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Everything posted by sullim4

  1. I don't like Tyrod... but I'm not sure what choice we have. Unless they find a QB in the middle part of the draft like Dak Prescott that unexpectedly starts out of the middle of nowhere, they're essentially stuck with him. I don't like Cutler. Rivers and Romo will command more money than TT and I'm not really sure they are more than Bledsoe-type caretarker quarterbacks. EJ will be gone. Hard to gauge Cardale Jones in one quarter of action, but he seemed pretty raw and I wouldn't enter next season with him as the #1 quarterback. They probably pick up a quarterback in the draft, and bring in a journeyman, Kelly Holcomb-esque guy to compete with TT for the starting job.
  2. I think you have to keep Taylor at this point, unless he's unwilling to renegotiate his contract. EJ is a train wreck and they seem unwilling to give Cardale Jones playing time. Unless you think you can get someone like Romo in FA, or can trade for someone of similar caliber to Taylor, he is unfortunately our best option at this point.
  3. I can't possibly see how Cardale Jones could be worse than this.
  4. Anyone else want to see Cardale Jones in the second half? At this point, I'm just curious to see what he can do... EJ is a known quantity.
  5. If it's Anthony Lynn... it's a safe bet Russ isn't involved. That's about the least exciting hire from a marketing perspective that's possible.
  6. If it's Coughlin as HC, maybe we see Perry Fewell come back...
  7. Does he even have a choice? I thought the NFL required players to be available to the media.
  8. 100% that this was Rex... I don't see any other logical explanation as to why he would show up now when he had the entire season to do so. Hiring him into a position like RB coach is something I could get behind, even though the nostalgia factor normally makes me hesitate to hire a team's former players. The man works hard, commands respect, and was a positive influence in the locker room. He was a smart player and seemed to have a natural ability to teach. Why not put him there (an area of strength for your HC anyway, in case things don't work out) and see what he can do?
  9. I give Lynn a lot of credit... the front office fed him to the wolves and he took the lumps. He's got character at the very least. That being said, Terry, Russ, and Whaley should be out there answering questions. Lynn was not involved in the QB decision and he didn't fire Rex. The questions he got were more appropriate for the front office.
  10. This right here is the problem. How can your GM make 'recommendations' on a HC? He's the one that should be ultimately accountable for the football operations of the team. This should have been his hire. That it wasn't is a serious problem with how the front office operates. Is Russ up to his old tricks? If this is true, then I think it's clear that Russ really did push Rex... and it should be Russ that gets sent packing.
  11. I would normally agree that you should give a coach 3 years, but there are a few warning signs that this needed to happen now: - Terrible in-game coaching. Misuse of timeouts, improper personnel on the field, bad decisions on when to punt, etc. These are fundamental mistakes that happened again and again, and have nothing to do with putting in a system or having the right personnel. - Rex wasn't on the same page with Whaley and this caused all sorts of internal turmoil. This one is on Terry and Kim if the rumors two years ago are to be believed and Whaley didn't like the Rex hire (and Russ pushed the Rex hire on them). - The players gave up. That Pittsburgh game had "going through the motions" written all over it. With the playoffs on the line, the entire defense was just asleep. Kyle Williams not being on the field was a big part of the problem - he's the only guy with any heart... but not having someone step up is troubling. - Rex brought in coaches that were his friends rather than people best suited for the team. If I were Terry, I would have never allowed the Rob Ryan hire given his past performance, and yet Rex was given carte blanche to do it. These issues were not due to incorrect personnel - these were all signs that the coaching hire was the wrong one. We sadly had to get rid of him.
  12. Defend Rex all you want, this is the kind of thing that's just inexcusable. Buffalo has lacked a head coach capable of making good decisions in-game for this entire streak. If I were interviewing head coaches, I'd present them that exact game situation and ask them what they would do - 4th and 3 in overtime in a must-win game with little time left to get the ball. Anyone that says "punt" would be immediately escorted out of the building. These are the kinds of things where coaches like Belichick are worth their weight in gold.
  13. Where else would you rather be than right here, right now?
  14. I'd rather see him in as a senior VP of football operations, directly advising the Pegulas. Kick Russ out and put Coughlin in. Marv was 71 when he left the team, Coughlin is now 70. He is an ideal candidate to change the culture of the team, but he's too old to shoulder the day-to-day duties of being a HC.
  15. Brandon has to go. While I'm in favor of firing Rex, it will do no good unless the entire organization is kicked to the curb. People complained nonstop about Ralph meddling... Russ is doing the same thing and using his "marketing" position as a cover to claim he isn't involved. If I had to guess, I'd say Whaley is feeding info to LaCanfora. I'm not a huge Whaley fan but if Russ is meddling in football operations, then he has every right to be pissed off. It feels like the top three guys (Russ, Whaley, and Rex) are on completely different wavelengths and are playing the blame game between the three of them. If that's true, then yeah, I'd say that's toxic. Bring in an experienced football person, give the the President title like Donahoe had, and let them do what they want. We need a front office and staff that is completely bought in and on the same page. That won't happen with the clowns in power right now.
  16. I would be fine with Coughlin in a senior advisory role, i.e. doing the football stuff that Russ Brandon claims he isn't doing. I actually think he would be a good fit in that kind of position. He knows how a winning franchise operates and how to foster that attitude. He knows his way around the league and knows the major players. The Pegulas need someone who can guide them on building a winner - Russ has proven over the last 15 years that he knows nothing about it. I would not want Coughlin as a head coach, or as general manager. At his age, he is not a long term solution in either slot.
  17. I do believe the Pegulas have decided to clean house... they're not stupid and I agree with another poster on this thread that the "silence is deafening". I am a little surprised that they aren't vetoing this move given the implications that a TT injury have on the future of the franchise. That said, given how Ralph caught so much crap for meddling with the quarterback position, maybe they are thinking the better of it. I actually think Rex would have been axed today had someone been on the coaching staff that could have acted as interim defensive coordinator. The entire defensive staff is filled with Rex's cronies - if they fire Rex, they have to fire Rob. Given Thurman's close relationship with Rex, would they fire him too? Or would he refuse to work? Ed Reed is probably in the same boat. You can't lose half your defensive coaching staff with 3 games left in the season, even if the remaining three games are completely meaningless.
  18. To me, it just confirms in my mind that Russ should be headed out the door as part of a top-to-bottom cleaning of the football department. What do we know? - Russ was a big Rex Ryan supporter and persuaded the Pegulas to hire him, despite the GM supposedly being against the move. - Russ is in a weekly meeting to discuss football with the coach, GM, and owner. - Russ claims he has no input at all on the football side of the operation. Per points 1 and 2 above, that is a lie. - Russ sold away one home game per year to Toronto, putting the team at a competitive disadvantage, and told fans to shut up about it when we complained. - Russ used the football department as a marketing tool. I'm old enough to remember when Russ signed a washed up Terrell Owens. Doug Marrone was another Russ hire that was nothing short of a train wreck. For all of the above, the man should be let go. I'd be fine with him as a marketing only guy, but it is clear that he can't help himself and insists on meddling with the football operations side of the franchise.
  19. Intelligence isn't everything (look at Fitz), but particularly in today's game, it's an important thing. Let's take a look at the current set of top quarterbacks: Luck: 37 Rodgers: 35 Brady: 33 Brees: 28 Wilson: 28 Roethlisberger: 25 Prescott: 25 Newton: 21 Other than maybe Newton, those are all significantly higher than 15.
  20. For all those of you suggesting Todd Haley - do you remember how awful he was in Kansas City? He has a career record of 19-26. He is a self absorbed hothead with a poor temperament. This is the guy that fired Chan in the preseason. I mean, what could you have possibly seen in the preseason that you didn't see in the offseason that would force you to make that kind of move? Rex fired Roman early in the season, but at least in that case he saw two real football games with the starters in the entire time.
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