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Everything posted by sullim4

  1. Is winning losing? For the draft, most certainly. For the fans, no way!
  2. Tickets for five bucks The lots packed with tailgaters How many arrests?
  3. Gase is a head case Win? Lose? No matter the score his seat is white hot.
  4. Lo! McDermott claps. Who is O'Leary's granddad? Squish the fish again!
  5. We are watching the end of the regime in Foxboro. Older Patriot* teams would be beating Buffalo by 25-30 points at this point.
  6. Fitz. His problem is that he keeps getting into situations where he's named a starter, which he isn't capable of doing on a regular basis. He's arguably the best backup quarterback in the league.
  7. You do that when you have no intention of scoring and want to prevent the opponent from calling all 3 timeouts and forcing a punt. It's a Jauron-esque play call... inexcusable.
  8. I'd say an alcoholic is someone that allows alcohol to get in the way of leading their life. Do you need a drink before work? Can't go home to your family without stopping at the bar? Do you hide alcohol around your office or at home (yes, I know someone who did this)? Does your family regularly give you a tough time about drinking too much? These would all be good signs. Personally, if I'm going out to eat, I will probably have a beer, and I will drink a glass of red wine on weekend nights at home with dinner. Occasionally I'll have a glass of wine with dinner during the week. I will rarely have more than 2 drinks a day... maybe once every two or three months, usually at a beer fest or while wine tasting. I almost never order a cocktail. I don't like the "go x amount of time without wanting to have a drink" as the test to determine alcohol dependency. I find it hard to eat good food without a glass of wine... does that now make me an alcoholic? Likewise, I know of one guy that exhibited every single symptom in the first paragraph, that went without alcohol for a month and then started drinking like a fish again... so he's not an alcoholic? If you want to strictly talk about alcoholism in terms of quantity, I would say that if you consciously drink to get drunk once a week or more, that's a good sign.
  9. Isn't Sal the D&C's beat writer? I don't read the D&C with any regularity, but if that's true, why do they have a beat writer writing opinion pieces? Say what you want about Sully, but he at least had a clear title as a columnist... Sal should either be a beat writer or a columnist.
  10. I really don't understand this. He had a few bad punts, but he also had a few good ones, and he is a competent holder for Hauschka. The Bills could do better, but they could also do a lot worse, and I don't know that making a change in week 13 makes any sense. Buffalo isn't exactly friendly to punters in November and December. I'd rather they focus their energy on improving the return coverage units as opposed to the specialist.
  11. Agreed. It's sort of unfair to give one team in a division a bye week during week 4 when another team gets it in week 11. You're a lot more likely to be suffering injuries as a team that need additional healing time in week 11 than in week 4.
  12. I wouldn't be upset either way. I think starting Allen represents the highest risk/highest reward of the bunch: If you start Allen, and he sucks, then you run the risk of having the fanbase turn against him and calling for his head, after less than a season at quarterback. If you start Allen, and he's good, then that's great. If you start Barkley, and he sucks, then Allen just goes in for the final few games, and even if he sucks too, the fanbase won't turn on him. If you start Barkley, and he's good... then what's the problem? Let Allen develop on the bench and see if Barkley just needed the right set of coaches to click with.
  13. This felt like one of Fitz's "good" performances. I would not make him the starter, but he is a serviceable backup and can at least teach the young kid the ropes of playing in the NFL. He should be the #2.
  14. I noticed this play as well. Pathetic effort on his part. Given what this season is, I'd like to see an example made out of him and have him cut. I'd honestly rather have Peterman on the team than Benjamin. Peterman tries but is terrible. Benjamin doesn't try and he's still terrible.
  15. Caffe D'Arte is what we drink, they are a local roaster in Seattle but sell on Amazon as well. Meaning of life drip blend.
  16. Nope. He bought enough goodwill from last year that if the unit was at least competent and competitive, which it would be if it was ranked #20, I'd be fine with it. The fact that the offense is one of the worst in NFL history, combined with his repeated mistakes in selecting coaching staff on that side of the ball and poor personnel choices (Peterman, DiMarco, Benjamin, etc), should put him on a very hot seat in my view. I was never thrilled with his selection as head coach, but was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt after reaching the playoffs and putting together solid defenses. My worry now, after as many blowout losses as this team has experienced, is that he has reached a point where he's lost credibility with the players, fanbase, and front office (aside from Beane). Talking in platitudes about "the process" gets less effective as horrible results pile up. It is very hard to recover from a position like that.
  17. No - I just want a team that's better than the worst offense in modern NFL history. That's my ask at this point and the team is failing spectacularly at it.
  18. This is his downfall, in my opinion. Something is seriously wrong with the coaching staff's game planning and preparation when blowouts happens so consistently. For all of those who say that this should be "expected" given the amount of dead cap space, my response is that even the 0-16 teams of the last few seasons were not consistently blown out like this.
  19. Points given up: Week 1: 47 Week 2: 31 Week 3: 6 Week 4: 22 Week 5: 13 Week 6: 20 Week 7: 37 Week 8: 25 Week 9: 41 (so far) If this is "playing their minds out" then I really don't know what to say.
  20. Bingo. McDermott has lost the locker room and respect of the fans. Even with tens of millions in cap space, who would want to come here?
  21. The question I want the media to ask McDermott: How does this game and train wreck of a season fit into the process?
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