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Everything posted by sullim4

  1. R19 - Scott Green U96 - Undrey Wash HL5 - John McGrath LJ45 - Jeff Seeman FJ75 - Ron Vernatchi SJ78 - Greg Meyer BJ12 - Greg Steed I'll admit that I follow the officials a bit, in addition to being a Bills fan. This crew selection is quite surprising. Scott Green is the white hat that did the Arizona/Green Bay Wild Card playoff game. You might recall that there were numerous RTP calls against the two defenses that bordered on questionable, and the odd ending to the game that involved a potential illegal hands to the face penalty. I am quite surprised that the NFL didn't sub him out for a more experienced referee, such as Ed Hochuli or Terry McAulay. The umpire, Wash, was on Walt "Just give it to 'em" Coleman's crew for 2008. That crew called a total of 23 offensive holding penalties in 2008 (which is the latest I have full-season stats for), which put that crew in the lower quartile overall. Expect the offensive lines to get away with a little more. Another thing to watch out for is that two of the rear officials (Meyer and Steed) were on crews that, in 2008, called a combined 13 defensive pass interference penalties (Meyer's crew only called 5 ALL SEASON). That's a very LOW number for two crews combined. Given the pass-happy offenses that are going to be playing, expect the corners to get away with a little more than usual. Don't expect big plays to come on DPI calls. The over/under is 55.5 right now. With this crew, I'd be inclined to take the OVER.
  2. Why does Brees deserve the chance any more than Favre? Because he won a coin toss? He had the ball last, after all.
  3. And one team scoring, and the game being immediately over is somehow a purer form of football? It's a logicaly equivalent bastardization in my mind. At least the NCAA version tests BOTH offense and defense.
  4. And neither did Brees. Why punish Favre but not Brees?
  5. OK NFL, Brett Favre doesn't see the field in OT. Enough to change the rule?
  6. On the other hand, it will go up against nothing on the west coast.
  7. Thurman is like Sgt. Schultz - he knows NOTHING.
  8. Screw it. I am done with this team. This is unforgivable. I'll take Regier and the douchebags over at HSBC any day of the week over this horseshit.
  9. Doubtful. That was probably a repositioning flight, or a flight for someone else.
  10. Ralph is in the building folks... http://flightaware.com/live/flight/EJA712
  11. Even if it costs you $314 + $100 for HD? $414 for this team?!? https://www.directv.com/DTVAPP/content/sports/nfl
  12. Friends have been telling me to start considering Kansas City. Similar blue-collar attitude, original AFL team, history of good ownership, etc. Gotta say it looks pretty damn tempting right about now.
  13. I dunno, I've never had an issue with Jets fans. And that's from growing up in the NYC metro area, living there for over 12 years... they never gave me any crap for being a Bills fan. It was always the Giants fans that I took issue with. Honestly, given the Pats*, Jets, and Fins, I'd like to see the Jets do well the most out of those three.
  14. Here's a very interesting flight. On NetJets: http://flightaware.com/live/flight/EJA565
  15. This just does not feel like the playoffs. A whole bunch of games played in domes, no cold weather, the elements not a concern. We will only have had 2 games played in cold weather - in New England and Cincinnati. Of the 10 playoff games played before the Super Bowl, SEVEN of them (both CC games, the three this weekend, and two from last weekend) will be played in domes. And as a result, it's pretty damn dull.
  16. I've said it before - the NHL should put a team in Seattle or Portland. There aren't enough teams in the western conference anyway and there are plenty of Canadian transplants who love hockey here that'd support the team. The Canucks weren't even shown on TV here until this year, when Comcast picked up a few to show on their network.
  17. I would be. This roster needs someone to motivate them. Dungy is the perfect coach for a team that's self motivated. This isn't that kind of team.
  18. Yet the definition of insanity is doing the same thing and expecting different results.
  19. No, the rule is not fine the way that it is. The rule is an epic fail when you have two teams whose defenses are miserable and whose offenses are lights out. I would be very curious to see what the coin toss winner's record is when both teams score at least 35 points in a game.
  20. ... and no playoffs. He will decline every year, much like Bledsoe. If we were close, it'd be one thing. We're not close.
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