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Posts posted by seabiscuit4

  1. Let's hope the team is getting along better than us fans or we are in big trouble! Can't we go back to mocking Ricky Williams or Dave Wannestadt - something we can all agree on?


    I know I am a fan because I can watch any other team in any other sport blow a lead and be amused. When it's the Bills I cuss and scream and generally act like a baby. It's torture. I guess I'll have to tape the games so I can skip the ones that might end with my foot in my tv. Some will say that's a fair weather fan but I say that's how you know you are a true fan. I am sick of the Pats getting so lucky and the Bills losing every way imaginable. Against the Bills Indy makes that field goal 49 of 50 times.


    I just hope Mularkey figures out real quick that we have to put away the other team when we have a chance or we will get a raw deal. His "we'll win the close games" speech will be the end of him. This is Buffalo. We won't win the close games. Better go get that extra touchdown when you have a chance!


    But let's go back to kicking our tvs and not each other!

  2. I think in this case you also need to keep in consideration the team psyche and morale issues. The players understand it's a cutthroat business but you have to show you are rewarding the behaviors you want. By all accounts Travis has worked very hard to improve and seems to be popular with teammates and a help to the other qbs. He's finally getting to the point his play may improve because of his years in the league vs a 34 year old qb.


    I think you have to keep 4 for that reason. It's a cutthroat business and at other positions it may not be as much of a consideration but if you go over the line regarding how you treat some players I think you lose some of the ability to keep them focused as a team.


    For ex., most people think Parcells is cutthroat but look at the players he brings to his teams. He rewards players who give him what he wants so clearly that most players get on board. Parcells is loyal to you if you are loyal to him and all the great coaches are like that. Crusty old Lombardi was the same. With Mularkey's experience as a player I think (I hope) he will build a team in the same manner. I am willing to bet right now Brown will not get cut. Zolman is gone and we'll carry 4 qbs. You can mock my comment if I am wrong!

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