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Everything posted by sullim4

  1. On paper, that is unquestionably true. Particularly given the protection he provided Cano in the lineup. But you have to wonder if there are other factors at play (such as his ability to be a good teammate) that cause issues.
  2. Just curious - if the porch isn't enclosed, how do you keep the TV from getting wet during rainy/windy conditions?
  3. I've used Vivid seats several times - no issues and the prices are reasonable. Just be aware that their service charges are not reasonable nor cheap, but the overall price ends up being in line with stubhub and others.
  4. It doesn't take a genius to figure out what he was talking about, particularly when he referenced "pads". Jauron was infamous for holding easy practices, having TVs in the workout rooms, etc. Gailey is having his players practice in pads and encouraging physical contact. That's what the OP was talking about when he mentioned "football man". Rather than focus on a lingusitic technicality why don't you explain to us why you agree or disagree with the OP's point of view?
  5. Ralph's legacy in my mind will be that he fired Bill Polian and that his poor estate planning has resulted in our team being under constant threat of being moved.
  6. It's hard not to be pessimistic after the following has happened to us over the last 10 years: - Ten years of no playoff appearances. - Never being so poor as to get a top 3 pick but not quite good enough to get a playoff spot. - Greggo Williams, Meathead, and Dick Jauron as head coaches. - Humiliating nationally televised MNF losses to the Cowboys, Browns, and Patriots*. - Not enough money to sign free agent talent. - Not playing the full slate of 8 home games every year. - Having your team under constant threat of being moved away. I think we MIGHT be on the upswing, but it's a long road to the playoffs and we're at step 1 or 2. At this point, I think the team's goal should be a winning record in the division, including at least one win over New England*. Screw the playoffs, I would be overjoyed if they could finally beat that team.
  7. A couple things. The full list, I didn't see it posted but I haven't read all 6 pages. Ranking Obama at #13 is ridiculous, whether you are a liberal or conservative. That puts him ahead of LBJ AND Reagan. LBJ certainly has more "landmark legislation" history if you're a liberal. Even the rigged Daily Kos polls show that less than 50% of us support the healthcare legislation. Herbert Hoover and Calvin Coolidge over GWB? Come on, really? Um, yeah, Jimmy Carter ended inflation.
  8. The riots, looting and celebration that would take place would single-handedly burn down the entire city.
  9. You do know what causes a crash, right? Null read/writes, heap corruption? Crashes are GOOD things - they prevent poorly written software from pwning your machine through a write access violation. When people see crashes they immediately blame the operating system. I have no idea why - I can write code in 5 seconds that will crash on ANY o/s: SomeType *foo = null; if (foo -> bar) /* crash! */ ... Crashes are almost ALWAYS the result of drivers that were written on the cheap or bugs that lie in the software, not the operating system.
  10. Rutgers would get them the NYC market, that's why I included them. Pitt overlaps a lot of the PSU market anyway, I'm not sure what that would get them beyond what you mentioned. I don't see how you can have Michigan, Michigan St, Ohio State, Penn State, and Notre Dame in different divisions. There will be mandates to see these teams play each other every year - ND already plays UM and MSU every year, UM plays all 4 most years, so does MSU. Ohio State and PSU are the eastern most teams in the conference now - you can't stick them in a division with Nebraska and Missouri. While it might not matter for football and basketball, it will matter for smaller sports where you have athletes that focus more on the academic side of things and less on athletics. Of course, this all goes out the window if they somehow weasel Texas to join them instead of bolting for the Pac 10.
  11. I think something like this would work for the Big 10 if they expanded to 16 (and the Big East fell apart): East: Penn State Ohio State Michigan Michigan State Indiana Purdue Notre Dame Rutgers OR Syracuse (depending on whether they value FB or BB more) West: Wisconsin Iowa Minnesota Nebraska Missouri Illinois Northwestern One other Big 12 team. Kansas?
  12. Holy cow Roenick looks like he's going to lose it!
  13. What a joke - Flyers fans just embarassed their city with that performance during the post game. Bettman is an idiot, yes, boo him, but don't boo the Smythe winner and the Blackhawks.
  14. Yeah, the quotes I got were outrageous - over a thousand dollars. They're going to donate it to the yard sale the K of C is putting on. I'll stick it out a few more years with my dryer. Thanks all for the advice!
  15. My parents are re-doing their kitchen. Their old kitchen has a laundry area directly off of it that has a very old washer, but a relatively new dryer (< 1 yr old). Their redesign has them gutting the laundry area and putting the washer and dryer into cabinets inside the kitchen, so they need to buy a dryer that will fit. This leaves them with a pretty new dryer. It just so happens the dryer in my place is ancient and it'd be a nice upgrade. How much would it cost to ship this thing from NYS to Washington state? I'm seeing several hundred dollars, which seems ridiculous, so they might end up donating the dryer instead. However, I was just curious if I was missing something. Thanks!
  16. Do you want to force law abiding citizens to blow into a device to start a car, then blow 5 minutes later, and then blow on every half hour? I don't.
  17. The problem is that someone else with "clean" breath can just blow into it, rendering it useless. Granted, they force the convicts to blow into it every few minutes, but do you really want to force that requirement on law abiding citizens?
  18. I'm all for personal liberties but when you infringe on my right to drive safely then you need to be punished for that to make sure you don't do it again. I don't see any issues with this.
  19. My distribution (townhome appraised at $302k). My big takeaway - libraries ain't free: Distribution Information Dollars Percent * State $671.20 20.9% Local School $846.96 26.3% County $388.07 12.1% City $732.88 22.8% Road $0.00 0.0% Port $65.22 2.0% Ferry $1.05 0.0% Fire $0.00 0.0% Hospital $138.84 4.3% Flood $31.75 1.0% Library $146.55 4.6% EMS $90.60 2.8% Other $0.00 0.0% Fees & Charges $102.76 3.2%
  20. The most interesting thing in this interview was his dig at the previous administration - how can you cut your LT, offensive coordinator, and put AVP in charge a week before the season starts?
  21. Should be or will be? They are not going to draft based on need. Nix has made that clear. If Clausen is available I bet they take him and I wouldn't be surprised to see them trade up to do so if it will cost a fourth rounder or less. I'm convinced that McCoy's boneheaded play in the Big XII championship that nearly cost his team the game is etched in the minds of GMs who now question his football IQ.
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