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Everything posted by deep2evans

  1. dude you might be retarded, our oline gets blown back every !@#$in play
  2. ...ever. Those fat !@#$s should be ashamed of themselves.
  3. ha, perfectly said. i know a bunch of people that are the same way, and it's really infuriating.
  4. Bullsh!t, he has no INTs and that is the only thing DBs should be graded on.
  5. Add Kevin Jones and Cadillac Williams to that list..
  6. This game makes or breaks the season, bottomline.
  7. I agree with most of this, but there is no way in hell that Michael Turner is an elite back. I don't see how anyone in their right mind could put him in the top 5-8 when he's done next to nothing in the NFL.
  8. Completely irrevelant. When did I even try to make the argument that good RBs never bust out in the pros? You said Marshawn wasn't worth a 1st round pick, which is absolutely absurd.
  9. Yes, I just started watching football in 2007. Who is JP? Saying something as stupid as "unworthy of being a 1st rounder" exhibits why you're a clown. Did you start watching Marshawn in 2007? Because I started watching Marshawn as a freshman at Cal, and by the time he was done tearing up the Pac-10 he was a sure-fire 1st rounder if I'd ever seen one. But because 20 games into his career he hasn't broken a rushing record like AP shows he wasn't a worthy 1st round pick...unbelievable. And yea lol, there are TONS of people who disagree with me in this thread...I count 3. And they all say the same worthless crap over and over like you do. Where is the Fred Jackson touchdowns in the indoor football league stat when you need it?
  10. holy crap, what is this dumb sh-- you keep spewing in every post? my eyes tell me marshawn runs as hard as any back i've seen, and the fact he has the quick feet and moves to go along with it makes him quite the combination. if you weren't such a clown, you would realize he just needs some solid blocking up front.
  11. The amount of stats being thrown around in this thread has gotten to stupid levels. I'm OK if you want to tell me receiver A is better than receiver B because he had 10 more catches and 2 more TD's, but this yards per carry/percentage of red zone touches/TDs in arena football is !@#$in retarded. And dog, if you can't see that, than go ahead and keep your worthless crusade alive. Lynch is better RB than Fred Jackson...you want to know how I know that? I have eyes. It has nothing to do with him being the #11 overall pick. It has everything to do with the fact that he's a fantastic RB, who unfortunately has to make 2 people miss before getting to the line of scrimmage. Has it crossed your mind once during your stat-a-thon that opposite teams GAMEPLAN for Marshawn? I really like Fred Jackson a lot, and I'm glad he's on our team, but we gave him 3 carries inside the 5 last game and he couldn't get the job done. However, Marshawn has scored 6 times already, but you play it off, "well, uhh he gets 90% of the carries.." Bullsh!t, Freddy got a legit shot against Miami and flunked.
  12. Whatever...you're a complete waste of time. Your act is old, everyone has seen it hundreds of times. That guy who just makes ridiculously stupid statements to grab people's attention. The Skip Bayless of twobillsdrive. Congrads.
  13. Your friend sounds delusional. Considering the personnel on the team right now, I wouldn't give up a 1st alone for Roy. And Evans is easily a top flight WR. Easily better than Coles, on par with Moss, but Steve Smith is a top 2-3 WR. Evans or Moss? You can't deny his talent when he has a QB like Culpepper or Brady throwing to him but I'll take Evans on this team.
  14. yes. do you think josh reed is better than lee evans?
  15. jesus h. christ...irony at its finest. are you mocking his smiley icons by sounding like a 5 year old girl?
  16. It should also be noted that after the Titans at #1 and the Steelers at #4, the Bills and Pats are the only AFC teams in the top 13. We do have a good team folks, even if it takes meaningless ESPN rankings to remind us.
  17. This is being ridiculously overdone. Im not cutting the guy a break by any means, but he is not one of our 3 biggest problems...
  18. I get what you're saying, and agree with you, but good luck "changing" the others guys minds. This place is home to some of the most wishy-washy bandwagon jumping fans I've ever seen, so until next week, it's all Whitner's fault.
  19. No, that was #24 Terrence McGee. There's only so much Whitner can do playing deep in coverage. He's not going to go against the coaches' gameplan and double covering whoever the !@#$ he wants..
  20. Depressingly true. Amazing how you can spend days, weeks, months, years trying to find an answer to something that you think is so close, only to realize after the fact that it was all a waste of time. Life is such a b!tch in that sense.
  21. Truer words were never spoken. His mind is made up and he's going to do what he feels he has to do. Pete I hope everything works out.
  22. New England lost to Miami too chief. In that regard, they don't have a leg up in divisional play. I hope you don't hurt yourself jumping off the bandwagon.
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