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Everything posted by sullim4

  1. Week 1 9/9: Buffalo Bills at New York L Week 2 9/16 Kansas City Chiefs at Buffalo Bills W Week 3 9/23: Buffalo Bills at Cleveland Browns W Week 4 9/30: New England Patriots* at Buffalo Bills W Week 5 10/07: Buffalo Bills at San Francisco 49ers L Week 6 10/14: Buffalo Bills at Arizona Cardinals W Week 7 10/21: Tennessee Titans at Buffalo Bills W Week 8: BYE Week 9: 11/04 Buffalo Bills at Houston Texans L Week 10: 11/11 Buffalo Bills at New England Patriots* L Week 11: 11/15 (Thurs) Miami Dolphins at Buffalo Bills W Week 12: 11/25 Buffalo Bills at Indianapolis Colts W Week 13: 12/02 Jacksonville Jaguars at Buffalo Bills W Week 14: 12/09 St. Louis Rams at Buffalo Bills W Week 15: 12/16 Seattle Seahawks at Buffalo Bills W Week 16: 12/23 Buffalo Bills at Miami Dolphins W Week 17: 12/30 New York Jets at Buffalo Bills L I cannot believe I have this team going 11-5 but the schedule looks quite realistic. For whatever reason though they haven't been able to beat the Jets lately.
  2. If the team doesn't perform next season, you can't fault Nix. The guy has done nearly everything he could possibly do to improve the roster. Now the pressure is on Chan and Fitz...
  3. My 7th grade social studies teacher (roughly 15 years ago) was the running backs coach at Marist. Smart guy - he'd read the paper in class while his students would grade papers.
  4. Dolphins AT Buffalo - week 11 thursday night NFL game
  5. Dolphins at Bills, week 11, thursday night game
  6. Tricky bastards... http://prod.static.bills.clubs.nfl.com/assets/pdf/2012-schedule.pdf Maybe it'll eventually end up here instead http://prod.static.b...13-schedule.pdf
  7. So I disconnected the back of the dryer last night, reached my hand into the vent, and pulled out 3 fistfulls of lint. It's looking more and more like a blockage - it makes me wonder how much is stuck to the sides of the duct as it goes into the attic. I'm wondering though if it's my dryer not properly catching lint (the trap is flimsy - it uses felt around the sides to seat itself in the dryer and never seems to catch anything), or if the guys that cleaned out my vent just did a piss poor job. The reason I say that is because when I disconnected my dryer from the venting and turned it on to check air pressure, it spewed out a few clumps of lint. In any case, I'll likely need to get the vents cleaned again. That do-it-yourself system with the drill looks promising.
  8. Yeah mine is in a small room in the middle of the townhouse - on the second floor. I'd have rather seen them vent it out of the side of the unit but I can understand why they did it. The location is super convenient when doing laundry, but not the best spot for putting ductwork in to vent it out. I'll see if knocking the vacuum hose around does the trick tonight.
  9. It's an NFL rule change - if you are an eastern division team, you cannot be on the road for the 49ers and the Seahawks in the same season, and vice versa. Being in Seattle since 2006, I haven't seen the Bills play once out here. It will not be until 2016, a full 10 years after I moved out here, before I see them play locally.
  10. Outside vent is unfortunately on the roof, and being in a townhouse I don't have a ladder tall enough to get up there to check. It's an electric dryer. It's definitely getting hot enough - when one cycle ends the inside is hot as are the clothes.
  11. Yep, the drum is rotating. I'll try disconnecting the outside venting and seeing if the airflow is powerful with nothing in there - I would imagine that would at least isolate the issue to being either the dryer or the venting.
  12. I have a 13 year old Kenmore dryer that I inherited from the previous owners of my townhouse. I am having issues with it drying clothes in a timely manner. I've tried the usual troubleshooting steps - the HOA just cleaned the outside vent two weeks ago. I also had the guy come in and clean out the dryer for a few bucks, and I just replaced the old, excessively long exhaust vent with a new rigid vent. However, it is still taking hours to clean a full load. The dryer is heating up without any issue. One peculiar thing is that the lint trap is only ever dirty in one small corner - all the lint congregates there and is never spread throughout the trap. Before I spend money on sending someone out to look at it, or just replacing it given its age, does anyone have any ideas on what might be wrong?
  13. I think the likeliest is Houston given the Mario Williams trade. But, the NFL tends to put one of the more popular teams on when teams like the Bills get into primetime - see NE, Dallas, etc. Given that, I predict SF, NE, or the Jets. I have to think Cleveland a few years ago was a last-minute replacement or a scheduling fluke.
  14. "Last Post Wins" is 617 pages. Will this thread attempt to break the record?
  15. Where will Ralph take him? Burger King? Subway? How many $5 footlongs does Ralph's budget allow?
  16. Best evidence yet that if it isn't done already, it will be soon. Nice find!
  17. I 100% agree that roughly 80% of bikers have no business being on their bikes. I've been doing a lot of walking/jogging in the last few years as a means to increase exercise. As a pedestrian I actually find cars to be a lot more friendly towards me than bikers. Walking down a pretty steep hill on a sidewalk around Sammamish, it is commonplace for bikers to whizz from behind me at 30-40mph and barely give me clearance. I can't hear them as they don't have a motor combined with the fact that the multiple lanes of cars are making noise. It scares the crap out of me and I feel like it's only a matter of time before I get hit by one of them. As a driver they just plain piss me off. This area provides bikers huge bike lanes and they still camp on the left hand side of them, barely giving me clearance to pass. Yes, I get it, you want to announce to the world that you're "green", cooler than everyone else in your spandex, and you want us uncool, normal people that drive, walk, or take the bus to yield to you at all times. Give me a break.
  18. I've started taking the company-provided bus that drops me off about a quarter of a mile away from home. With gas at $4 here in Bellevue/Redmond, it saves me about that much a day, which adds up quickly.
  19. My folks live about 3 miles east of the Taconic in Dutchess County. I remember when we would drive the back road (aptly named Mountain Rd) to get to the parkway. It's an at-grade intersection and you can't see more than a hundred feet or so of oncoming traffic. Horribly unsafe and an accident waiting to happen. They've since closed off most of the at-grade intersections in Dutchess, though Mountain still remains open since there are few alternatives for farm vehicles that need to cross the parkway.
  20. Why? Ralph tells us patience and we don't have a single non-injured Pro Bowl caliber player on the roster. Good players don't get injured at the rates that our supposedly good players seem to. This should be a wake up call to all the fans that think we are one or two good players away from making it. We aren't even close. What a waste the past ten years have been.
  21. I'm 27 and I traveled 2500 miles to see that game. Let me tell you - I've been to my fair share of sporting events in person and I can easily say that this game was the most miserable game I've ever seen one of my teams play. While the 52-17 drubbing in Super Bowl XXVII was bad (and I remember watching that one as a kid, it's actually my earliest SB I remember), it doesn't sting as much as actually having paid hundreds of dollars on airfare to see them lose so badly.
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