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Everything posted by sullim4

  1. This is the most ridiculous thing you've said in a long time. Kickers are not a dime a dozen. The only friggin bright spot on this team for the last fifteen years has been the kicking - lord knows this team's deplorable offense over that span has given the kicker plenty of opportunities at FGs rather than XPs. Nearly every other team in the NFL has struggled with getting a consistent kicker over that timespan, save maybe Belichick who lucked into Gostkowski after dropping Vinateri. If you truly believe that one week of Cundiff nailing field goals in a low pressure game against Tennessee makes him better than Carpenter over his career, then it worries me that someone that has some insider status with this team actually believes that. You have to go with the more consistent guy over his career unless the guy completely tanks over a period of several games. If there's a guy that's consistently good available via FA (like DC was a few years ago), then great. If not, and Cundiff has clearly demonstrated that he can't kick high pressure and long FGs, then you stick with what you have and pick up someone out of college with proven capability next year.
  2. If it was their error, and you missed a quarter and a half, call the ticket office and ask for compensation. If that doesn't get you anywhere, try social media posts to the one buffalo page and see where that gets you. If all of that fails, a registered (snail mail) letter to Russ Brandon or Pegula's office is probably your last resort. You don't have to be mean or anything, just tell them what happened and ask them how they would accommodate fans in that situation.
  3. Well it's an interesting question... who is the leader in the locker room? Kyle Williams? Mario Williams? I honestly don't know who it is, and I think that's a problem - no player leadership = the crap we saw on the field today. Taylor has proven to be a capable quarterback but I don't see him emerging as a leader just yet. I understand that people are tired of the bitching about FJ getting cut... but this lack of discipline is exactly what a lot of us were concerned about. Rex has just made it worse.
  4. Who do you replace him with? Gay can't kick FG's to save his life if the preseason is any indication. The Steelers cut their kicker and signed someone that's never played a down in the NFL. By this standard, we should have cut Hughes long ago given how many 15 yard penalties he's committed that have cost us points.
  5. I'll add one other insight - our defenders were going for the strip rather than the tackle on almost every occasion. While I like the aggressiveness, please don't do this unless you have a clear shot at the ball. There were too many occasions where there was no clear play at the ball and yet you saw them trying to pop the ball loose and miss the tackle. 24 hours later and I'm still pissed at the defensive game plan. Rex, please, put your players in a position to succeed. Don't force them into a system where they are destined to underperform.
  6. I am glad I am not the only one that noticed that sending Hughes into coverage was nothing short of insane. We pay this guy to rush the quarterback, not to drop into pass protection. The DL play in the last two games is making me grow increasingly concerned that Rex is forcing talent to fit into his system rather than building the system around his players' talent. And wtf - I don't want to see any Bills jerseys on defense beginning with the number '5' playing like they are safeties. You will get beat each and every time by the WR, particularly when the deflator is throwing the ball. This was an 'exotic' defense for all the wrong reasons. I think this is the first time I have ever seen three penalties called on a single play against a single team. The offensive line needs to shape up, and fast. McCoy had no holes up the middle and in pass protection they were awful. But, when you are a greenhorn quarterback and you score 32 points against NE*, that's not horrible. That's all you can expect out of Taylor. This one falls squarely on the defensive line with their inability to pressure the QB, and the boneheaded penalties we took on nearly every special teams play.
  7. We had no pressure last week either. I thought it was Dareus missing but I'm more concerned that this lack of pressure is due to Rex's system.
  8. Not a fan of the whites... I've always preferred the blue jersey/white pants combo. The only exception to that would be when we play Dallas or Washington at home, forcing them to wear their dark jerseys.
  9. Oh this one was pretty bad... http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/topic/173867-refs-for-today/
  10. Good news: It's not Walt Coleman! Bad News: These are the guys that screwed us vs Denver last year - 11 penalties for 98 yards... anyone remember this? https://vine.co/v/Or5jHYrXF5t R62 Ronald Torbert U124 Carl Paganelli HL37 Jim Howey LJ84 Mark Steinkerchner FJ50 Aaron Santri SJ3 Scott Edwards BJ38 Greg Yette
  11. The team has to win games in late October-early November for me to believe in them. They always win at the beginning of the season, lose a ton of winnable games in the middle, and then win enough to ruin draft positioning. Win in November and then I will believe.
  12. How is this even an issue in 2015? I mean really, the NFL, which brings in billions in revenue, can't set up a simple walkie talkie system between the sideline, press box, and QB helmet? For heaven's sake, the high school AV club can set this up without a problem. It's an embarrassment. The fact that they rely upon the stadium's infrastructure to run audio cables is even a bigger joke and lets teams like NE* tamper with the system. They could easily set up a wireless system that has no dependency on the home team at all other than on the stadium's power supply.
  13. It pays to wait until just before the start of the season. $40 off my bill for 12 months. 20% off Sunday Ticket All with just a 1 year agreement, which is aptly timed to terminate at the beginning of the next season .
  14. Tashard Choice? I don't think he made the minimum 10 game guideline. But, yeah...
  15. TE Robert Royal (can't believe nobody's mentioned him yet) P Shawn Powell (I think he meets the 10 game minimum) LB Jeff Posey
  16. I need to see more of Cassel. He was ok in that first preseason game but he's got "game manager" written all over him. We have been down that road numerous times in the past and it has never worked. Taylor has looked the best so far. I loved that first drive of the game yesterday - ESPN must have been pissed that more than half the quarter went by without a commercial. I worry though that he is too gimmicky and that he will be prone to taking a lot of sacks in critical situations because of his mobility. Will he throw the ball away or take a stupid sack in a critical situation? I haven't gotten a feel for that yet. His size and mobility also make me worry that he'll be injury prone. EJ is your third string - I haven't seen enough improvement from last season to make me think he's benefited from a change in the coaching staff. I will say though that the scrub o-line was terrible and that he did well given the circumstances. However, I think we know what we're getting here.
  17. I saw it at QFC this afternoon, but have also seen it at Bevmo and Total Wine.
  18. Southern Tier is legit. We have a ton of local microbrews here in the Puget Sound area and Southern Tier is as good as any of them - Elysian, Ninkasi, Black Raven, Fremont, etc. I was actually pretty surprised to see their beer in the local grocery store - their Choklat Oranj was in a 22oz bomber... and it was excellent.
  19. The Bills simultaneously have the best and worst fans in the NFL. I know and have met a ton of awesome Bills fans. They stick with the team for years despite the losing; their loyalty is unmatched. They are extremely knowledgeable, a bit sarcastic, and the typical Buffalonian in that they will give you the shirt off their back to help you out. They know how to enjoy a drink or two without getting out of control. I'd like to think I'm in this group. Then there are the folks that will light open fires right next to your car in the parking lot. The guys that bring a 30 pack of Genny to the game and somehow manage to finish it off within a few hours between two or three people. They will spill beer on you, throw things at you, and make complete fools out of themselves. They have no interest in the game other than to get drunk. Every time I leave a game I worry that I will get hit by one of these bozos on the drive home. That later group is why I don't bother with tailgating at RWS and why I'm very careful about the seats I decide to buy. The club seats are terrific although a bit sterile. Most of the 100's are fine although you have to watch the end zones. I used to be ok with the 300s but this area has gotten progressively worse over time. Forget about the rockpile.
  20. It is nice to see someone filling the void that Crayonz, Sammy, Carl, and the Googlebot left... Next thing you know, we will be talking about how it is best for the Bills that they lose their games to NFC opponents because it will help them in tiebreaker situations.
  21. You have a very simple argument if you're in the NYC metro area: Bills have 16 games. - They play the Giants this year, so you'll get that on local TV. Down to 15 games. - They play the Jets twice. Down to 13 games. - The Jaguars game is on the internet only. Down to 12 games. - They play the Patriots on Monday Night... down to 11 games. - They play the NFC East... I guarantee you at least one of those will be aired in NYC. That's down to 10. So about half the season is going to be on TV in the NY metro area... seems like a good argument to milk DirecTV for all they are worth.
  22. Actually.... NBC hired Microsoft to do it. I know because there are folks in building 44 across the street that worked on it, and they worked their butts off to make sure nothing happened during the event. It's the same group that did the Olympics streaming for NBC - Azure Media. NBC/Comcast also has the benefit of being an ISP for a great number of Americans, meaning they can packet shape and give priority to their traffic. You won't get that with Yahoo. The only event I can remember Yahoo hosting online was the NCAA tournament a few years back... and that was continually buffering for me. Compression technology has come a long way since then, but I'm still skeptical.
  23. +1 and a big reason why I'd have to think really hard about moving back to NYS. In WA, people B word and moan about the 9.5% sales tax, but I'll take that and $3500/yr in property taxes with no income tax over the draconian NYS property taxes and income taxes any day of the week. I'd love to move back to the state but the lack of high paying jobs outside of NYC and the taxes kill it for me.
  24. Great... so now I have to get up at 6:30am, get into the stream early enough to avoid buffering troubles, and watch the game on my 13" laptop with tinny speakers instead of my 52" TV with surround sound. Or I can go out and buy a mini display port to HDMI cable and some sort of cable that converts 3.5mm audio to optical in. Joy. How is this an improvement again?
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