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Everything posted by deep2evans

  1. It's second and five only two more minutes to play SO JP FUMBLES!!
  2. No but you're clearly putting the blame on someone else. Anyway, back to the topic: JP looks around looks some more, starts to panic then fumbles the ball
  3. I had the Jets D in fantasy, got me 13 points in about 3 minutes
  4. Is it actually possible he keeps his job after this collapse? I shutter to think that we may actually honor that contract he signed.
  5. The team played well today. The coaches and QB, well, they are simply pitiful.
  6. I don't disagree he's the most reliable. Reed a is solid, solid player, I like him a lot. But to even suggest he's better than Evans is foolish. Evans goes against the oppositions top CB, why wouldn't you throw to your dependable slot guy on 3rd & 5. I have more of a problem with you blaming Lee on that INT. That pass HAS to be throw to land 10 yards out of bounds, we have all seen Evans make numerous acrobatic catches along the sidelines in the endzone. That play is 100% on Losman.
  7. I've never read so much bullsh!t in my life. Evans had the guy beat by 5 feet to the outside, watch the replay. JP threw a !@#$ing brutal ball about 5 yards too short, WHAT THE HELL IS EVANS SUPPOSED TO DO? Josh Reed isn't the best WR on the team, if you think that, then you're a complete clown and have a vendetta against Evans who is 5th in the AFC receiving yards on the sh!ttiest friggin offense I've ever seen. And yes, I hate the coaches too, but don't blame them for Losman's INT. JP Sh!thead audibled out of a run in order to throw that pass. Ridiculous.
  8. Jesus H. Christ Dick you really are an !@#$. That's some Bill Clinton "it depends on what your definition of the word is, is" bullsh!t right there. Does he think if he just talks really philosophical and deep, the Buffalo fans/media will not understand it?
  9. I'm not sure you can debate Evans stats on a sh-- offense. GREAT players CAN'T make plays if they have no chance dude. See Randy Moss in Oakland for an example.
  10. I disagree. The team has been built fine. A number of players however have not lived up to expectations and the coaching has been brutal under Jauron. I'm not saying a great coach could lead this line-up to 12-4, but with a little tinkering this team's core is not THAT bad. Unfortunately, Jauron is a !@#$ing tard and we won't figure it out until he's gone.
  11. LOL I can't stop laughing. Are you Yoda by chance?
  12. I'm not sure about benching him, but he's not himself. I know he's put up ridiculous numbers in the past, but I always thought he was a bit overrated. There a good handful of backs I'd take over him on my team RIGHT NOW.
  13. The guy is right up there with Manning and Brady regarding his command of the offense. Lee Evans' numbers would be off the charts with that guy.
  14. wtf? is this a line out of 8 Mile or something?
  15. So what you mean is Lets go Chargers?
  16. lmao i don't know. i always get a kick out of it though.
  17. LOL yeah, considering you quoted someone else's post when you said it... But whatever chief, if you think your opinions are so high and mighty that you feel obliged to try and "get it through my thick skull," than go ahead and waste your time. I do know that the collective IQ of this board will rise once you eventually sign off.
  18. You say this like you're in 3rd grade. This is your opinion, not a fact.
  19. i love when people make definitive statements like this that are completely baseless. henry's career ypc was 0.2 more than lynch. he also played in an offense that featured a top notch passing game, meaning he should have been having a field day each week. i liked henry's game when he was in buffalo, but the comments like "he was CLEARLY better" need to go. just stop while youre behind.
  20. His 281 yards and 2 TDs in the past 2 weeks tell me that: A. You're wrong B. You're an idiot.
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