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Everything posted by sullim4

  1. Serious question - which of the following is a better source of Bills news: The Buffalo News or YoloInOhio and 26CornerBlitz? That's your answer on why TBN is irrelevant.
  2. And let me guess... another full page devoted to a weather forecast that's over 12 hours old? Horoscopes? A column dedicated to a particular Bridge setup? Classified ads that are nothing more than a bunch of legal notices? Buffett should have killed the print product or sold off its assets to one of the local TV stations years ago. Somewhat related, my parents back in NYS just dropped their subscription to the Poughkeepsie Journal. Gannett was asking $650 for a year of the PJ, which was mostly USA Today articles with a dash or two of stories written locally, mostly consisting of high school sports. It's a shame that Gannett/PJ hasn't adapted to the internet because the Mid Hudson Valley has no local TV, and being part of the NYC DMA, gets next to zero local coverage of anything happening in the area. My dad apparently won't miss it... my mom was more worried about losing coupons than missing out on any actual news.
  3. I'm not a particular fan of the subscription model... it is easy to forget you're paying for it, easy to forget to update credit card information when that changes, and is typically a PITA to cancel. I'm more a fan of micropayment per article where people pay for the articles they actually want to read. Say 25 cents an article. It would reward writers who write interesting articles and would determine if Sully has any paying customers for his journalism.
  4. I'm probably alone on this... but neither. I use beer and the celery/carrot as my "coolant" rather than either blue cheese or ranch.
  5. There are a few ways they could fix this problem without ruining the fun for everyone... - Be much more aggressive at making arrests for drunk and disorderly conduct. The postgame police blotter usually has what, 20 to 30 people arrested after a game? That seems fairly low to me. - Have the Bills fund a significantly larger police presence in the parking lots and surrounding streets. Bring in off duty officers from other jurisdictions like Rochester if you have to. - Require all private parking lots to apply for a free permit. Place a zero tolerance policy on fan misbehavior and if any officer gets a complaint about inappropriate behavior from a source other than the lot or its owners, revoke the lot's permit for the remainder of the season AND the following season. It's not exactly rocket science. This goes on because the law isn't enforced and the consequences aren't severe enough. Enforce the law, put teeth in them, and these problems solve themselves.
  6. The President titles for the Bills and Sabres are meaningless. She is the owner and she is the driving force behind PSE which is essentially the business side of the Sabres and Bills. McBeane runs the football operation and Botterill runs the hockey side of the business. Problems happen when people like Russ, Terry, and Kim meddle in the sport operations side of things... with Russ gone, that just leaves Terry and Kim to mess things up. Rich people tend to learn from their mistakes so I would hope they've figured out by now to leave the GM duties to the actual GMs.
  7. Players also count as collateral. I could have easily seen them trade Gronkowski + another player + their first and second rounders for #2.
  8. Think about this - with Kelly spending his first two seasons in the USFL, Joe Ferguson is the last quarterback that this franchise successfully developed as a rookie. It's been 40+ years since the Bills have actually been successful at this. Our HC was disappointed enough with the offense last season that he fired his OC after one season. Is Daboll going to be the guy that breaks the 40 year streak and successfully develops Allen? I hope so, but McDermott's inexperience on offense and his whiff on Dennison last season don't exactly inspire a lot of confidence.
  9. Has Daboll ever successfully developed a quarterback? He's had young big name talent thrown at him in the past (Brady Quinn, Colt McCoy, Matt Moore) and none of those guys are any good. Saban ran the show at Alabama This is why I didn't like the Daboll hire at the time given that it was very likely we'd be drafting a young quarterback high in the draft. I have felt that a number of our previous quarterbacks have suffered from poor coaching. Hackett with Manuel, Turk Schonert with Edwards, Losman and Steve Fairchild... those aren't exactly inspiring coaches there. I'd love to be wrong on all of this. Please let me be wrong.
  10. I am not a big Yeezus fan but I think he has a valid point - our coaching staff isn't exactly equipped to smooth the edges on a physically gifted quarterback that has issues with his mechanics. This is why I think McCarron starts this year, with Allen watching him on the bench. At least I hope that's the case. The OL has regressed and I could easily see a situation where Allen gets thrown to the wolves a la Peterman and the fanbase jumps down his throat because his first game is terrible. There's no recovering from that, just ask Nate.
  11. Uncatchable. His arm is strong enough to throw it over everyone's head, even at awkward angles while on the run. Looking at his stats, he averages slightly less than 2 sacks per game. That's pretty good. I still don't like the pick but a lot of the comments here make him out to be JP Losman and I'm just not seeing that.
  12. The one thing I will say in watching his tape last night is that he has a tendency to throw the ball away a lot rather than take sacks.
  13. Agreed. Same thing was said about Whaley and EJ, and look what happened to those two...
  14. He should just take Darnold then. This is such an easy selection for the Giants IMO and screws over the Bills. If I were a Giants fan, I would be going insane if they pass over both Darnold and Rosen at #2 or trade the pick away. 1. Mayfield 2. Darnold 3. Rosen 4. Barkley 5. Allen to BUF via trade with DEN Also possible, if Cleveland really does like Josh Allen, is to trade Mayfield to Buffalo for Allen + some large haul of picks.
  15. That's my feeling as well if CLE passes on him. If I were a Giants fan, I'd be super pissed if my team passed on a quarterback...
  16. The tin foil hat side of me wonders if Belichick's sith lords dug all of this up and are feeding this to the press in the hopes that they can jump up in the first to grab him...
  17. This sounds plausible but it'd have to be someone who resides in the Buffalo area year round, right? Who would that be? And who's going to hop on a flight at short notice to benefit the team that's trading him away?
  18. I knew something was missing from TBD these days... the obligatory Pegula Jet thread goes well with all the rampant speculation!
  19. Agree that bad news will be worse for server health. I think Allen is the worst case scenario. That's closely followed by not trading up and watching a team like Miami trade up with the Bucs or Colts to get the fourth quarterback, even if it is Allen, and having the Bills pick Jackson, Rudolph, or Mead's favorite QB Riley Ferguson.
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