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Everything posted by sullim4

  1. The reason I posed this question is because I think we are going to learn exactly how this season is going to go in the next 5 days. 6-2 means the team has turned the corner and they have very good odds of making the playoffs. 5-3 means the Bills are likely going to be in the playoff hunt, but they will likely need to beat a "good" team like Kansas City or (New England)* to make it in. 4-4, particularly against two teams that they are capable of beating, says this is a rebuild and playoffs aren't in the cards. If they can't beat the Jets on the road, they really don't have any business being in the playoff hunt, anyway.
  2. In the spirit of the thread that proclaimed the Bills would be in third this past Thursday at 11:30pm... what do you think will happen this week with the two games on the schedule? Hard to believe they could actually have six wins by the first week in November... that's usually the win total in January.
  3. These guys want self motivated players. I am a little divided on this. You know the guy has talent. One of the roles of a boss, manager, or coach is to figure out what makes each individual on their team do their best work, and push those buttons to maximize both output and employee/player satisfaction. I do think this is the right decision in this particular case given Dareus' contract situation, but it worries me that the staff can't figure out how to motivate high talent individuals like Watkins and Dareus to play their best football. It's becoming a pattern.
  4. Thanks. I just booked my tickets from Seattle - flying in Saturday night and high tailing it out of there at 8pm on Sunday. Still need to buy a game ticket but I don't anticipate that being a problem with their attendance woes
  5. I disagree with taking the timeout here. Take the 5 yard penalty... This is the kind of stuff that separates coaches like Belichick and the rest.
  6. That's on TT or Dennison. He has to throw to the end zone or throw it away.
  7. Step 1: Install an ad blocker. Step 2: Add a custom filter for any news item containing the Buffalo News class. Step 3: Refresh Page. Step 4: Profit!
  8. The fact that it's on ESPN has everything to do with it. I subscribe to DirecTV's select package. I don't get ESPN, FS1, etc. I'm pleased as punch that I'm not giving $8/mo to ESPN. If the Bills are on MNF next season (or, by some miracle, are on ESPN's wild card game), I'll just subscribe to the next package up for one month, then drop it. Few things would make me happier than to see ESPN die a prolonged, horrible, painful death.
  9. Taylor gets a lot of flack because he's the QB of a team that hasn't made the playoffs in 17 years. Look at Fitz, Holcomb, Trent, JP, Orton, Bledsoe, Todd Collins, Flutie, Rob Johnson, etc. Those guys got just as much criticism, if not more, than TT. I can guarantee you that the entire fanbase would be embracing TT if he could lead this team to the playoffs. His level of play has not consistently been playoff caliber. The race card is just an excuse.
  10. If you're a morning person, one fun activity in Vegas is getting coffee at about 7am or so to watch people take their walks of shame back to their hotel rooms. I have done this in a few places in Vegas but one spot in particular is great - at the Cosmopolitan right in front of the Vesper bar. There are a ton of leather sofas that look right onto the main walkway through the casino near the elevators to the west tower and there's a coffee stand not too far away. Watching the train wrecks go by is just pure gold.
  11. List of wineries affected: http://wineindustryinsight.com/?p=85305 A ton of household names there. Sadly, Imagery is on that list, although their FB page as of yesterday said they hadn't yet sustained any damage. I thought their wine was very good.
  12. I suppose we are part of that "younger" crowd - my wife is 30 and I'm 33. When we go to Vegas, it's all about the high end dining and entertainment. I might gamble a few bucks in the slots or bet on the Bills but that's it. I'd rather spend money on fancy dinners or a show. We also have been staying at Vdara, a non-casino hotel right between Aria and Cosmo. During the day, we will explore other parts of the area - Red Rock, shopping malls, etc. The strip gets tiring after about a day to a day and a half. I actually enjoy Fremont St during the day... haven't been there at night. I could certainly believe it's a freak show at that time of day. We will be back in a month so my wife can run the Rock 'n Roll half marathon. I agree, a few days there is more than enough.
  13. Oh my, I don't mean to derail the thread, but you're spot on. We were up for the Bills game against Denver a few weeks ago, and stopped off at Bully Hill and Heron Hill. Bully Hill had 35-40 (!?!) different wines and they were all just terrible. Heron Hill was slightly better, the whites were ok, but the reds, geez, why bother making them if they taste like that? With 35 different wines being sold, it felt more like the winemaker was throwing darts against a wall to see what sticks rather than concentrate his or her energy around a handful of good blends and quality varietals. The ice wines, on the other hand... those were delicious if you can appreciate the high residual sugar content. I try not to be a snob. I'm perfectly happy with an $8 bottle of Argentinian malbec. The finger lakes wine, however, was just undrinkable. I would expect the "winners" in this to be the owners of California vineyards that survive, in addition to the wines coming from Oregon and Washington. The PNW wines are underrated imo and rival those produced in Napa and Sonoma.
  14. That's not entirely accurate. We live in Washington state and are club members of a winery near Yakima, in a town called Prosser. In 2015, there were huge wildfires in the area right before harvest time - mid to late August. Smoke was everywhere although the fires were sufficiently far north that most wineries were spared from the actual flames. The 2015 Yakima Valley vintages we've tried so far have been fine. With respect to the 2017 Sonoma/Napa vintages, the articles I've read say that the Cabernet and Merlot varietals are the primary ones yet to have been harvested... assuming the picked crops survive the fire, the other varietals should be ok. That said, any vines that get torched are obviously gone, and some of those are quite old... so it's a huge loss.
  15. We were wine tasting in Sonoma this past April. I talked to a guy working the tasting bar at Imagery Estates in Glen Ellen that knew Doug Whaley (who was fired the next day). It's really quite sad, a ton of great wine up there and the people are a breath of fresh air compared to the vast majority of crazies in the Bay Area. Expect prices of wine for 2017+ vintages to skyrocket.
  16. I think it's equally about the QB trusting his receivers to make catches, particularly for someone like Taylor who is very risk averse when throwing the ball. The All-22 will be very interesting, because I have a feeling that these scrubs will be open on a number of occasions, and Taylor simply didn't trust them to make the play and catch the ball.
  17. Sadly, the worst thing that could happen to the Bills is finish with 6-8 wins, end up with a draft pick right above the teams that qualify for the playoffs, and we don't end up getting an elite player that can contribute immediately. It's the same story of the last 17 years.
  18. This board is completely unreadable after a game. This is the team we expected to see this season. Starting Peterman in week 7 is not going to fix anything. Taylor isn't a good quarterback, either. Neither has any WRs or TEs to throw to. McCoy can't do everything. The only way this team wins is if the defense holds up over four quarters and the offense can hold the ball long enough to occasionally score and give the defense a breather. The offense will not carry this team to a win, unless they're playing an exceptionally poor defense. In the meantime, we should be drafting 1-2 quarterbacks in 2018 with the expectation that they will compete with Taylor and Peterman for the starting role in 2018.
  19. FWIW, I really like the Serious Eats sauce recipe... http://www.seriouseats.com/recipes/2010/10/new-york-style-pizza-sauce.html
  20. I am thinking of going to this game from Seattle. Based on the turnouts this season in LA, I would expect this to be like a home game.
  21. He played well. Accuracy still isn't his strongest trait but he makes up for it with other attributes like mobility and a penchant for not forcing the ball.
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