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Everything posted by MichFan
One can only hope this is how the day unfolds: 2:00pm EST Secretary of State Ken Blackwell announces there are xxx,xxx provisional and overseas absentee ballots in the system. Assures America that regardless of how the campaigns respond to the information, OH will ensure every legally cast vote is counted prior to certifying the election. 5:00pm EST Kerry campaign announces Kerry will address the nation at 9:00pm EST. 9:00pm EST Kerry concedes election. 10:00pm EST Bush makes victory speech
Interested in knowing what everyone's worst and best moments of election day was. Here's mine: Worst - Listening to VP Dick Cheney on the Hannity radio show. He came on around 5:45pm and sounded extremely tense. Best - Tie a. Bill Kristol on FoxNews comes back from his nearly-comatose state to remark that the exit polls are way . b. Susan Estrich starts explaining how the Dems are still going to pull out Ohio based on late returns from Cuyahoga and Franklin counties without even bothering to mention the Bush bounty sitting down the road from me in the Cincy suburbs. It was almost painful to watch (in a good way of course). For those who are critical of FoxNews, you owe Brit Hume a world of respect for how he handled Estrich. He turned very fatherly and helped her through her desparate explanation. If he wanted to be the partisan many accuse him of being, he easily could have worked Estirch into tears.
I hope both parties can agree that the release of exit poll information while people are still voting is not good. We saw yesterday how this data can be manipulated and affect voters. As I mentioned several times here yesterday, the Dems were leaking poll numbers mid-day to IMHO stem the highly effective Republican GOTV. Some pundits this morning say that might have cost Kerry New Mexico due to possible voter complacency thinking their guy already won. The most eggregious of the early exit poll numbers was Penssylvania at 60-40. If you haven't looked this morning, PA ended up being 51-49.
Kudos and congrats to george bush
MichFan replied to Kelly the Dog's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Class act, Kelly. Felt bad for you last night because I saw you clinging to every last hope and know it must have hurt to see it slip away. -
Obama needs more time on the shelf. I'd see him more likely being the candidate in 2012 or 2016. But he could be VP on the next ticket. The future of the Democrat party now lies with how deeply they are willing to assess the situation and make changes. The electorate has consistently taken care of problems for them (e.g., Gore, Daschle, Kerry), now they need to be proactive and clean house. If they want another election like this year, they won't change a thing and then will come back with Hillary in 2008. If they want a chance at winning in 2008, they will look to new and more moderate faces such as Evan Bayh. In this election, Bayh would have held the Gore states just as easily as Kerry did, but he would have won Indiana, Ohio, and Iowa as well which would have led to a lanslide win. The party of Clinton and McAuliffe needs to enter the 21st century to get back in the game.
As much as I enjoy bands like Dave Matthews, John Mellencamp, Bruce Springsteen, etc..., I just haven't been able to listen to them due to their biased activism in this campaign. Today I start listening to them again with a big smile on my face. It was a good thing P Diddy had shades on last night during his interview on MSNBC. Otherwise the gangstas would have seen his tears upon news of a Bush victory and poor youth turnout. Lastly, I hope this campaign marks the end of Ron Reagan Jr.'s stint as a political pundit. Back to the dog shows for him.
Cross-referencing of names on absentee ballots to voter registration makes Repubs think they have a 150,000-200,00 vote goldmine in the absentees.
Exactly, I want to make sure that Bushies see the positive wherever they may run into this stupid early exit poll story. Sorry to be redundant, but have to keep the morale high.
From NRO:
The exits that have been reported so far are absoulte BS. For example, the sampling is 59% Women vs. 41% Male. To any Bush supporter who is even the slightest bit worried -- SUCK IT UP AND GOTV!!!! This is going to be a close election and we knew last night it would be that way. You want it to be a landslide for Bush and melt when it isn't. Again, SUCK IT UP, go vote, and get your family, friends and neighbors out to vote. The Republican GOTV machine is hitting on all cylinders and this was a calulated move to derail it by the DNC and main-street-media. The DNC simply can not handle the thought of losing an election with high voter turnout. If you let this demoralize you then they win and you'll feel like a fool tomorrow. Think of the guys over in Iraq laying their a$$ on the line and expecting you to pull through for them. Get your minds back in the freaking game and keep the morale high. Bush will win if you do.
The exits that have been reported so far are absoulte BS. For example, the sampling is 59% Women vs. 41% Male. To any Bush supporter who is even the slightest bit worried -- SUCK IT UP AND GOTV!!!! This is going to be a close election and we knew last night it would be that way. You want it to be a landslide for Bush and melt when it isn't. Again, SUCK IT UP, go vote, and get your family, friends and neighbors out to vote. The Republican GOTV machine is hitting on all cylinders and this was a calulated move to derail it by the DNC and main-street-media. The DNC simply can not handle the thought of losing an election with high voter turnout. If you let this demoralize you then they win and you'll feel like a fool tomorrow. Think of the guys over in Iraq laying their a$$ on the line and expecting you to pull through for them. Get your minds back in the freaking game and keep the morale high. Bush will win if you do.
The exits that have been reported so far are absoulte BS. For example, the sampling is 59% Women vs. 41% Male. To any Bush supporter who is even the slightest bit worried -- SUCK IT UP AND GOTV!!!! This is going to be a close election and we knew last night it would be that way. You want it to be a landslide for Bush and melt when it isn't. Again, SUCK IT UP, go vote, and get your family, friends and neighbors out to vote. The Republican GOTV machine is hitting on all cylinders and this was a calulated move to derail it by the DNC and main-street-media. The DNC simply can not handle the thought of losing an election with high voter turnout. If you let this demoralize you then they win and you'll feel like a fool tomorrow. Think of the guys over in Iraq laying their a$$ on the line and expecting you to pull through for them. Get your minds back in the freaking game and keep the morale high. Bush will win if you do.
2005 Election Predictions Please
MichFan replied to Rich in Ohio's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
It's impossible to make heads or tails of the polls, so how does one from Ohio have any chance of accurately predicting what will happen in WI, MN, and IA let alone NM or HI? I'm going to base my prediction based on what I have seen being in one of the key swing states of the election. Two weeks ago I had several recorded messages from annoying, nasal Kerry campaign workers. They told me Bush is bad, but nothing about Kerry other than he has a plan. Today I had a message from Arnold and W himself. Very positive messages. I then was called by a Republican volunteer who was very nice. Both candidates and their supporting 527's have bought heavy time on the T.V. and radio. What I know of Kerry from these ads is nothing. Every Kerry/DNC/lib 527 ad I have seen running here is a Bush bashing piece. Bush's ads involve both Kerry hit pieces and positive ads that promote his record. In the end tonight, I see the same Bush bashing ad running every 15 minutes from Kerry. I see the touching RNC convention speech ad running from Bush. Ohioans are weary of being a battleground state because of the relentless canvassing by both sides. The shift to Bush in the past week is simple to understand -- we've heard enough negativity, it's time to look ahead. Bush is the only candidate who is servicing this need with positive ads about who he is and where he wants to go with the next 4 years. Thus he is pulling ahead. If this same trend is playing out across the other battleground states, it will be a good day for the Bush campaign. I think it is and therefore predict: Bush wins 280EV 51% popular vote -
Terayyyza's son called Bush a cokehead today in a speech. Nice family. Senator Heinz is probably rolling over in his grave at this point.
Funniest line of the week. The Dems must be spiking their kool-aid with some pretty heavy stevestojan.
Mick -- I am not defending anything. I don't need to defend my opinion, it is correct. If Kerry wins the islamic extremists will be partying in the streets. Are you saying this isn't true? As I said earlier, I stated this well before the UBL tape came out and I could care less about the UBL tape. This is a global war on terror, not a manhunt for one person.
This is the third thread I have used this logic and two times were in response to libs. Far fewer than umpteen times. And in every case my opinion has been factual -- like it or not. Are you saying that we won't see videos of extremists dancing in the streets in the Middle-East should Kerry be elected? Kerry's flip-flopping on Iraq set us up for this. The man is a weak-kneed follower. Hmmm, pre-UBL tape I was voting for Bush, post-UBL tape I'm voting for Bush. Pre-tape I commented that a Kerry win would be perceived as a success for AQ, post-tape I say the same thing. Don't quite see how I'm being influenced.
If you read this thread you'd see it was LGB who started this train of thought in favor of Kerry. Of course I wouldn't expect you to hold the same opinion of a fellow lib doing the same thing you accuse me of. Why deny the fact that AQ, other islamic terrorists, and Iraqi insurgents would receive an incredible moral victory from seeing Bush defeated? I thought you libs were the eagles and we were the ostriches? Seems like you guys are the ostriches when it comes to terrorism. I guess you'll morph into whatever you think you need to be, issue-by-issue, in order to win an election.
Bin Laden is more concerned about Kerry? I can see him sitting in a cave somewhere sweating this election out. Kerry who would submit America's decision-making to a global test versus Bush who will send a tactical bunker busting nuke right down his throat the second reliable-enough intelligence arises. Obviously he is most concerned about that global test and the thought of French paramilitary assaulting his fortress.
You're given her too much credit, BiB. She's just going to help elect John Kerry because obviously he has the plan.
I trust these thoughts will warm your soul as you watch jihadists party in the streets with their assault rifles at the announcement of a Kerry victory (if that happens). It will be an international love-in among them, the French, and the libs. Great pack you libs run with...
Okay libs -- I'll start giving hints. Hint #1 - Johnny Damon
There is an obvious response from the libs on this one, we'll see how long it takes them. They may be too busy trying to find a terrorist willing to blow something up with the "missing" explosives.
On the drive into work this morning, the local radio station reported that Iraqi insurgents/terrorists have released a video claiming to posess the "missing" explosives and that they are planning to use them agains U.S. troops. This is just too much. First the IAEA starts sniffing around for a media outlet to air the story. Then NYT "breaks" what really is a 19-month old story the week before the election. The story finds it's way into Kerry's stump speech almost instantaneously. Kerry says this is the tip of the iceberg. Then the enemy releases a video claiming to have the explosives. The coordination of events is astonishing. The idea that the IAEA, NYT, and the enemy have collaborated in an effort to overthrow Bush and the Kerry campaign has played a willing role in this effort is simply disgusting. I can't imagine at this point how anyone could actually go through with a vote for Kerry. As much as you may dislike Bush, Kerry is pulling another of his collaborate-with-the-enemy-for-my-own-best-interests. People, just think what it will really mean to this country if we wake up Wednesday morning hearing the words "President-elect John Kerry". Think about it seriously. Think about Al Quaeda's reaction, the Ba'athist reaction, the Iranian reaction, the Syrian reaction, the French reaction, the North Korean reaction. Then think about the dominant reaction among the 140,000 troops serving in Iraq. I stand to personally gain very well from a Kerry administration, but I would never sell my country out by voting for the guy for my own selfish interests.
You libs have just become Bush-hating, ranting, raving, idiots. You emulate your candidate well, jumping on something, anything that you think might swing some votes and then watching it blow up in your face. From CNN on 2/25/04: http://www.cnn.com/2004/ALLPOLITICS/02/24/....bush.marriage/ The problem for Bush is that the bill that was originally introduced in the House did not allow for civil unions and that somehow got attached to his agenda. But he has never spoken out against the idea of a civil union and has only been concerned about preserving the sanctity of marriage and the rights of state legislatures to decide on this issue. buftex, Mickey, BadDad -- yet again, you guys are wrong, wrong, wrong!!!!! :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: