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Everything posted by deep2evans

  1. I was at the game, watching it again from the normal TV view is just ridiculous. That guy is electric.
  2. uhhh...did you read the rest of that article? There were also comments from Joe Flacco's unibrow...
  3. Looks like Crowell really !@#$ed up here. Not sure why he was put on IR without hesitation, but this is one of those situation where there HAS to be more to the story. We'll find out in time.
  4. really? the team may as well move? seriously? get a grip and think for more than 2 seconds before mind!@#$ing all of us with a worthless post that epitomizes stupidity. a starter is gone, so move the team. jesus h christ.
  5. Kenton Keith cut by Indy? I thought that guy was pretty damn good.
  6. Yea I think that is a pretty horrible analysis for the most part. We beat up on Pitt and Indy, two of the better teams in the AFC when the starters were in. Why would your optimism take a hit when both Trent and JP led the team down the field for scores, while the starting defense allowed zero TD's in those 2 games? Stroud looked solid I thought, the starting O-Line was fantastic without Peters allowing for multiple 10+ play drives, and the two "positives", Hardy and McKelvin, showed less than Steve Johnson and Reggie Corner. I couldn't disagree more.
  7. The Sabres argument is retarded. Losing Drury, Briere, and Campbell had little to do with the Sabres not being able to compete with the Rangers/Leafs/Wings in a financial sense. The management screwed up by not have any foresight as to what their market value was. They're all 2-3 mil/year each overpaid and I'm thrilled we have younger/cheaper options in their place.
  8. i wanna try and do this really quick, because saying miami is as talented as the bills is the biggest joke i've heard in months. QB - wash. i'd like to give it to Edwards, who is young and improving, over a known commodity in Penny who was just cut, but I can see the argument for Chadwick too I guess. By the end of the year, Edwards should get the nod. RB - not close WR - Edwards, Hardy, Parrish, Reed > Ginn, Hagen, Wilford OL - Bills are much better with Peters, a little better without Peters. To say Jake Long is already dominant is friggin retarded. TE - Rob Royal must actually than anything they have, and that's hard to believe. the defensive comparison is an absolute joke. We're better at every position and it's not close. Our punter is better, our kicker is better, Ginn is a good return man, but yea i'll take ours all day. It's a pathetic comparison really. There isn't one position you can say they have a distinct advantage. Cmon jimmy griffin you're better than this.
  9. This made me laugh, because it's so dead on the money. You just know he figured that he would tear up Baltimore with his boys from The U, but instead was blindsided by the fact that Reed and Lewis work as hard as anyone in the game.
  10. same. watching him i always said, "dang, he has pretty good form for a WR"
  11. No I'm not blind, and it seems I remember the situation better than you do. It's hard to run the ball down our throats when he's in the lockerroom getting an IV.
  12. With all due respect man, we're talking about Willis McGahee here. Not some mushy feel good story of a guy who was "against the odds" or had a tough upbringing, ect, the guy is a complete overrated !@#$ who decided to bash the city who gave him a chance on his way out the door. He's so overrated it makes me sick, and while it's easy to say that's just sour grapes talking, I'll admit when really solid players have left town and still done well (Winfield, P. Williams). McGahee is a joke. He hesitates in the hole, has non-existant straight line speed, and the stamina of a guy smoking a pack a day for 20 years. !@#$ him.
  13. Perfectly stated. I'll NEVER even begin to understand how such an entertaining sport like hockey has been placed so far back on the backburner that it is a rarity to see it on sportscenter. Oh well, Go Sabres.
  14. Wow, kudos to you for really knowing your sh--. The thought of the Sabres and their history leaving town for an expansion franchise is nauseating.
  15. The oldest sister, Candice Cameron, married Pavel Bure.
  16. Golly's passion clearly isn't hockey, maybe he'd put a little more into an NFL team, but who knows. And I may be an optimist by nature, but I think the odds of the Sabres leaving town in the next 15 years are about 0.001%. NO WAY they move a team from of the top 3 American markets when franchises in the south are gasping for air.
  17. I have to say, awesome hand-eye shown there, but DAMN I hate that sh--. It's hockey, not lacrosse, keep the puck on the damn ice. Here's my fav courtesey of the Wings' Datsyuk SICK hands.
  18. There is NOTHING better than when someone starts shooting off at the mouth about the Sabres when they have no idea what they're talking about. I'll try my best to make a few points that should be obvious, but clearly aren't to some... 1. Miller > Biron and it's not even close. We got to the ECF 2 years straight DESPITE Miller?!? You can take your 30 years of watching hockey and flush them down the toilet, because that's one of the dumbest things I've ever read. The guy has been playing behind an AHL caliber defense for 3 years now, and the Sabres brass insists on doing nothing to fix it. The only steady/reliable players we've had over that time period are McKee, Lydman and Spacek once in a while, and I guess Numminen is a decent 6th guy. Tallinder, Campbell, Kalinin, Fitzpatrick, ect. were all a bunch of !@#$in trainwrecks that couldn't get out of their own way. Thank GOD for the emergence of Sekera and Weber, and a few decent prospects coming through the system like Brennan and Butler, or we'd be in for another 5 years of this. And Biron...please, let's stop sucking him off because he outplayed a Washington team that literally has only 3 guys who can score on their whole team, and Montreal who forgot how to play offense for 2 weeks. Philly fans were ready to run him out of town until last week. I need to give him some credit because he did win these games, but Christ, to just close the book that he is now better than Miller....sheer foolishness. 2. The front office has made an infinite number of poor moves in the past 2 years, but signing T-Bo isn't one of them. The guy was coming off a great year in Pitt, and was regarded as one of the best free agent goalies last offseason. I, like many other Sabres fans, was very satisfied when we picked him up. 3. To the why'd we get rid of Conklin camp, you must have missed the 06-07 season. I apologize in advance if this comes off as harsh, but there's nothing more frustrating than when people feel it's their duty to criticize decisions in hindsight, even when the moves made are no brainers. Trading Biron and dumping Conklin....if either of these moves DIDNT happen there would have been a shitstorm in Buffalo.
  19. Just watched the story break on ESPN. How friggin bizarre. Anyone else catch that part where witnesses claimed Harrison beat the guy up pretty badly and has "hands like a ninja"?
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