manufactures the backscatter machines. I'll let you add 2 and 2 together here. The chances of another 9/11-style attack are extremely remote in this country given that the cockpit doors are now reinforced with steel and locked. That right there is the biggest improvement to aviation security. These moronic body scanners don't do anything except waste stimulus funds - if you're a terrorist and want to blow up a plane, it's a hell of a lot easier to do it with cargo rather than carrying it on your person.
  3. Wifebeater = shirt this guy is wearing: http://www.babble.com/CS/blogs/famecrawler/2007/10/08-15/kfedxbox.jpg
  4. If they can beat the Steelers, Patriots, or Jets, yes, I will be thrilled. I'm sorry but it's hard for me to get excited when they beat the Lions or when our QB is throwing pick-sixes to Cincinnati and wins the game. For us, beating the Pats is like ace-ing the SATs. Beating Cincinnati is like filling in your name on the score sheet - we haven't been defeated by them in over 20 years.
  5. This game kinda died for me when I saw Fitz throw 3 picks to start the game (one of which was called back on a penalty). Even if they did mount a comeback (which they did), it cemented in my mind that Fitz is not the answer at QB and that we need a change at this position for next season. What concerns me is not draft position, rather it's the fact that we are beating up on horrible teams and losing games to teams that are respectable. It gives a false sense of security that the team is not as bad as it really is (i.e. false hope). Remember 5-1 not too long ago? That team beat up on Seattle (4-12), Jacksonville (5-11), Oakland (5-11), St. Louis (2-14), and San Diego (8-8). Ended up getting pounded by Super Bowl contender Arizona in the infamous Trent concussion game. Perhaps I've been a Bills fan too long and am just used to disappointment, but while it's good to beat two teams with a combined record of 4-16, let's not get too carried away. Let's see how well they fare against the Steelers, Patriots, and Jets.
  6. Some interesting information. Sammy last accessed his account on November 13: http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/user/8062-not-a-hamster/ This leaves two likely scenarios. Either Sammy is being tortured and he's cracked by handing his password to the enemy, or he's out joyriding with the Googlebot on your Master's dime. What concerns me is that Mr. Beerball's intelligence points to his last location being somewhere near Denver. This is extremely close to NORAD, which houses both US and Canadian forces. What if they've captured BOTH Sammy and the Googlebot? If your master is going to continue to ignore your pleas, and Sammy has indeed been captured, I think you are left with no alternative but to assemble an army of silica-fed hamsters and storm NORAD headquarters yourself.
  7. NO!!!!!!!! Those jerseys are hideous!
  8. If CAR wins, then this calculation is kind of moot, isn't it?
  9. Guide for teams to root for to help us beat CAR in a draft tiebreaker. I'll leave out our game. CHI @ MIA - CHI (as MIA loss counts double for our strength of schedule) BAL @ CAR - BAL HOU @ NYJ - HOU OAK @ PIT - Push (PIT on each schedule once) CLE @ JAC - CLE (CLE is on CAR's schedule, so a L by JAC helps us without helping CAR) DET @ DAL - DAL ARI @ KC - ARI WAS @ TEN - Push (on neither CAR or BUF's schedule) GB @ MIN - Push (both teams on our schedule once, but neither on CAR's) SEA @ NO - NO (as they are on CAR's schedule twice) ATL @ STL - ATL (ditto) TB @ SF - TB (ditto) IND @ NE - IND (as NE loss counts double for our SoS) NYG @ PHI - NYG DEN @ SD - Push (on neither CAR or BUF's schedule)
  10. This update is very concerning. I hope Samuel is still OK. Unfortunate that you did not chip the Googlebot as well. My understanding is that your owner is easily distracted by all things Canadian. Perhaps if you framed your argument to him in a way that compared it to something Canadian, he'd be forced to see that you are being rational in your request for use of the Googlebot? When presented with two alternatives, one being Canadian, I think it is safe to say that Mr. Crayonz would choose the unCanadian option 99% of the time.
  11. That's too bad to hear - any word on Sammy's latest status? I seem to remember a story about Carl implanting an RFID chip into Sammy while he was sleeping. Can't the Googlebot use that to track him?
  12. My initial thoughts exactly. I don't see the Georgia Dome as being any worse than the Superdome. It will be interesting to see how well the Meadowlands Super Bowl goes down. If that is a success, watch for them to want to start holding them in major northern media markets like Chicago, Boston, or even Denver. Pittsburgh and Green Bay, though flush with football history, will be passed over due to a lack of anything else to do.
  13. Agreed. My large, self-insured employer told us about a month ago that they were going to cut our very generous (100% coverage with no premium) PPO plan after 2012 (or make it obscenely expensive). We could stay with that plan for the next 2 years, move to a health "co-op" that also covered everything at 100% (though no choice of doctor/hospital, must use the co-op), or go with the HDHP/HSA. Under the HSA plan, they give us $1500 a year to put in our accounts, and still cover preventive care at 100%, giving us incentive to keep and stay healthy. Being young, unmarried, and healthy, I jumped all over that last option. Socking away $1500 a year and saving another $1500 of my own pre-tax money for catastrophic health expenses or medical bills for when I am older was way too good to pass up. It's like a traditional and Roth IRA all in one - no tax on the money going in, no tax when it comes out. Under the current plan, I have nothing after the year's coverage has been paid. Under the HDHP, I can carry forward unused benefits in the form of an HSA balance.
  14. This is precisely why HDHPs and HSAs are the right solution for healthcare in this country. They encourage people to take good care of themselves with preventive care covered at 100% and everything else subject to a high deductible. If you do get cancer or need major surgery, the out of pocket limits on those plans are below $5,000 per year. And with the HSA, that money is never subject to income tax. When was the last time anyone subject to a co-pay ever asked how much a test or a procedure cost? Most doctors offices can't even answer that question for you without consulting large manuals. Forcing people to spend their own money on procedures rather than healthcare premiums puts their focus on controlling their own costs by shopping around rather than taking "full advantage" of their insurance plan. In addition, they quickly teach the irresponsible (who say didn't get a routine tetanus shot every 10 years) and the hypochondriacs (who need to see the doctor at the first sign of sneezing) that their behavior will lead to $427 mistakes every once and awhile.
  15. The googlebot can't find it for you?
  16. It was bad. They were having technical issues and stopping just short of blaming their callers for their own network's equipment problems. Add to that the fans' negativity towards the Toronto deal and the 0-8 record, and it was a bloodbath.
  17. It's WGR, what do you expect?! Honestly the hostility towards their own listeners is startling. I hadn't listened to many postgames this season... but after listenting to today's I have to wonder if their advertisers realize that they hold their customers in such contempt.
  18. If Dickless were still coaching, Trent would still be our QB. Nuff said.
  19. Sad thing is that LA might actually have to pay out this year!
  20. Depends on where your "cash" is from. A savings account? Do you have to sell stock? I only ever play the investment game with long-term money like my Roth 401k and company stock awards. I keep other surplus cash in the bank (or pay principal off of my mortgage) and while the interest rate sucks, I can count on the money being there in case stuff happens (like getting into an accident and totaling my car). I make regular deposits into that account and only withdraw money in case of emergency, and that's left me with a sizeable fund to tap. So in my situation I would pay cash. But I'm not a financial whiz in any sense of the word.
  21. I tend to think not, but at 1-5, they are competing with the Bills for bottom feeder status, and who knows what Jerry will do.
  22. If Fitz ends up in the top 5 QBs in terms of passer rating, I think you trade him for a 2nd and take a QB at #1. However, if we are in a position to take the #1 pick, I highly doubt that Fitz's stats will be up there.
  23. Oh, without question, #2. Cyclists around here proclaim they free up traffic by taking their cars off the road. Let me assure you, the amount of traffic that they block and slow down by sitting in drivers' blind spots and getting dangerously close to our cars makes it far worse. Bikers need to realize that my car is 3,000 lbs and their bike is 30 lbs, if that!
  24. Eh, you can hang a lot of things on the new coaching staff/front office, but I don't think personnel is one of them yet. You have to figure Ralph didn't give them anything in terms of a budget given the labor uncertainties and his general stinginess. Add to that the fact that no free agent in their right mind wants to be the next Kawika Mitchell or Takeo Spikes, and you've got a major recruiting problem. You can't force players to come to Buffalo. I'm not encouraged by what I see from this draft class, but it's way, way too early to judge Spiller - he's had next to no opportunities, which is a legit criticism against Gailey. I am not impressed with Troup or Moats but again, they're rookies.
  25. Given that the cap doesn't exist this year, you've got to think that a team that really needs a WR would be willing to eat this contract. However, I'm not familiar with how a real NFL team is built because I'm a Bills fan, so I could be wrong.
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