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Everything posted by sullim4

  1. I hear Bryan Cox is available...
  2. Is Crumpler good anymore? We need TE help...
  3. I was waiting for this topic! Week 1 - Buffalo at KC - WIN Week 2 - Oakland at Buffalo - WIN Week 3 - New England* at Buffalo - LOSS Week 4 - Buffalo at Cincinnati - WIN Week 5 - Philadelphia at Buffalo - LOSS Week 6 - Buffalo at NY Giants - LOSS Week 8 - Washington at Buffalo - WIN Week 9 - NYJ at Buffalo - LOSS Week 10 - Buffalo at Dallas - LOSS Week 11 - Buffalo at Miami - WIN Week 12 - Buffalo at NYJ - LOSS Week 13 - Tennessee at Buffalo - WIN Week 14 - Buffalo at San Diego - LOSS Week 15 - Miami at Buffalo - WIN Week 16 - Denver at Buffalo - WIN Week 17- Buffalo at NE* - LOSS 8-8. Not too bad I guess...
  4. Oh for the love of Fitzgibbons...
  5. Oh this brings up so many questions.... How much did we offer him? We supposedly tried "hard" to keep him. So he left even though we were throwing money at him? What does it say about our organization that our defensive playcaller didn't want to come back even with a fat contract? What does it say about the Bills that they were throwing money at a guy that didn't want to stay AND, at least in the opinion of the peanut gallery here, is injury prone and wasn't even that good?
  6. Now they just need to get rid of the navy wall around the playing field and it'll look great!
  7. Disclaimer: I work for Microsoft, but not in the mobile division or on any mobile product. I own an HD7 on T-Mobile. You really can't go wrong with most choices. First pick the form factor you want. Physical keyboard, large or small screen, battery life, etc. That itself should narrow you down to a few choices from a few manufacturers. Identify which carriers offer the phones you're interested in and VISIT STORES IN PERSON to try them out yourself. I can't emphasize that last point enough - so many people just buy on the internet and then return their phone a few weeks later because they picked one that they thought they might like. You don't have to purchase in person... but at least try the phones out and get a feel for them. OS-wise I would go with Android or wait for the Mango release of Windows Phone 7. Google is kicking Apple's ass right now... they have an energized developer community and they have a variety of form factors to fit a lot of different needs. Where Android lags IMO is the UI. I really like the live tiles on WP7 and ease of use is where the iPhone really shines. WP7's problem is that there aren't a whole lot of apps and the OS lacks many features that iOS and Android have. However, Mango catches WP7 up in a lot of ways and while WP7 doesn't excel in many categories, I tend to think Mango will make it one of the better overall phone choices assuming people start writing apps for it.
  8. Looks great. Kind of wish they'd put the NFL and AFC logos to the left and right of the "BILLS" text in the end zone. Lots of empty blue space in that area.
  9. I'm just not into beer. The flavors don't appeal to me at all and I've tried plenty of variations. At dinner I'll usually drink wine but for a happy hour I'll normally have a captain and coke. But on the beach in Hawaii? Mai Tais all the way! I guarantee you anyone that disparages that selection hasn't tried it before!
  10. Yeah white end zones will work really well with the white out of bounds lines.
  11. RPI. I used to be ashamed until they made the NCAAs this year for the first time in 16 years.
  12. And that tweet is almost 21 hours old.
  13. Until the team gets a player whose jersey I'd want to wear, I'm staying on the sidelines. I instead spent the money on a game-used hockey jersey from my alma mater for $150. A few holes, stick marks, and board burns, and it's definitely on the big side size-wise, but it's got character behind it!
  14. OR these monstrosities: http://www.instantreplaysportcard.com/items/helmets/%2794%20tb%20sp%20bills.jpg
  15. They must be pissed off. Whom seems to be up to whom's old tricks again.
  16. It will be broadcast live nationally on Fox.
  17. Speaking of food in Portland. The hippies at Voodoo Donuts scared one of my friends from work. She wanted directions to I-5. Response? A snarky "None of us drive, we all ride our bikes. Ask someone in the lobby!" Apparently the number of people booking hotel rooms in Vancouver, WA for the Olympics wasn't insignificant.
  18. There's a reason why the road signs around here say "Vancouver BC" for I-5 N.
  19. Yeah, most of the advice in this thread is dead on. A few other tips: - FNMA is not likely to negotiate on price all that much. Like someone else said - the property is just a number to them, they have hundreds of thousands of distressed properties, so they really don't deal in the business of arguing down price. - Make sure you get an inspection contingency, particularly given that this is a foreclosure. The banks have lately been trying to sell properties "AS IS" and have been denying prospective buyers the chance to inspect a house without losing their earnest money. There are ways around this (like having your bank "deny" your loan and thus failing the financing contingency) but don't expect any of them to be easy. - Someone on this thread suggested looking at land records - this is great advice. Most locales have these online and are pretty easily searchable. These have the potential to give you some great insight into the property and its history (and, perhaps, how responsible/irresponsible the previous owners were). - http://www.mortgagenewsdaily.com is an excellent resource for monitoring when to lock your rate in.
  20. +1 for the Chinese jerseys. I love my knockoff Jim Kelly Super Bowl XXV jersey!
  21. Grew up closer to NYC than Buffalo actually... but for whatever reason became a Bills fan. I now live in the suburbs of Seattle. Seattle is an AWFUL, AWFUL sports town. I cannot reiterate that enough. The Mariners are terrible and haven't been drawing anyone to the games. Seahawks fans are only into their team if they're on a playoff run. People look at my fandom here and think I'm insane - I drive around with a "GOBUFLO" license plate, I have Sunday Ticket, etc. Some have even asked me why I root for the Bills when I don't live there anymore, and that I should root for the Seahawks. Hogwash. It's sad - but I'd wager to guess that the most popular sport here is actually soccer. The EPL is talked about more at work than the NFL.
  22. This has the potential go to down in history as one of the best threads in TSW history...
  23. Linebacker? Tackle? No! Russ needs to sell tickets! Bring back Donahoe! Ralphie has flashbacks Wide right, damn that Norwood guy! Let's draft a kicker.
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