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Everything posted by sullim4

  1. Kelly strikes me as the kind of guy who would flourish with a change of scenery. Hanging around old friends in Buffalo and playing under the shadow of his uncle, particularly with this fanbase, was never going to work out.
  2. Agree, Allen is not ready to start. But damn, he has tons of upside and potential. I wouldn't mind seeing him with the 1's in the fourth preseason game just to see how he does... but he has no business starting the first game of the season based on his performance last night.
  3. I think you forget how bad some of those guys on NBC were. Randy Cross was awful. Cris Collinsworth was pretty terrible back then as well. I generally think CBS announcers are significantly better than FOX's lineup. I'd rather have Nantz/Romo than Buck and Aikman. Kevin Harlan is also pretty good. Dick Stockton on FOX is just terrible.
  4. Project Veritas going after Urban... https://www.projectveritas.com/2018/08/02/an-unfair-game-urban-meyer-a-history-of-abuse/
  5. Being an upstate native, and having lived in the Pacific Northwest for the last 12+ years... I would say I really don't miss the weather aspect. We have mountains that get feet of snow on a regular basis during the winter just an hour's drive away. Our summers are the best in the entire country, never really getting hotter than 95 or so with next to no humidity. The number of overcast days here is actually comparable to Syracuse or Binghamton... I'd say we likely get more sunny days than either of those two cities. In terms of inches, we get less rain than NYC; most of our "rain" is a mist or just an on again/off again drizzle. I've also lost 70 pounds and maintaining a normal weight since I moved out here 12 years ago, largely because I'm not cooped up in a house all day during the winter and not avoiding outdoor activity due to excessive humidity in the summer. I honestly think the climate plays a huge part in that.
  6. Onside kicks count as well, not sure why this isn't done more often in high scoring games where the offense is likely to score on their first possession: Rule 16, Section 1, Article 3. e. The opportunity to possess applies only during kicking plays. A kickoff is the opportunity to possess for the receiving team. If the kicking team legally recovers the kick, the receiving team is considered to have had its opportunity. A punt or field goal attempt that crosses the line of scrimmage and is muffed by the receiving team is considered to be an opportunity to possess for the receiving team. Normal touching rules by the kicking team apply.
  7. That's what I'm doing. I honestly don't care about his interactions with fans. But when he tweets a photo with a bunch of former Bills, including Jimbo fresh off of cancer surgery, it's news. It's not news that warrants its own article, but it's news nonetheless. The journalistic standards of his employer thus apply imo... and it's not a good look to call someone a "convicted rapist" when said individual wasn't actually convicted of rape. Sure, "alleged rapist" is fine, or even the more generic "sexual assaulter", but the "convicted rapist" phrase has a distinct meaning and it's journalism 101 not to tag someone with a specific crime unless they were actually convicted of it. It's extremely common for beat writers to tweet news instead of writing an article... and when Graham tweets news like the example above, it speaks to his credibility and character as a journalist. I agree that the way he treats his followers is a separate matter unrelated to his abilities as a journalist; although if I was TBN, and hurting for subscribers, I'd be itching to get rid of someone who treats his or her readers in this way. It's not exactly good for business.
  8. I don’t agree with the comparison. A reporter is special in that their twitter feed is easily construed as part of their work product. Oftentimes they (including Tim) will tweet instead of writing a story. I think the way Graham represents himself on Twitter is 100% fair game in terms of his evaluation as a reporter.
  9. This is totally something they would do. Everything with this franchise is cloak and dagger type stuff.
  10. You're the exception to the rule... you've always participated on this board respectfully and haven't gotten defensive. You haven't burned bridges, you have contacts within the team, and break actual stories. You author articles that many people enjoy reading. You don't have a "holier than thou" attitude towards criticism. Other members of the Buffalo media act differently.
  11. He has a repeated pattern of doing this. For all the crap that Bucky and Sully took (and rightfully so), Timmah can never admit that he was wrong. Even his response says that he's only "technically" wrong and that it really was rape. Were you there Tim?
  12. https://www.nytimes.com/1997/09/10/sports/bennett-pleads-guilty.html He pled down to a misdemeanor charge. Graham is claiming he was convicted of felony rape. At the very least, he should get a talking to by his superiors at the News. IMO he should be fired but we know that won't happen.
  13. Ummm…. Bennett wasn't convicted of rape, he pled down to a lesser charge. This is why people don't want to pay for the Buffalo News. Apparently accuracy takes a back seat to personal vendettas.
  14. Ah, I see, it only reproduces with smaller screen widths. I get fairly reasonable behavior if I set padding to 0px and max-width to 1340px on ipsLayout_header and ipsLayout_footer, but it is a slightly different look. CSS is maddening to me (I'm a C++ dev) so maybe someone else has a better solution.
  15. Honestly my biggest worry on defense is whether Kyle has regressed due to age. The secondary should be strong and I expect Edmunds to have improved the LB corps. On the offensive side... lots of question marks. The OL is worrisome, QB is a huge question mark, the WR are still weak, and Shady is a year older. The passing game is likely to do better at the expense of more interceptions, but I bet the running game will be notably worse with Taylor gone and McCoy having to deal with a weaker OL and age.
  16. I can't reproduce the problem from the screenshot; tried Chrome, Edge, and IE11. How are you getting that to reproduce?
  17. Oh please. Look at the time of that update to the article and the time of my OP. Maybe it wasn't there when I had originally posted it? And even if it was, we aren't supposed to copy/paste articles beyond the teaser first paragraph or so.
  18. https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/thr-esq/al-jazeera-says-peyton-manning-was-source-confirming-claims-sports-doping-film-1116340
  19. Gailey Marrone, obviously. Gregggo Cheeseburgers Mularkey Rex, fully pregnant. Skeletor Gailey had the least amount of talent to work with and actually adapted his schemes to his players rather than the opposite... for that he gets the top spot imo.
  20. This video reminds me of how much I hated those old uniforms...
  21. … and with the NFL having trouble filling up new stadiums (the 49ers stick out in my mind, but there are others), why invest a crap ton of money in the stadium? It's not paying off for many teams outside of the teams with large markets like the Cowboys. Even the Jets with the NYC market are having issues. And I can't believe anyone is suggesting that they would move the team. That's just not going to happen with these two. You can complain all you want about meddling or boneheaded decisions like hiring Rex or keeping Russ around too long. But they view the Bills and Sabres just like we do... for goodness sake they call in to WGR randomly. They won't sell either team of their own accord so long as they're alive.
  22. I suspect this is a set up for a renovation of the existing facility, which in my mind would be welcome news. It's the fiscally responsible decision and it avoids a lot of the nastiness with PSLs and excessively priced luxury suites. Some of the stuff could be simple things like eliminating the bench-style seating in the upper deck with bucket seats, to the more complex like gutting the non-club 200 level seating and replacing it with a standing-room concourse, a restaurant or pub for season ticket holders, or something similar. If we're lucky, we may actually get a heated grass field a la Lambeau to replace the questionable turf that we have. I could see Erie County kicking in money for something like that. I think the Pegulas are smart enough to realize that new luxury boxes aren't going to extract the most money out of the Bills and Sabres… the franchises' biggest asset is the unique fanbase and the way you extract money from these kinds of people is very different from the typical luxury box owner. Merchandise sales, "unique" experiences with players, keeping the existing tailgating atmosphere (without going too crazy), and low season ticket churn will extract more money over the long term than paying for a new stadium and expecting PSLs and higher luxury suite sales rates in return.
  23. I said this a few months ago... I've never liked the "Bills Mafia" term. What is it even supposed to mean? That we're rough and tumble or something? I have no idea why this ever stuck with the fanbase. When I think of the mob, I think of NYC, Philadelphia, or Chicago... not Buffalo. How about "Bills Backers" or "Bills Fans"? Hell, I'll even go for "Bills Nation". "Bills Mafia" sounds like a term that a ten year old kid pulled out of his behind.
  24. I've mentioned it a few times. The actual tech side of it is the easy part - you just need auth and billing info. The hard part is getting media outlets to buy into the idea. You'd need to line up contracts with the conglomerates like Hearst, Gannett, NYT, etc. The tech companies (Apple, Amazon, Google) would be well positioned to set this up, and could even suggest articles based on previous purchases or interests. The only paper I have seen that has tried micropayments is the Winnipeg Free Press. It's 27 cents CAD per article with a money back guarantee if you read the article and don't think it was worth the money. You will recall 20 years ago that piracy of music was a huge problem. Micropayments have largely eliminated that problem since most people would rather pay $.99 for a song rather than go through the trouble to get an illegal copy. I don't see why the same thing couldn't work for the news. People generally dislike recurring subscription-based services but have fewer issues with pay-as-you-go.
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