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Everything posted by deep2evans

  1. Dude you're way off. A bunch of NFLers have been killed/shot/robbed lately simply because of who they are - high profile figures who become targets. If you can seriously sit here and tell me that it's not completely and entirely pathetic to carry over your emotions from A FUC KING FOOTBALL GAME to "lets go vandalize the dude's house" than wow, you're just not thinking. And who knows where you were going with the last comment - just condescending as hell.
  2. Wow, talk about missing the point. We're not cheering for him because he fumbled and we feel bad for him. I think it's appropriate that he knows this city isn't filled with a bunch of !@#$s who support the invasion of his property and space. No professional should ever have to deal with that. If you're a surgeon and !@#$ up a procedure, should we all go egg their house?
  3. This lawn vandalizing bullsh!t really sets me off. I'm a Buffalonian, and 99% of the reason I take pride in my city is the enthusiasm us fans have for our sports teams. But I'm embarrassed, as we have a young guy here who has to come back home to crap like this. Maybe I'm going a little over the top, and I'm sure there are some saying 'it's just paint on the grass', but the second someone's personal space is invaded, the situation becomes a lot bigger. I'll be there on Sunday, and I'll be rooting the guy on as loud as I can. He made a mistake last night in the game but in no way deserves these kind of repercussions. He is a young, key member of MY team and he should KNOW the fans are behind him. Here's to a 98 yard kick return against the Bucs.
  4. Trent Whole O-line minus 3-4 plays. Freddy Stroud Schobel Poz pre-injury McGee Nelson
  5. I thought he played well last night. Maybe that's why we're in such disagreement. And the "twitter" part of your post was the only part I highlighted.
  6. I think that's a pretty good post. While all of us do not watch EVERY single regular season game throughout the league, the Denver and Dallas games from '07, the Cleveland and NYJ games from '08, and last night, were 5 of the worst losses I've ever seen. Someone tell me what the common denominator is. There HAS to be something to it...
  7. Then don't pay attention. Unfortunately we live in a !@#$ed up society in which athletes have tens of thousands of people following them on sites such as Twitter and Facebook. It's not Donte's fault.
  8. Really? We're supposed to cover Wes Welker on a 3 yard out pattern? We gave the Pats the bare minimum, made a few mistakes at the end, and it cost us. Don't blame it on the DB's. The only guy who really screwed up in coverage with Ellison on Watson. Regarding Bill's comments: Way way way way off on Whitner. That was one of his best games as a Bill. Seriously, if you missed him making a number of clutch tackles than you must have had your eyes closed. And on Bell - I have no idea how you can come to that conclusion already. Sounds like blind hatred.
  9. "and stop tweeting" You sound like you're 60. Get a clue.
  10. seriously, we're all grieving here - but you're a !@#$ing idiot. the offense scored on their last !@#$ing drive was 5 minutes to go. you were angry about that?
  11. Anyone else think that is ridiculously pathetic? What kind of !@#$ing loser would do that?
  12. Orakpo looked noticably poor. People need to get off his dick.
  13. chill out. i feel bad for those guys - how many days in a row do they need to talk about the same bullsh!t? Our coach sucks, our team is mediocre, Ralph is senile - I don't need to hear them re-word it 40 different ways each segment.
  14. Well true, but we might need a !@#$ing QB. That's important too.
  15. There's A LOT wrong with this post. Jevan Snead is the real deal - Cutler-esque with more game. The Losman comparison is embarrassing. Did JP beat Florida in the swamp?
  16. I'll reiterate the point that if Calvin Johnson is your measuring stick for a "#1 WR" you need to get a clue.
  17. Maybin looks quick as !@#$. And Steve Johnson looks awesome in those highlights as well.
  18. Agreed on all counts, except for this. How is a WR, who is getting double covered, on one of the most poorly run offenses I've ever seen, with a QB who can't throw more than 15 yards, with an O-line featuring 5 new starters, be the cause of the problem? I feel terrible for Lee Evans. On Indy, NE, NO, GB, and probably 15 other !@#$ing teams - he'd be a top 5 WR, bank it.
  19. Seriously? Do you want him to take the snap from center, chuck it downfield, and go catch it? How the !@#$ is a speedster WR supposed to get involved if A, Your QB can't throw more than 15 yards, and B, your QB is being tackled 4 seconds after he gets the ball. How anyone can watch the games and place ANY blame on Evans is beyond me. When I see him running poor routes or dropping the ball, then I'll get on him. But for now, Edwards won't even look at him.
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