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Everything posted by deep2evans

  1. seriously. there are more effing idiots on this board these days than ever before.
  2. yea - because lindell intended to hit the !@#$in upright in overtime... get out of here with crap like this. it's ignorant and insulting.
  3. it was awesome to see. i thought the game was over in the 3rd quarter.
  4. clueless? 3rd & 6 when the game was still 13-7. Trent throws to Stevie who gets CLOBBERED after 4 yards. WIDE THE !@#$ OPEN next to Johnson are Parrish and a RB, maybe Spiller. Trent is garbage. ZERO game awareness. I swear to god he knows who he's throwing to before the play comes in from the sidelines.
  5. To answer the OPs question in a word - yes. Spiller has that raw combo of vision, speed, and agility that is rare as hell. As for the post above, where are Thurman, Barry, Emmitt, Marshall etc on your list? Or is it just convenient to name "big" backs to prove your point? Not really sure what your angle is here.
  6. being a true fan does not = always picking them to win. frankly, i'd bet the house on the pack tomorrow. doesn't make me less of a fan whatsoever. i'm willing to bet you're giving bills fans a bad name by sounding delusional.
  7. watching him at ND, i thought he had all the tools to be a fantastic NFL QB. it might end up being a gigantic wups.
  8. My brain is mentally exhausted from having an optimistic viewpoint in August only to be let down year after year. So in that regard, I'm with you in that my expectations are incredibly low. With that said, only have a chance of winning 1 game? What? Do you follow the NFL? We have a "chance" at winning 16 games. It's the most fickle league in the world. If following this sport/league has taught me anything, it's that ANYTHING can happen.
  9. part time running back.... unbelievable..
  10. Then he was the Director of Personnel. Any way you slice it, he helped fix that franchise, and he's putting his fingerprints on this one.
  11. People are whining for the sake of whining - it's what Buffalonians do. When people start realizing that we just drafted a super star, they'll come around.
  12. as assistant GM.. 1st round - Tomlinson 2nd round - Brees Go get your boy in the 2nd Buddy, and let's get this **** started.
  13. Clausen is amazing. That guy can make all the throws behind what is 5 turnstiles in front of him.
  14. Edwards - right. But that was a McGahee type injury, blew out his injury knee.
  15. Broken bones heal - he'll be fine. I thought it was his knee at first - thank God it wasn't.
  16. I think Whitner and Byrd could be used well in combo. Use Whitner as a run stopper like Bob Sanders - float Byrd like Ed Reed. They could be dynamite.
  17. Respectable post. I hope to be seeing this from a lot of other posters, because the Byrd-hate was absolutely epic on this board from April through September. I'm glad he's proven the haters wrong so soon. 5 INTs in 3 starts - damn.
  18. I doubt Clausen comes out, same with Bradford now with the injury. Locker seems okay - I don't wanna touch McCoy or Tebow. Too risky. I like Dan Lefevour out of Central Mich. Could be a sleeper. Can't go wrong with one of those DTs either.
  19. "Have some validity"? It's an opinion - therefore, there's nothing valid about it. As the saying goes, opinions are like !@#$s... And we know he has to bulk up. He will. He's TWENTY YEARS OLD.
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