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Everything posted by sullim4

  1. I tend to think not, but at 1-5, they are competing with the Bills for bottom feeder status, and who knows what Jerry will do.
  2. If Fitz ends up in the top 5 QBs in terms of passer rating, I think you trade him for a 2nd and take a QB at #1. However, if we are in a position to take the #1 pick, I highly doubt that Fitz's stats will be up there.
  3. Oh, without question, #2. Cyclists around here proclaim they free up traffic by taking their cars off the road. Let me assure you, the amount of traffic that they block and slow down by sitting in drivers' blind spots and getting dangerously close to our cars makes it far worse. Bikers need to realize that my car is 3,000 lbs and their bike is 30 lbs, if that!
  4. Eh, you can hang a lot of things on the new coaching staff/front office, but I don't think personnel is one of them yet. You have to figure Ralph didn't give them anything in terms of a budget given the labor uncertainties and his general stinginess. Add to that the fact that no free agent in their right mind wants to be the next Kawika Mitchell or Takeo Spikes, and you've got a major recruiting problem. You can't force players to come to Buffalo. I'm not encouraged by what I see from this draft class, but it's way, way too early to judge Spiller - he's had next to no opportunities, which is a legit criticism against Gailey. I am not impressed with Troup or Moats but again, they're rookies.
  5. Given that the cap doesn't exist this year, you've got to think that a team that really needs a WR would be willing to eat this contract. However, I'm not familiar with how a real NFL team is built because I'm a Bills fan, so I could be wrong.
  6. I've been laughing hysterically for the last 10 minutes about that list. That's how low we've gotten!
  7. Aaron Maybin Chris Kelsay Torell Troup Demetrius Bell Donte Whitner Lee Evans Cornell Green Poz Ashton Youbouty Keith Ellison
  8. I don't know that the offseason will be any different. But really, it's only then that people can start complaining. Complaining now, when everyone knew that we were going to suck, is useless because it is stating the obvious.
  9. I really don't understand the anger prevalent here today. I mean honestly, who expected this team to do anything this season? Would you prefer another 6-10 or 7-9 season, where we aren't bad enough to draft really high, but not good enough to make the playoffs? If anything, the poor performances of folks drafted by Modrak and company likely mean that they're going to be shown the door! Isn't that what people want? Ralph has ALWAYS had a scapegoat after a bad season (of course, he is never to blame) - let me assure you, while Gailey and Nix won't get shown the door (and they shouldn't, since they have nothing to work with in the personnel department), someone will be. Yes, I would like to see them be competitive. But I'd rather them suck, and have the FO wake up and realize that we have dire needs at many positions, than for them to keep mediocre players who occasionally make plays. Gailey's presser today indicates to me that if he has any say, there will be major changes this offseason. I never got that sense from Jauron, Meathead, or Greggggggo. The only thing people should be really unhappy about is the Kelsay extension, since that has the potential to have long-term negative consequences. And yes, it concerns me that they rewarded a very average player with a ridiculous contract. Other than that though, just shut up and wait for April and the draft to come around, and then you have my full blessings to B word if they screw that up again!
  10. Week 1: Tampa Bay Week 2: Oakland San Diego Week 3: Tampa Bay Week 4: Oakland San Diego http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=whNOfvyPpaM
  11. I'd put half the DL's issues on their lack of talent, and the other half on the fact that NE* got away with a TON of holding.
  12. The OL was serviceable today, which was pretty surprising to me.
  13. I don't want to see Trent Edwards on the sideline ever again after this game.
  14. Looking good so far, how will they screw up this time?
  15. Nobody circles the wagons like the Buffalo Bills... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ax3E1Q7TgsY&feature=related
  16. You do realize that if you're not getting bars on SD broadcasts that it is highly likely that the new box is in zoom mode?
  17. Since the 1970 merger, two OTs have been drafted as the first pick 1997 Orlando Pace OT 2008 Jake Long OT For quarterback: 1970 Terry Bradshaw 1971 Jim Plunkett 1975 Steve Bartkowski 1983 John Elway 1987 Vinny Testaverde 1989 Troy Aikman 1990 Jeff George 1993 Drew Bledsoe 1998 Peyton Manning 1999 Tim Couch 2001 Michael Vick 2002 David Carr 2003 Carson Palmer 2004 Eli Manning 2005 Alex Smith 2007 Jamarcus Russell 2009 Matthew Stafford 2010 Sam Bradford See any patterns there? Teams at the #1 slot since 1998 or so almost always draft the "best" QB available, probably trying to imitate the Colts and Manning. I mean that list is chock full of HOF QBs until Tim Couch got drafted. I honestly know nothing about the upcoming 2011 classes. Is it a particularly strong OT or QB class? If so, I say draft the position that's weaker first to assure you get someone who has promise, and then draft for the other in the second round.
  18. http://walterfootball.com/draft2011.php
  19. I don't think it matters - none of the three QBs on the roster right now are the answer. Best case scenario for the Bills is to draft a QB or OT in the first round next year and then draft the other position in the second round. During the offseason, trade for an older, veteran QB that can mentor the QB we draft.
  20. Stop it with this nonsense. This team is HORRID. I am not even going to bother wasting time copy/pasting stats or video links to the game. They should have been fined by the NFL for not fielding a team today.
  21. This is precisely why there should be salary floors and cap numbers that increase when your team sucks, and bonuses paid to owners when their team wins. Otherwise your team has no incentive to get better.
  22. The question is who is worse - Trent or the OL? Both of these positions need MAJOR upgrades.
  23. holy crap this offenseive line may indeed be the worst in the history of the NFL...
  24. I am as conservative as they come and yet I hope she just goes away. When Glenn Beck asked her about her favorite founding father, and her answer was, and I quote, "all of them", that tells me that she lacks a basic understanding of American history. As a voter, that troubles me deeply. As a Republican, it tells me that she has no chance to win for the party. As much of a dick as he is, I'd like to see Romney make it. He has the smarts and know-how to run an effective campaign against the messiah who currenly occupies 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. Sarah can barely utter a sentence that can easily be comprehended.
  25. I get to watch the game at 7AM from my hotel room in Waikiki on my Slingbox. Last day of vacation
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