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Everything posted by sullim4

  1. Raiders/Chargers is a lock for SNF next week. It's a win/in situation. NBC is higher in the pecking order than ESPN is.
  2. Zero chance this gets flexed to Saturday. Expect the cheats to be playing on Saturday night... which gives BB the advantage of having an extra day to prepare for the playoffs.
  3. So when is our friend Spags going to show up?
  4. Given that Feliciano can play at C, and that Bates had a great game at G... I would keep him in there.
  5. I would hope Belichick was trying to exploit the OL weaknesses... which by some miraculous divine intervention, never materialized. BB is a cheater but he has to know Allen isn't a rookie QB incapable of reading a defense and taking what they were giving him.
  6. It's almost assured that the two AFCE games will play at the same time. The NFL schedules the last week of the season so that teams which have intertwined results play in the same time slot. So my guess is we won't be watching much of that game in Miami unless Spags and the Jets find some way to beat the Bills.
  7. I live in the suburbs of Seattle. We went up north to see our folks yesterday for Christmas. At least half a dozen vehicles spun out on I-5 in about an inch of snow or so. Snoqualmie (I-90) and Stevens (US-2) Passes were closed for a good chunk of the day. They don't treat the roads around here reliably, so it's like driving on a skating rink.
  8. I did say the Marino and Shula eras :). The 0-fer 70s, combined with the fights for the division and natural villains like Bryan Cox during the '90s... it was the height of the rivalry. We weren't competitive back in the 70s, at least in the 90s it was a real rivalry.
  9. You, my friend, never lived thru the Shula and Marino years. If you did, you'd understand the animosity that many have against the fish. For me, it's the Jets that have the least animosity... they are an excellent foil of the Patriots* and haven't accomplished much of anything since Super Bowl III.
  10. Looks like the all-red jerseys are coming out this week...
  11. Buffalo Bills Fan Syndrome at its finest!
  12. Agreed on this feeling like the 56-10 drubbing from 2007. I think the problem is the lines. They can't run the ball because they have no talent up front. Dawkins regression has been huge and Morse has been slightly better than a sack of potatoes up there. Allen has no time to pass the ball. They also need to stop the DL rotation and put the best four men up front. Hughes has constantly overpursued and has been useless. Firing Daboll isn't going to solve anything. I'd fire Bobby Johnson and maybe release someone like Ford on the line. Something has to be shaken up.
  13. Same old Bills. "The Process" has been exposed.
  14. Edmunds is ridiculous. If this guy gets a contract... this front office should be ashamed.
  15. I'm sorry, but this sounds exactly like Dick Jauron. It wasn't good enough to win. This team had numerous opportunities in this game to secure the win, and they failed to do so. For a team that was expected to compete for a super bowl, this is not impressive. It's mediocre, and the kind of performance we'd celebrate during the drought. Times have changed and so have expectations.
  16. Our turf is absolute garbage. I can't believe this hasn't been addressed. Why we insist on using some local yokel company is beyond me. Get what every other team that uses artificial uses - FieldTurf.
  17. FOX doesn't give a rat's behind about the AFC. They see "Patriots***" and automatically assume that's the team that will win. They would have put Newton up in that graphic last year.
  18. It takes a special personality to come onto an opposing team's message board and advise others how to behave. I'm not excusing his behavior, but I'm not really sure how you expected to be welcomed with open arms after 3k posts here and the history between these two teams. Let me give you a piece of advice - leave the tongue-lashings to the moderators and let Bills fans talk about the game amongst themselves.
  19. I was in Vegas that weekend and I remember it well. This was the only time I ever took a Bills opponent against the spread in Vegas. I just had a feeling about this game and boy I wish I had put down more than $100 on that wager.
  20. I would posit that after the Bills lose the Colts game, we will be the most overhyped 6-4 team ever...
  21. No excuse for Bass...
  22. I've got a bridge to sell you if you think Bills games will be going for $6/mo under the existing subscription model. Placing NFL games on ESPN+ will undoubtedly raise the price of the package, or be an expensive add-on that will require you to have the underlying ESPN+ subscription. They might require the "Disney Bundle" to be purchased, so you'll also need to subscribe to Disney+ and Hulu. I would much rather have a tech company own the streaming rights - Disney does not exactly excel at software engineering. I would be curious to see how well their service would scale under the load that NFL games would bring. They use AWS's underlying infrastructure, but in the end, the Disney software engineers and ops teams are calling the shots and writing the code.
  23. This is where I'm at. The NFL is raking in millions from betting partnerships and related advertising. It's in their best interest to keep these partners happy. This is not para-mutuel betting where the operator takes a fixed commission - the profitability of these gambling partners is tied to the results of the games. Officiating in particular is shrouded in secrecy - we don't get to hear the mics, don't get to hear conversations between on-field officials and 345 Park Ave on replays. Why can't the NFL be more transparent here? There's no reason, aside from perhaps some embarrassing "Just give it to 'em" one-liners, that the NFL cannot be more transparent when it comes to officiating. It's one thing to have gambling restricted to Vegas and perhaps the Indian casinos. It's quite another to promote it via ads on TV and in the stadiums, and thus have to manage a relationship with a partner to "keep them happy". I have no idea whether games are fixed or not -- the problem is that the NFL has established next to no transparency to show they are being ethical and responsible. The average NFL fan sees poor officiating and draws the conclusion that the game's fixed. Sadly, there's little evidence to either confirm or deny that assertion, so the speculation persists.
  24. I'd rather have a rehabbing Fitz. After watching Newton play us twice last season, he's done like dinner.
  25. I want to see them draft a punter in the later rounds next year. Haack is terrible. I'd rather have Bojo and that says a lot.
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