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Everything posted by sullim4

  1. Spot No 2 clinching scenario: Spot #2 - First Round Home Field Advantage Case 1 Bills beat the Patriots, and Steelers lose to the Colts, and Steelers lose to the Bengals, and Titans lose to or tie the Packers
  2. That's the problem. Ben is their only realistic option. I am not a huge fan of Tomlin as a coach but I don't see what other choice he has.
  3. For perspective, to see how far we have come.... Online picture of what purports to be the Bills leaked playbook - The Stadium Wall Archives - Two Bills Drive
  4. Fins or Colts. Week 17 might be very interesting - if the Dolphins win they could end up playing us. If it's a win-and-in situation, where we end up playing the Ravens if we beat the Dolphins, or the Dolphins if they beat us in week 17... it might be wise to play it like a preseason game.
  5. Tell that to the 2007 version of myself that traveled from Seattle and sat in the November cold, for that Sunday night game where the Bills got whooped 56-10. The "highlight" that comes to mind - Belichick going for it on fourth down twice in the third quarter, up 35-7 one time and another time up 42-7 right at the end of the quarter. This isn't even my main issue with that franchise. The lopsided benefit of the doubt on every controversial officiating call, constantly walking the line of the rulebook in controversial ways just to needle opponents (e.g. the consecutive false start penalties against the Jets), digging through the garbage of their opponent's hotel rooms, spygate, deflategate, taking cheap shots at their opponents after big plays (Gronk on Tre White)... the list goes on and on. I wish that franchise nothing but ill will and failure.
  6. I think Cam starts on Monday. BB doesn't seem to want to play Stidham for whatever reason. My guess on 2021 - they draft a QB and sign someone like Fitz for a year. I could see Fitz wanting to play for the evil empire so he could stake the claim of starting for all four AFC East teams.
  7. I don't understand why the Rams would not go for a FG there.
  8. Pop open the trunks of cars as a condition of entry - no grills, beer, etc allowed. You could restrict the main routes of entry to residents with ID and ticket holders (e.g. Abbott, Big Tree, etc). I think this is possible to do, it's a matter of convincing the politicians.
  9. Precisely why I want the Fins to win today and lock up a playoff spot. I like that matchup a lot more than some of the other potential ones.
  10. Nope: Buffalo Bills Playoff Spot Elimination Options (playoffstatus.com)
  11. I am sure I am not alone here when I hope we pound the living daylight out of these jerks next Monday.
  12. It was a FOX production crew that did the game. I agree, FOX is inferior to CBS is almost every category you mention.
  13. I think he's just oblivious. But what I want to know - where is Anthony Lynn's San Diego Chargers hat?
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