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Everything posted by deep2evans

  1. Honestly, I really think we do. !@#$ing ball hawk, popped Jamal Lewis a few times last week, smart dude, great athleticism. He's a stud. Proves some of you haters wrong for jumping on that pick before he even played a down. He's awesome.
  2. See Jabari Greer See Fred Jackson The Bills coaching staff is retarded. As good as Stevie may turn out to be, it will take an injury to get him in the line-up. The front office/coaching staff is about as good at seeing/evaluating talent as Matt Millen.
  3. bull **** - watch Big Ben. Edwards can't go through a progression. He can't sense pass rush. He can't throw down the middle of the field. He's a 2nd rate QB, period.
  4. Exactly. Have some objectivity OP. F'ing half this board could have had 3 sacks against Scott/Chambers.
  5. This. It takes a delusional person to actually think he has the ability to be an NFL QB. I'm done with him. Bradford, McCoy, Snead, Clausen, Locker - SOMEONE!!
  6. Well that's false. Sean Payton had nothing to do with Brees' last year in SD.
  7. This is what one would call proof that stats can be skewed to prove whatever !@#$ing point you want.
  8. Saw this as well. Our entire section was commenting on how often the PA guy was saying his name.
  9. I think he had tackles on 4 consecutive kick-offs last Sunday. It's not Byrd's job to be expecting McKelvin to fumble. You can't predict **** like that.
  10. No, but it means he has more than 0 tackles.
  11. whattttttt are you talking about dude, you know that wasn't the real Keith Ellison who posted that right?
  12. I might be missing obvious sarcasm...but you do know Ellison is 3rd in the NFL in tackles right?
  13. Is this guy serious with the Beebe over Evans argument? I can't tell if he's kidding.
  14. Give us another one so I can throw some money on the opposite. Say that the Bills will go 4-12 or something.
  15. No kidding. Who knows why the OP would speak in such absolute terms in the first place is beyond me. Brown makes one play in the pre-season and the Bills f'ed up? lol I'm glad he can eat his words.
  16. When are some of you going to learn to just keep an even keel and not be so !@#$in up and down. Maybin holds out - OMG don't sign his ass, he's a piece of ****!! 2 pre-season sacks - ROY candidate, good for 12 sacks easy!!! Ineffective first 2 games - why did we draft this one-dimensional !@#$!!!!! Just chill the hell out. He's a good, passionate football player who is learning his way. It's easier to see how the fans of this city are capable of stealing **** and writing on people's lawns if you just observe this flipped out message board.
  17. I don't respect Jauron - I think he's the most incompetent coach in the league. But I heard the 70 second voicemail, and I couldn't stop laughing. It was the corniest, most pathetic thing I've ever heard. Like Fireman Ed is going to stand up, "c'mon JETS fans!! Rex wants us to cheer more!!!" lol how !@#$ing lame.
  18. If you watched the game, you should be able to answer your own questions. Brady was throwing 3 yard out patterns all night - maybe 2 of those 24 receptions were more than 8 yards downfield. They had 13 points though 55 minutes and we had the game won - move on.
  19. Rex Ryan sounds like a !@#$ing idiot. I hope Belicheck shuts him up.
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