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Everything posted by sullim4

  1. That cookbook of ours is missing this infamous entry: Fried Noodles Recipe Number: 93 Contributor: BF_in_Indiana Rating: 3.50 based on 28 votes Rate This Recipe Review This Recipe Email Recipe Serves: 2-3 Calories Per Serving: Heck if Preparation Time: About 1 Hour Total Difficulty: Easy Ingredients: 16 oz Elbow Macaroni 1/4 Stick of butter 3-4 Eggs Cooking Instructions: Boil Elbow Macaroni until soft. Drain as needed. Place Noodles in frying pan with 1/4 stick of butter and cook on low until half/most noodles get a crispy brown outside. Stir throughout cooking time so as not to have the noodles stick to frying pan. Next add the 3-4 eggs and stir so as to scramble them along with the noodles. When they are thouroughly scrambled and the noodles nice and crisp it's chow time Serving Suggestions: You can add some garlic salt or pickle juice for extra flavor upon finishing cooking.
  2. Some of us are not fortunate enough to live on the east coast. With very few exceptions (like Pagliacci, for example), the Puget Sound's pizza situation is miserable. Chain restaurants like Papa John's and Dominos are unfortunately the closest you can get to something resembling a pizza. People here demand "gourmet pizza" like this. Of course this completely ignores the fact that pizza is supposed to be cheap, somewhat greasy, and about as gourmet as a garbage plate. Not $16 for a personal size with truffles.
  3. The qualities that make someone a "good" salesman are precisely the ones that make me hate dealing with them. There's a reason why most people hate shopping for things like cars and mattresses.
  4. Agreed. I don't like the new AFC logo either - why the four stars on the one side of the "A" anyway? Why not just put two each on either side, outside the A, just like the old logo?
  5. This is playing up to be one of the best super bowl matchups in awhile. I think the Pack take it!
  6. The Jills could learn a thing or two from that coach.
  7. Having lived in the Hudson Valley as a kid, I really don't understand the hatred for Jets fans. They were abused even worse than I was by Giants fans during the Bruce Coslet and Rich Kotite years - and that's after the Giants beat Buffalo in XXV. Without question, Jets fans are second class citizens in NYC - the Giants fans are the truly annoying jerks. Jets fans are in the same class as Mets, Nets, and Islanders fans. I'm guessing most Buffalo fans hate the Jets simply because they're from downstate/Jersey. Patriots* fans annoy the crap out of me, mostly because they are Sox fans that lept onto the NE* bandwagon after they won their first Super Bowl. Add to that the fact that their players (Brady in particular) whine whenever a call doesn't go their way, and that their coach is a slimeball that not only cheated in his chosen profession, but also on his wife, and to me the choice is clear. While I don't like the Jets, they are the lesser evil IMO.
  8. The Ralph is OK - it kinda sits in the middle for me as NFL stadiums go. I've seen games at the old Meadowlands, Lincoln Financial Field, and Lambeau. I'd put RWS behind Lambeau and LFF, but vastly ahead of the old Meadowlands: Pros: - Great sightlines - I don't know that there is a bad seat in the entire stadium. - The areas that have actual individual seats are actually pretty comfortable. - The fans that aren't drunk are typical Buffalonians - some of the nicest people you'll find and very knowledgeable about the team. Cons: - Outside of the club seats, the bathroom situation is awful. - Fan behavior can be very poor in the cheap rockpile seats and high in the upper deck. - The abundance of tailgating has caused the catering company to mail it in, resulting in food that just doesn't taste good. It'd be nice if they at least tried. - They should make the entrances to the stadium something more than a friggin chain link fence. There is so much history attached to this franchise, and other teams have done things like add plazas that honor past teams and players amongst other things. Our stadium from the outside looks like ass.
  9. Statement from Dave Wannstedt - looks good for the Bills!
  10. This rule leaves a lot to be desired. Team A scores a FG in OT. Team B, on the ensuing possession, throws a pick. A proceeds to fumble the ball on the same play. B recovers. Game over, A wins. Team A performs an onside kick. A scores a FG. A wins. Team A has the first possession, fumbles the ball, B recovers but then fumbles to A on the same play. A scores a FG. A wins. A lot of strange possibilities are possible. Why not just keep playing 15 minute quarters until the game is no longer tied at the end of the quarter? That is a lot simpler and has the potential for more ad revenue.
  11. 6-0 in the division and yet they don't make the playoffs. Imagine the uproar here if this team went 6-0 in the division and yet didn't make the playoffs. It would make the Dallas and Patriots* MNF aftermaths look like child's play!
  12. Of course they are directly related. Who do you think handed the guy the script of what to say? Who made the signage that went up on the scoreboard? There is a time and a place for this. That time was not with 5 mins left in the 4th quarter after your fans witnessed a beatdown by a team that's beaten you 15 straight times and after you've been out in the cold for 5 hours. Nix didn't have anything to do with i t, but you can be damn sure Russ Brandon did. The fact is that this team has been focusing more on hyping a mediocre product rather than fixing the problems that have been plaguing this franchise for over a decade.
  13. Yes, I do. I'm starting to understand the portion of the fanbase that's fed up with the management of the team.
  14. Ryan Fitzpatrick arguably had the worst game of his career yesterday. Of course, I had the pleasure of witnessing it in person, waking up at 2AM to drive from downstate (where I was visiting my folks) to beat the storm. Yet I hear the PA announcer say "Congratulations Ryan!" in the 4th quarter of yesterday's game, celebrating his feat of surpassing the 3,000 yard passing mark this season. Was anyone else peeved about this? Seeing your team getting the snot beaten out of them, much of it due to the 3 interceptions Fitz threw and the 2 fumbles he gave away. And yet we congratulate him? I know we are gullible SOBs for our continued support for this team, but do they really take us to be that stupid? For the record, they also congratulated Stevie Johnson on getting 1,000 yards receiving. I wasn't happy about this but at least SJ didn't directly contribute to the loss through exceptionally poor play.
  15. CBP has no authority over Canadian matters - Canada's customs officers are charged with the responsibility of admitting travelers to Canada. Canada currently does not have any passport requirement at all so you will have no issue with them. The problem you run into is the reverse - when you come back, the US requires that you prove your identity with a passport or other approved document. If you don't have that, then the officer needs to determine who you are. If they determine that you are a citizen, they are under a legal obligation to admit you. The amount of time they take figuring that out? Well, that depends on whether you're on their good side.
  16. The law also states that CBP must admit US citizens under any circumstances - they cannot turn you around for lack of ID if you claim to be a US citizen. The problem one runs into without a passport is that the officer has to determine that you are who you say you are. Depending on the whims of the individual officer, that can take 10 minutes, or 10 hours, during which time you're in a holding tank waiting for them to sort you out. Oh the stories you read about unfortunate souls on Flyertalk .
  17. I think the offensive game planning and schemes are light years ahead of where they were a year ago. That's almost all of Chan's doing. That being said, I'm still not convinced that the defensive side of the ball is in better shape than it was last year at this time.
  18. Quite the difference: http://www.buffalobills.com/media-center/videos/Coach-Jauron-Post-Game-Press-Conference/1bcfa192-5313-4eb3-88dc-e5fe8664f767
  19. http://www.buffalobills.com/media-center/videos/Chan-Gailey-Postgame-Press-Conference/d698f070-a589-44c8-9233-b610f2bad59c#?id=d698f070-a589-44c8-9233-b610f2bad59c Right at the start.
  20. Because the Yankees are in a position to compete. They have a roster with players that have hundreds of games of playoff experience. They have fistfulls of cash. They've missed the playoffs only once since 1996. The Bills, on the other hand, can't even get free agents to visit and depend on the draft. They haven't made the playoffs in over ten years. I don't even know if they have a single player on the roster that has any playoff experience. What you're proposing is tantamount to a janitor becoming CEO of a Fortune 500 company in the span of a year. That just doesn't happen. It takes hard work, a lot of learning, and experience to do that. That's what this team really needs before drafting a rookie QB.
  21. And yet that's not what anyone was suggesting. What I am saying is that this team is far more than one or two players away from competing for the Super Bowl. If this team wants to get to the playoffs (which should be the primary goal of this group given the holes they have), they need to start plugging holes like LB, DE, and OL. Incremental improvements at the QB position (which is what Luck would be 3 years after he enters the league) is not going to put you on the track to make the playoffs given the other holes. And yes, I am a Yankee fan, and consider anything short of a World Series win a failure. The Yankees are a much different team than the Bills and as such the strategy and goals are different.
  22. Really? You think Seattle wouldn't drop Hasselbeck for Fitz? Washington just benched McNabb. Denver is so desperate that they dropped their former starter down to third string. You think Cincinnati is thrilled with Carson Palmer's play? Tavaris Jackson was so good that the Vikings had to get Brett Favre again. Fitz is not Peyton Manning or Tom Brady. However, he's good enough to get the team to the playoffs. At this point I think that's what you shoot for - take baby steps, don't worry about wining the Super Bowl right now.
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