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Everything posted by deep2evans

  1. Absolutely, Bill Cowher started as a top notch special teams coach...
  2. McKelvin will have 15 return TDs. And 47 INTs.
  3. Wouldn't it be cool if this guy was a stud? Our offense might actually scare some people.
  4. Yuck. First of all, the draft you presented is impossible, because after picking a DB at #11, Bills nation would have burned down Radio City Music Hall in a blind rage against Russ Brandon. Second, I like Nelson, Byrd, and Maybin much more than Ingram, Jenkins, and Barwin/Sidbury.
  5. This comment is crap considering JP generated very little interest just a few weeks back.
  6. Byrd wouldn't get past the 2nd round Both Oher and Brown have more "bust potential" than Maybin. I'm diggin our guys.
  7. How long would that take? How many miles? If someone brought 7 cases of Corona, sign me up.
  8. Preston, are you trying to mind!@#$ everyone in this thread into having a seizure, because I've never read so much garbled crap in my entire life. Schopp said he doesn't give a sh-- if the Bills win or lose. He's a huge dick. What points are you trying to make again in his defense? Because you're having a hard time putting together a complete thought.
  9. What a tool. You didn't call sh-- about Losman because you joined less than a year ago.
  10. LOL. You sound like a World War II vet with that stupid language. How old are you? 86? I'm surprised you know how to use a computer.
  11. will the real slim shady please stand up?
  12. Man this guy answers questions worse than Russ Brandon.
  13. OK John Nash, chill out. Drafts always should be weighted to consider the importance of the first 3 rounds. If you draft a starter on Day 2, that's just gravy.
  14. C for 2006 (depends on Whitner and Butler) B+ for 2007 (could range from A+ to C)
  15. even better post. i agree whole-heartedly with your well thought out points.
  16. This is truly one of the more asinine things I've ever seen. ESPN has a series of grades from nationwide publications ranging from USA Today to FoxSports.com on their front page right now. If you click on Larry Weisman's ratings, THEY ARE FROM THE 2008 DRAFT. Is this laziness, or do they just not have a clue? http://sports.espn.go.com/chat/sportsnation/story?id=4104114
  17. It's not like we're asking these guys to pull a George Wilson here. Corner to safefy? Center to guard? No problem.
  18. defend the indefensible? what the !@#$ does that even mean? it sounds like, "i'm a huge chode and will refuse to listen to other people's opinions because I think I'm right." IT'S YOUR STUPID !@#$ING OPINION THAT THERE ARE 8 MAYBIN-LIKE DE'S IN THE DRAFT. It's weird though that Maybin was a sure fire consensus top 15 pick by everyone else.
  19. It should be noted that Tim Graham wrote this. I don't really agree with this article at all. Adding a 2nd or 3rd round tackle all of a sudden erases our tackle problems? Really? If we drafted Beatty in the 2nd, there's a great chance he wouldn't be starting over the more experienced Chambers anyway. I'm glad we went interior line, as it's easier for them to come in and contribute right away.
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