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Everything posted by sullim4

  1. This is like giving TO the key to the city. It's a tad premature.
  2. Oh, so that's why they call them the Browns... the old ex-lax trick on the opposing quarterback...
  3. There's a real judge of talent. An avatar with Herm, Kotite, Coslet, and Joe Walton. As bad as it is right now Jets fans, it is hard to believe it's worse now than it was with Rich Kotite.
  4. Those two games were on ABC, which might explain the higher ratings. Other than yesterday and Saints/Raiders, MNF aired on ESPN exclusively.
  5. This is... interesting. If I was Dallas, I'd be protesting very loudly to the league office.
  6. Agreed, this is a really great win. The defense was shaky at times but the offense was just stupendous. I think they match up well against Pittsburgh.
  7. I was wondering the same thing. The fix is in from the refs tonight.
  8. McDermott will exceed his current record of 55 claps/min.
  9. For whatever reason, Michaels hates Buffalo. When I heard he was sitting out a few games this year, I knew the Steelers/Bills game would be one of them.
  10. Biggest letdown in a long time... All things considered | TheSteelersFans "This is worse than some playoff losses considering their depleted roster. Seemed like the fans cared more about the Ravens antics than actual players. I think Tomlin and Harbaugh shook hands.Worst part... Steelers ***** ass attitude of never blow a team out and making sure to get the under for Vegas. Might have got Dupree injured for the year. Game should have been over at halftime and back-ups should have been in by the 4th.Didn't look like Tomlin had them ready. He looked half asleep himself and forgot his aviators. Tuitt tweeting about padding stats and easy victory.Dupree out for the year and seasons over. Exactly why you blow these clowns out by 40 at halftime. I'm so mad."
  11. Browns wins: Bengals x2 (2-8-1) Football Team (4-7) Cowboys (3-8) Colts (7-4) Texans (4-7) Eagles (3-6-1) Jaguars (1-10) Browns losses: Ravens (6-4) Steelers (10-0) Raiders (6-5) The win against the Colts is a legitimate win but the others... geez. AFC South + NFC East. The remaining schedule is the Titans, Ravens, Giants, Jets, and Steelers. They will get to 10 wins with the Jets and Giants on their schedule but I don't think the can beat any of the other three teams.
  12. For a league that's supposed to be concerned about player safety, it does not seem like a great idea to throw a practice squad player behind center less than 24 hours before the game. The Broncos should forfeit the game and throw it into the league's lap. They aren't likely to make the playoffs (playoff status has them at a 2% chance) and it would improve draft position, something TSW posters clamored for in the leaner years of the drought.
  13. ESPN's model is just out of date. Their programming consists of... - SportsCenter which has been replaced by the internet, where you can view highlights, see scores, read articles, etc. - Opinion-based talk shows. These have been replaced by sites like TBD, Reddit, etc. Why listen to the national talking heads' opinions when you can shoot the bull with your team's fanbase? - Pregame and postgame coverage. Again, with all the reaction and analysis available online, for free, why sit through loud talking heads spouting off? - Sporting events, live and taped. So really, it's just the events themselves that make ESPN interesting. ESPN is particularly valuable for NBA, MLB, and NCAA football/basketball. If you aren't interested in any of that, and can give up the mediocre MNF matchups, why pay nearly $10 a month for this crap? The business model is not sustainable and at some point the bubble is going to burst when TV customers are unwilling to pay ESPN's fees. I strongly suspect a subscription-based future for ESPN, where they bundle other Disney properties together and force folks that must view live sports to pay for those.
  14. Yep... we aren't these teams anymore!
  15. Enjoy, Bills fans! Combined win the win on Sunday this weekend has been pretty hard to beat.
  16. Maybe OT, but I've disliked Collinsworth going back to the days that the AFC was on NBC. He was an in-studio analyst and just terrible. Having him and Randy Cross analyze the Bills was like getting a root canal.
  17. Offensive holding is my least favorite penalty in the entire game. It is so subjective - I cannot look at a play and know whether the officials will call it; nearly every play has some degree of holding. The subjective nature in addition to the high severity of the penalty (10 yards) is annoying. The top tier of teams rarely get called for it as often as those in the lower tier, and it feels like officials use it in a biased way against teams they perceive to be of "lesser" talent. I would lower the penalty to 5 yards and dump the ticky tack stuff. You've got to bear hug the defender or physically tug at the jersey to trigger the penalty.
  18. I think the better question is -- can the team win a playoff game? Likely opponents right now, assuming they win the division, appear to be Baltimore, Cleveland, Indianapolis, and the Raiders. Baltimore would be the toughest out of the group (and the most likely, should the Bills get the 4th seed). I think the Bills could beat the other three teams.
  19. That onside kick was a terrible call at that point in the game given the low percentage of success. I thought it wreaked of desperation for a 2-4 team desperate for a win as opposed to a shrewd move on BB's part.
  20. This is the weakest I have seen NE* in years. Newton is no Tom Brady, even at age 43.
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