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Everything posted by deep2evans

  1. I care, just about all my friends like him. He's funny, and the best in the biz.
  2. It was nothing short of nauseating. Still can't believe we came back from that.
  3. kind of flukey, that pass gets completed 1 in 50 times.
  4. That's the dumbest logic I've ever heard. If you want to make a case that the Titans' D is better than ours, or that Denver's O is better than ours, fine. But if any team "could be 1-2," I'm thinking it's probably a different 3-0 team that have gotten some help from the refs and bad kickers.
  5. Jesus H. that is bad. Are there any editors over there?
  6. Although most posters are going to come in here and leave a cute comment like "it's only one game," I tend to agree with you. I've seen the 31-0 week 1 blowout referenced a bunch of times already, but this is night and day. It was at home, to the friggin Dolphins, and they don't have Tom Brady to bail them out for the next 13 games. The fact that they couldn't adjust to Ronnie Brown lining up behind center is nothing short of pathetic. Randy Moss goes from legendary to average without Brady, just like he did without Culpepper bombing the ball down the field. It was only one game, but it was incredibly telling that the talent doesn't stack up as well as it used to. Belicheat looked raddled, the press is already calling for the 3rd stringer, their defense is older than all hell, and they have no running game.
  7. I came across that site a few days ago, and you can literally get lost in it. Incredible amount of information and very organized.
  8. Other than Tim Russert, Boomer has given the Bills more props than any other media figure in recent memory. He's awesome and has always been one of my favs.
  9. Indy 12-4 Denver 12-4 New England 12-4 Pittsburgh 11-5 X - Buffalo 11-5 X - San Diego 10-6
  10. C'mon guy, think before you decide to call somebody out. KEITH Rivers.
  11. as many others have pointed out, this is way off. positionally, greer is an excellent corner.
  12. Probably not, but it's great to have the depth there if the team doesn't want to re-sign Greer (who might command a fairly large deal from another team).
  13. In comparison to recent hockey contracts given out, it's unreal the Sabres got him so cheap. 80+ points, young captain, two-way player, would fetch 7 mil easy on the market. Bravo Darcy and Co.
  14. Yup. I have no idea why this wasn't protocol before. If it's a really tough, 50/50 call live, then the NFL needs to install a system where the official can review a call during any time of the game. And for the haters who will argue, "it will slow the game down," I will gladly allow for 5 more minutes a ref needs so the Bills never get !@#$ed like the Chargers did.
  15. Whitner was the first name that popped into my mind. Poz is probably second.
  16. Don't really have a huge problem with that at all. Philly is a top 10 team, not 12, that's my only real beef.
  17. Good ol' Merrill Hoge just stating on sportscenter that "you cannot expect Hochuli to make that call any different because the angle he was viewing the play from." He went on to say that because Hochuli was behind Cutler he can't tell whether it went forward or not. You gotta be !@#$in kidding me Merrill you idiot. Every fan of the league has seen 20+ "empty hand" throws when the ball slips out, and EVERY TIME IT'S A FUMBLE. Hochuli was 10 yards behind Cutler, he probably could have caught the damn thing for Christ sake. I know the NFL speaking heads are going to do their best to brush this under the rug and state how it didn't cost the Chargers the game, but it did for sure, more than any call I've ever seen. It's frustrating to know this could happen to us.
  18. That's how I feel right now too. I'm pissed beyond words and that game has nothing to do with me whatsoever. !@#$ that, the Broncos don't deserve that win.
  19. He's at home, crowd is in his favor for the OT, it's a boneheaded call either way. Ballsy? yea, but really !@#$in stupid if you think about it.
  20. No, didn't see it but it really doesn't matter. If that call is made correctly (and it's an easy call) the game is over. Rarely can you say a call cost a team the game, but this one surely did.
  21. McCargo was held brutally one that one play. Textbook hold and it wasn't called right in front of the ref.
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