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Everything posted by deep2evans

  1. I've read more irrationality over the past 21 hours than I can handle, so I think it's time to start thinking straight. How can the front office fix this mess, without getting too ridiculously extreme (like calling Kelly Holcomb). Regardless of this collapse, I still think there is a lot of good talent in place to succeed in time. Both lines need to be completely blown up. Who knows how our secondary has been able to do as well considering our pass rush is the worst I've seen in my life. The o-line is pathetic. A young, talented QB/RB combo will never do well with that sh-- in front of them. So what moves do we need to make?
  2. yes thats exactly what he means you dont quit when things get bad. it's pathetic, and shows weakness, do you not get that?
  3. i've always been curious as to the point of these threads. do you want us to sympathize with you and give you a pat on the back? noone gives a sh--, this post can be summed up by the first word in the topic, SAD.
  4. bills fans? are you guys !@#$ing kidding me? you are guys are a couple of jokes, ready to pounce when the starting qb has a bad game. do you root for the bills to succeed or for trent to fail to justify your pathetic opinions? it's bad enough when the team is struggling, but for people to sit here and become chicken littles.. goddamn i hope nothing serious goes wrong in your personal lives because it quite clear you will jump ship at the first sign of trouble. wayyy too premature for this bullsh!t talk. trent and his grandma knows he sucked today but the guy is a good qb when he gets a little help. look what happened to brady in the superbowl with players in his face and a heavy pass rush.
  5. SADLY you're an idiot who found a way onto this message board. Because JP sucked d!ck during his 2nd year and turned out to suck altogether, doesn't mean it's time to throw in the towels on Trent. That's not how it works. "JP sucked during his 2nd year, Trent is struggling, so they are the same." What the !@#$ kind of dumb logic is that. When you get 90 yards rushing in 2 games, you're not going to win many games. It's soooo easy to throw it all on the QB, but get some damn perspective.
  6. have we really stooped to this level already? wow.
  7. we have the worst o-line in football. end of discussion.
  8. Worst post ever. I can sum the whole thing up in one sentence. "We need to draft good players at our problem spots in order to get better."
  9. It sounds like you have to make a life decision then bro. I wanted nothing but to !@#$in sulk in a corner and drink a bunch of beers yesterday, but today is a new day and life goes on. If it's taking an emotional and financial toll on you, then it is not worth it. Do I think the organization is going in the right direction? Hell yea I do. They have young studs at QB, RB, WR, S, LB, and what we still hope is LT. If we can get these lines turned around quickly, which may be a lot to ask, than we have a ridiculously bright future. Go Sabres.
  10. I'm not trying to make excuses for Hardy, but I hope you realize the similarities between those 3 guys you just named. They are speed/slot guys. Guys who can get in and out of breaks quickly, the learning curve is nowhere near as high. They are going to get their yards no matter what because of their world class speed. With that said, it's very unlikely that any of them legit #1 WR written on them because their ceiling is not as high. It's the same reason guys like Evans are able to succeed very early, while players like Plaxico do not.
  11. This way way way way too premature for posts like this. I want to see them all go through a full offseason training as a pro before I even begin to pass judgement.
  12. Agreed. It's driving me crazy too and is clearly this team's #1 problem. It's affecting both Marshawn and Trent in a negative way and will continue to drag this team down if something is not done about it.
  13. I really do not understand these posts. Being a fan of a sports team isn't a decision you make. It's something you grow up with, it's something you have passion for, it's in your !@#$in blood. And like many others have pointed out, if you are ready to give up, there is no way you were a fan in the first place. What makes the situation that much more ridiculous is that you find time in your day to waste time on a message board. If you're such a wishy-washy joke of a fan in the first place, go find something else to do in your free time for Christ's sake.
  14. Why in Christ's name do you bother wasting your time on a football message board then?
  15. Are you kidding me? Every single one of these bandwagon goofballs will go back to thinking we are an elite team if we beat the Pats. Winning cures all, it is the beauty of sports. However, for the rational fan (which probably makes up less than 20% on this board), it's really frustrating to watch these people flip-flop their opinions over and over again.
  16. sh--. This once promising season is just spiraling downward...
  17. This logic is just unreal. How in !@#$'s name can you blame Trent for the fumble?
  18. We are talking about a yard. A GODDAMN YARD! I actually have hate for the members of our o-line. Watching Whittle get blown up on one of Jenkins' sacks was one of the most pathetic things I have ever seen.
  19. I was saying the same thing all game. I thought we've done a decent job on building the lines in last 2 years, but I was wrong. We must have the sorriest group of DEs in the league. They can't rush the passer, they get blown up at the line, and look downright retarded every single time the opposition does a reserve/end around. !@#$KKK.
  20. Trent looked great against San Diego. He wasn't sacked once. It's not a goddamn coincidence people, ANY QB is better when he has a running game and a few seconds to throw. I simple cannot believe how bad our O-Line is. It's truly disheartening.
  21. 1. McIntyre's whiff of a block - Trent's fumble 2. Jackson dropping the screen. 3. Edwards pick 6 4. Failed 4 & 1 attempt - why didn't we run it on 3rd???? If these plays go differently, we are looking at a potential 10 point victory. However, hindsight is 20/20 and we got beat. The problem is, I can't figure out what this all means? Do we just suck at executing? Are we still too young and inexperienced to not beat ourselves? Someone help me out here.
  22. you are a sorry fan. seriously, an incredibly sorry fan. when things get bad, you just put your tail between your legs and give up. i hope for your sake you don't live your life the same way you act on here. pitiful.
  23. youre right, this team reallllly sucks right now. but if we pull a comeback this year and win a playoff game or 2, you shouldnt be allowed to celebrate with the rest of us. !@#$in bandwagon !@#$.
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