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Everything posted by sullim4

  1. I don't know if it is something about being 14 or what, but I too remember this game vividly. I was so pissed off and it was the domino that began my deep hatred for the Patriots and everything that organization stood for. As a naive kid I called NFL headquarters the day after and just bitched the man out who answered. I will give them credit in that at least in those days they listened although they denied the officials did anything wrong. IR was instituted the following year, I believe.
  2. ESPN ruined ESPN. When SportsCenter was in its heyday during the '90s, it became more about the personalities (Kilborn, Olbermann, Patrick) than it did about the actual sports content. This then caused ESPN to shift a majority of their programming to focus on talking heads and their opinions. Add to that a very poor decision on their part to outbid themselves on a lot of these contracts. Take the NBA contract, for instance. Every subscriber to ESPN and TNT is paying $30 per year just to watch the NBA. The NFL deal is just as ridiculous - $1.9 BILLION per year for mediocre Monday night games with no playoff rights beyond a wild card game. Their stupid decisions are causing their business to fall apart. I dropped ESPN by moving to DirecTV's select package and couldn't be happier. If the Bills end up playing on Monday night this year, I will likely buy the next higher package for a month, and then proceed to drop it after that.
  3. If flying to/from the west coast, Alaska is a great option.
  4. I don't have a hard-and-fast rule. If I feel like drinking a beer or a glass of wine, I'll do it. I will rarely drink more than 2 beers in a sitting, usually just one. My liquor of choice tends to be rum... again I won't usually drink more than two. I'd say I would average about 2-3 days per week where I have a drink. Beer festivals are where things get interesting. We go to about 3 or 4 of those per year but with the oddly sized sample glass and wide variety of ABVs, it's hard to know how much alcohol you consume at them. My wife and I were with friends down in New Orleans this year for Mardi Gras. I got enough drinking out of that trip to last me quite some time... haven't had a drink since. When I drink too much, I will wake up in a sweat with my heart racing... it's an unpleasant enough feeling for me that I don't like to do it unless it's for a specific occasion.
  5. At this point I don't see how he can do this without some sort of drug. No other NFL quarterback in history is even close to his level of performance at his age. If it's too good to be true, chances are it is.
  6. At this point, why doesn't the team just buy a house and rent it out to the coach? They're never here more than 2 or 3 years...
  7. It's been said before, but I think the game would be safer if they removed helmets from the game, except for maybe the quarterback. Players wouldn't launch themselves like that if they didn't have helmets.
  8. 100% agree with this. I honestly have no clue how competent the football operations side of this team is, but I can say from the last two weeks that the communications and media relations side is a hot mess. The word choice is just terrible and yes, it comes off as amateurish and gives the impression that they're annoyed with having to do the interview. "That's our business" type responses instead of, "We handle personnel issues internally, by policy" make me wonder who exactly is prepping him for these things. They are exactly the same response, but the former comes off as defensive while the later comes off as professional and polished. If Berchtold is the one who is inadequately prepping him like this... then yeah, he should be held to account.
  9. I don't understand why he granted this interview. He comes across as angry and annoyed. In his answers it is clear he doesn't have patience for Tim Graham... he seems to like Wawrow so why not sit down with him?
  10. I'm not really sure how I should feel about this... I don't know a lot about McDermott. What's the take on the guy?
  11. Probably Whaley's flight to Seattle... http://flightaware.com/live/flight/N454QS/history/20170108/1606Z/KBCT/KSEA
  12. Teams that always benefit from bad calls: - New England* - Seattle - Pittsburgh - Green Bay Teams that always get screwed by bad calls: - Cleveland - Buffalo - Detroit Is anyone shocked? BTW, the rumor is that Walt "just give it to 'em" Coleman is going to get the Super Bowl assignment.
  13. Sunday Ticket is an add-on package to any base DirecTV package - even the hidden "Family" package. The NFL Network, on the other hand, requires choice or higher.
  14. ESPN is in trouble... they paid way too much for things like the NBA and MNF and are hemorrhaging subscribers. I actually just dropped ESPN and went to the "Select" package on DirecTV as I don't watch it anymore. All I need is Sunday Ticket from a sports perspective... I don't watch the NBA and don't watch college sports. I think the real story here is that they didn't offer enough money to Berman such that he'd be willing to work full-time... and so they are going to put cheaper talent in his place in a cost cutting move.
  15. This is pretty much exactly how I feel about Lynn. For all the complaining that people are doing about Frank Reich being a candidate, his body of work (multiple years as OC, QB coach to Manning and Rivers) is significantly stronger than Lynn's. Lynn might be great, but IMO he needs more experience as a coordinator before he should be considered for the HC spot. The only reason I'd pick Lynn over other candidates is if they are seeing something we aren't in terms of his leadership, or if they want continuity on offense.
  16. I'm fine with Reich assuming: - He is not going to be the next Ted Nolan, i.e. a throwback pick intended to initiate a tank for a #1 draft pick. That will ruin the memory of Reich for fans, and there are other head coaches they could select if that is Terry's intent. - He has a seasoned, proven DC in mind to lead the defense. I don't want a first-time DC in here if it's an offensive minded coach at the helm. As a new HC whose specialty is the offensive side of the ball, he isn't going to have time to babysit the defense. - He knows what he wants to do with the QB position. None of this "I need time to evaluate" Taylor/Jones/etc. He will either need to develop Taylor or have a specific FA quarterback in mind to bring in. He has experience being a QB coach for Rivers and Manning... that can either be a good or a bad thing.
  17. On to Orlando? Maybe Gus needs a trip to Disney World after getting raked over the coals by Whaley?
  18. Home for Terry is Boca Raton... not the Jacksonville area. If they were going to pick up Gus Bradley, this is the route that they would use to do it.
  19. He was told not to address the Rex situation, 100% guaranteed. I'm sorry but this is a media relations disaster. Tell your GM to be open and honest. Everyone knows the Rex hire wasn't the right decision... your franchise just fired the guy. Why play this smoke and mirror game and rile up Bucky and Sully? What purpose does this serve? I don't know who is pulling the media strings at OBD, whether it is Berchtold or self-proclaimed media expert Kim Pegula... but whoever it is needs to find something else to do.
  20. When a peer of mine that I work with constantly disappears or gets fired, yeah, I ask my boss what the hell happened. And I've done that... and I usually get a reasonable explanation. Whaley got an explanation, but he either doesn't want to answer the question, or he was told not to.
  21. Scott Berchtold should be fired. This is even worse than I thought it might be.
  22. http://flightaware.com/live/flight/XSR960 Someone's going to be in the air during Whaley's presser. And it looks like they might have gone to Aspen for Christmas?
  23. 100% as DC... and I'd do it as HC if it meant we could get him on defense so long as he hired someone competent to run the offensive side of the ball.
  24. Please. Gillislee knew the rule... anyone that watches football even casually knows this rule. The reason many think this reflects poorly on Anthony Lynn is that it points to lack of concentration and mental preparedness. Gillislee doesn't strike me as a consistently careless player, either. To me, that points back to the staff at least to some extent. Edit: I'll add one more thing. Would the reaction be the same if this was Leodis making another mistake on a kickoff? I doubt it - they'd be torching McKelvin and rightfully so.
  25. TT holds the cards at this point. If the Bills decline his option and offer to renegotiate, he walks... there will be a team or two that will make him a starter and pay him. Heck, the Jets could be one of those teams. Cleveland would take him. Maybe a team like San Diego if Rivers is gone? His reaction this week demonstrates he's pissed at the front office for his benching... why go back to that if the team wants to cut your pay?
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