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Everything posted by sullim4

  1. I agree, it's likely an NFC opponent. I don't see the Rams or the Bears being the international game given that they were just over there in 2019. I think the Lions game is the pick if they want to balance the home/away split (8/8/1), or possibly the Vikings if they make the Bills sacrifice a home game. There are quite a few games on the Bills schedule next year that could be SNF/MNF candidates or 4:25pm doubleheader games (Packers, Chiefs, Ravens, Rams, Titans, Patriots x2) and I don't see any of those going to London. Europe never gets the "good" games that end up on the schedule.
  2. This is Muki confusing the 17th game with the 17th week.
  3. They generally are not, but they are granted an exception during November for "No Shave November" to raise awareness for prostate cancer.
  4. Again, the referee is only responsible for the quarterback, kicker, game administration, and replay. They will occasionally call holding, but that's it. The umpire and the deep wing officials are a lot more interesting as those officials primarily call holding, illegal contact, and pass interference. These are the calls that typically impact the game the most. For Sunday's game, the following officials have been scheduled: Carl Johnson is the old NFL head of officiating (he was replaced by Riveron who was replaced by Walt Anderson). Mark Hittner and Rick Patterson have been around forever and are widely considered some of the best at their position. This is a very good crew that has a lot of experience.
  5. Yeah I figured that would be the recommendation - thanks for confirming!
  6. I'm gonna be in Poipu during the AFC championship weekend... any suggestions on Kauai? For Oahu I'd avoid the chains along Kalakaua/Waikiki and try to find some place a bit more local closer to the Ala Moana area. The King's Pub suggestion looks pretty decent.
  7. Very likely going to get the late Sunday slot but it'll be Nantz and Romo. NBC will probably get the Saturday night slot (SF/GB).
  8. Man the games this weekend have been lopsided outside of the Bengals and Raiders. Hoping Pittsburgh shows up and we get a halfway decent game.
  9. Agreed. I don't like this at all and I say that as someone who enjoys putting money down on the games while in Vegas. There's a saying, don't eat where you poop... gambling is ok in small doses but having it inside the stadium itself feels like it's a step too far.
  10. It is important to note that, other than Allen, none of the officials were on his regular season crew. There is a lot of the Blakeman and Rogers crew being represented:
  11. "We might not even need the punter!" Dear God I hope Talley is right.
  12. I get it... but BB in the playoffs doesn't seem like a dream matchup. I'd rather send the team that plays in a dome in Los Angeles to Buffalo.
  13. So... if the Chargers win we get them, and if the Raiders win, we get NE*?
  14. I see "Aaron" and totally forget about Schobel. My mind immediately went to Maybin lol...
  15. They have to keep Haack to hold for FGs... but I would bring in a punter for the playoffs. A retired Moorman could do a better job than this.
  16. 14-0 Fish... if the cheats lose and the Raiders win... Belichick and friends come to Buffalo. Can't believe I'm saying this but I want BB to win this one.
  17. The way Flores handled the Fitz/Tua situation last year is enough imo to show him the door. Tua is no franchise quarterback, but I think the flip flopping there killed any confidence he had.
  18. Could just be me, but I have a real hard time flying out of Buffalo on Sunday nights after games. There's a couple 7pm flights but I'm very conservative when it comes to assuming that I will get stuck in traffic, etc. I always fly out on Monday, which yeah kind of sucks that it requires a day off, but it allows for a 4:25 or SNF flex later in the season, and it means no mad rush to the airport in case of traffic or overtime.
  19. Agreed. He'd come cheap in that scenario, knows McD's defense, and would be good insurance in case covid decimates the defensive line in the playoffs. He is not a starter, but we could do much worse for a backup on the defensive line.
  20. A former performer who eats crayons and has an unhealthy obsession with gerbils?
  21. Bump. I see our friend Jimmy hasn't made an appearance yet this week. Youse worried about your pretty boy quarterback's pinnacle achievement being the MVP of the Boca Raton bowl?
  22. I think a lot of Bears fans will react that way. It's the same reaction a number of us had when Rex was hired - we all thought he was a dope, seeing his schtick 2x a year and it turned out we were right. I think Frazier has grown considerably since the Vikings job and would be an excellent hire. I know nothing about Riddick's ability and past experiences in the front office. I think the biggest problem with this proposal is Dungy. I view him like a Bill Cowher - how relevant is he in the NFL today? He hasn't held a position with a team since 2008. I get that he's been able to build and maintain a network of people in the NFL as an NBC guy but damn, that is a lot of time to pass.
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