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Everything posted by MichFan

  1. Maybe instead of politicizing the issue of embryonic stem cell research, which according to the libs has all the promise in the world despite the immense failures that have been associated with it, Kerry/Edwards should recognize that there are many other tracks being pursued which are more promising. One example: http://news.scotsman.com/latest.cfm?id=3590739 Edwards should be ashamed of misdirecting the hopes of these families and children, but then again he is a trial attorney who has no shame and the only facts that matter in the medical arena are those that support his case.
  2. EB -- you and I must have posted at the same time . Guess we're on the same page today, huh?
  3. Based on the post before your reply, RCow has joined the list as well. The guy who can't keep a post below 250 words could only manage a pathetic little one liner about W being the cause for Reeves' death.
  4. AD -- don't you realize that the government knows best which causes are worthy of funding and how much they deserve? I would think the extreme deliberation and care our legislatures apply in evaluating each cause and finding a fair amount of funding makes it worth the added administrative costs for the taxpayer. EB -- it's going to be a long three weeks around here. Here's some advice: if there are people who get your blood boiling due to their bitter partisanship and lack of writing anything bordering on insightful (e.g., blzrul), just go to your profile and use the ignore feature. It has made my time on PPP a lot more productive lately.
  5. Actually, Cheney suggests factcheck.com
  6. Mick, you used to be one of the libs who could hold a reasonable conversation around here. I don't know why you have become so bitterly partisan lately, but it's too bad. I think Rudy is actually peaking from a national perspective, but he can't hold up to the scrutiny his life and record would face in a Presidential race. He'd do better keeping his aspirations to a Cabinet level position. Pataki and Arnold don't stand a chance. I also don't see Frist as a legitimate candidate. Jeb is probably the front runner at this point. He has a cute hispanic wife and a talented bi-cultural son who speaks very well. He'd carry all of W's base plus appeal much more broadly to the middle and hispanics.
  7. So you are suggesting that if Kerry wins this election we should see GWB as a front runner four years from now? I guess it is not surprising coming from the party who promised "Gore in '04" back in 2000. And you suggest I am the one in denial of reality... Seems to me GHWB has gotten by just fine with his life, as would GWB. It's Clinton and Gore that can't stand life out of the limelight.
  8. Must of been part of "the plan".
  9. Hey libs -- just curious -- why aren't you guys embracing Evan Bayh? This guy has got easily electable written all over him unless there are issues/skeletons I am unaware of. Hillary and Biden are caustic. Lieberman, as much as I like the guy, was running neck and neck with Sharpton in the primaries .
  10. Dawgg, you're at an age where I'll assume you appreciate the idea that hard work is what gets you ahead. I'll also assume you want a President who is a hard worker on behalf of the American people. Do a little research on the following: - What has Kerry's attendance in the Senate been over the last 2 years? Keep in mind that Kerry has been on the payroll of the taxpayer this whole time. Do you think this attendance is deserving of a promotion? You probably would have been fired from your own job after about 2 weeks of this. - What percentage of Senate votes over the last 2 years has Kerry participated in? Recognize that Kerry was elected by the people of Massachusettes to represent their interests in D.C. Has he done a capable job on their behalf? Would you get a promotion if you answered that percent of questions from your manager? Would you even have a job? - What percentage of Senate Intelligence Committee meetings has Kerry attended since 9/11? Many feel that homeland security and the war on terror are the biggest issues in this campaign. Kerry was given the honor of serving on a key player in these issues. If you showed similar interest in the key issues affecting your company, would you get a promotion? - How many bills has Kerry authored over the course of his 20 year career? He's on record stating that it isn't about authoring bills, rather negotiating to get your pork/policies into existing bills by making your support contingent upon it. Would you get a promotion if you let everyone else do the hard work and then just finessed a few points? - On the day of the first debate, one candidate worked assisting hurricane relief providers while another candidate went to a spa and got a French manicure. Whose work ethic would you rather have leading this country. Obviously by now you can figure out that I am a Bush supporter. But again, I hope you appreciate that we have the right to expect the same work ethic out of our leaders that is expected of us. People say a lot of things about each of them, but I have never heard anyone close to Bush accuse him of being a slacker and I have never heard anyone close to Kerry accuse him of being a hard worker.
  11. Rich, this just strengthens the case for Kerry: - you need to have been a lawyer before you were against them to be capable of properly reforming tort laws - you need to have been for the war before you were against it to be capable of winning the war (based on your opponents strategy) - you need to have been for funding the troops before you were against it in order to credibly ask for more funding - you need to have voted against going to war with an alliance before you were for it to be capable of leading new alliances and now... - you need to have participated in offshoring before you were against it to be capable of closing the loopholes. Of course, Kerry has only had one consistent position on all of these issues. Oops, I almost forgot -- he has a plan.
  12. The Presidential term limit would prohibit Bush from running in '08. If the Dems want to win in 2008, they need to look at a guy like Evan Bayh. He is a moderate Dem who could deliver Midwest swing states and compete in states like TN, AR, and LA. I think Jeb, Rudy, and McCain are the Rep frontrunners in 2008. I'd put my money on Jeb at this point, with Rudy or Rice as the Veep.
  13. That's almost as good as Kerry's $87 million quote.
  14. Wrong, Bush clearly said he had made several mistakes in making appointments and that he wasn't going to embarass those people by making their names public. He also said that other issues that he is accused of making mistakes would require the judgement of history to accurately assess. The question wasn't what are the three biggest mistakes, it was just to cite any three mistakes. He did.
  15. I'm sure it will have something to do with Bush not even being smart enough to get out of the 30% rate.
  16. Ahhh, the good old days. When terrorism was no worse than prostitution or racketeering. Maybe we can just pay these guys off to leave us alone and stay in Israel. Neville Chamberlain would be proud of this guy.
  17. I understand the concern over the last question to Bush, but I think libs could make the same argument about the stem cell and abortion questions asked of Kerry. They were both asked from the opposing point of view. The stem cell person mentioned how all the progress has been with adult and umbillical cells, while none have come from embryonic. The abortion person asked how Kerry could make someone who is opposed to abortions comfortable that their tax money wouldn't be used to fund them. Kerry failed to answer these questions directly and babbled on about his positions on these issues while trying at the same time to appease the questioner, but one would think if the questions were asked differently he would have came across much better. So much for the idea that he thinks so well on his feet...
  18. Carter 1980: It's only a few dozen hostages; What's a little inflation between friends; I'm the clean air candidate -- less gas for all Gore 2000: Bill Clinton did {fill in the blank}, so vote for me.
  19. Even Howard Fineman and Ron Reagan Jr. thought his response to the abortion question was incoherent.
  20. That was a classic moment. It reminded the American people why they like this guy so much on a personal level.
  21. On points I give a slight edge to Bush. On style I give a bigger edge to Bush. Bush actually got Kerry on the defensive for the first time probably in Kerry's life as a debater. Also, contrary to another thread, I think Bush did a good job changing his intonation. On national defense issues he spoke strongly. On domestic issues he was more conversational. Kerry did an excellent job hitting the Democratic talking points, but too many were the same statements from the last debate and they sounded a bit repetitive. Kerry had 2-3 questions where he convinced himself he has a clear position on something but most people watching, including the one asking the question, were left shrugging their shoulders. Overall, I think the debate will help Bush. He showed up to this one, and surpassed lowered expectations. There was a huge contrast between this and the first. By the way -- you need some wood?
  22. It could, but it would be so laughable why would you even waste the time? Doh, you went ahead and did it anyway.
  23. I think of all the criticisms I have heard on this board about Bush and Iraq, this is probably the fairest. There was such angst for these countries that it would have been extremely controversial to allow them to benefit from the aftermath. We'd also have risked giving more power to the insurgency if those who came in weren't resolute about staying there (e.g., if France bailed because of a few hostages and beheadings, it would have strengthened the terrorists). Going into the hindsight 20/20 mode, I still would have removed Saddam but think swallowing our pride and involving more countries in the security/rebuilding effort may have helped out.
  24. Don't you mean bâiller? It must really bother you that the leader of the liberal free world is as off-kilter as you libs accuse Bush of being.
  25. http://www.drudgereport.com/flash5.htm I guess not only are we supposed to pull our troops out of Iraq, but we are also supposed to pull our language out of the rest of the world. I feel like such an imperialist pig for speaking the English language.
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