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Everything posted by deep2evans

  1. since when is evans garbage? that's revisionist history at its finest.
  2. he never deserved megamind. we were beating up on **** defenses.
  3. what? it's called depth. the front office is complaining about lack of depth, but fail to realize it's because they shipped it all out the door for nothing. it's ridiculous.
  4. we have !@#$ing ruvell martin out there running looped routes and donald jones who can't catch a cold. but the homers still insist we fleeced balt for a 4th rounder for one of our team captains. bunch of suckers in this fanbase.
  5. even dareus is questionable considering how ****ty our WRs and CBs are. Pat Peterson or AJ Green would look good right about now. Dareus is no where near as effective at end - so what do we do next year when Williams is healthy? Nix has struck out on nearly every move so far. lol good god, do you actually believe what you're writing? have you seen how ineffective stevie has been this year? there's a reason for that. almost every other WR on our roster should'nt be in the NFL.
  6. totally agree. dareus is never going to be a pro-bowl type player, while everyone else drafted around him will be. looks like we should've taken patrick peterson or AJ green instead. especially considering we already have a pro-bowler playing the same position...
  7. lolol uhh no. it's impossible to overreact right now. everything short of "move the Bills to LA" is fair game.
  8. lol thurman's not a douche. you guys are just butthurt. grow a pair.
  9. why the !@#$ would you hope for that??!? i'm praying for an 0-6 finish and a 5-11 record. too many times we've missed on elite talent by being 2-3 picks behind someone great (see Rothlisberger, Pat Willis, etc). that's what this team lacks - elite talent. go get a legit QB. Fitz is garbage.
  10. lol yea, except the bills front office disagrees with you, seeing as though they had NEWTON - MILLER - DAREUS in that order on their draft board. as for the bolded, you must have missed the part where I acknowledged the fact dareus has played DE and NT. and like we all saw, he was 100x more effective at nose tackle, a spot where we already have a pro bowler on our roster.
  11. would do anything to trade dareus for miller or newton. the argument that "dareus was a better choice for us" is absolutely laughable, and could only be proposed by the most homerish of homers like Dr. D. dareus' best position, nose tackle, is a position where we already have a solid starter in kyle williams. and while it's only been a few games, it's pretty obvious dareus is significantly better at nose than end. so on what planet is having an ANOTHER good NT more advantageous than having a devastating OLB in the mold of derrick thomas? especially on a team just stacked with talent like moats and merriman at OLB..
  12. i think i'm obsessed with sports to a fault. if things aren't going well with the Bills and Sabres, both of which I am quite diehard, I feel like it ruins my week. After a Sabres loss, I get up in the morning agitated. If the Bills lose a winnable game, I avoid ESPN until Friday. I think it's important to have a string of other shows to watch in an attempt to "get away" from the sports world when things are going sour. Lately I've been into Breaking Bad, The Walking Dead, and The Wire - mucccch better than endless showings of sportscenter. additionally, i'll watch/follow march madness, PGA majors, anything with Tiger, and the entire NHL/NFL like it's my job.
  13. you've got a lot of balls calling anyone a "chicken little" after a blowout beatdown at home in a division game, followed up by a 44-7 massacre on the road. i'm not blaming the contract on fitzpatrick. i think he's a capable, solid QB, but has some serious limitations. if you're the baltimore ravens or SF 49ers or the Jets, you GIVE Fitz that long term money because you have other pieces in place (mainly, solid defenses) that can win you ballgames. he's a great game manager. but in buffalo, we're currently a middle of the road team who can't stop a nosebleed on defense. at this point, why blow your load on a good, but not great QB? why not at least see if he can win a big division road game before throwing $60 mil at him? fitz would be an ideal QB if you had a top 10 defense in place. he has enough game to go out and throw for 250 and 2 TDs on most Sundays, but he has a ceiling. we would've been better suited seeing if we could get that franchise guy in the draft before committing the ridiculous money.
  14. i wonder if they would applaud it 2 weeks later, when he had 5 INTs in consecutive blowouts.
  15. "we" is any normal person who's watched more than 3 football games, and I "KNOW" because I have eyes.
  16. just because our defense blows doesn't mean we can't question whether or not he was worth the $60 mil contract. if we have an average team (we do), what's the point in giving 6 years to a guy who we KNOW is not a franchise, top 10 type of QB? wouldn't it have made sense to CONFIRM we were a 10-11 win team who could make the playoffs, or win a game on the road, before dishing out that kind of money? idk, i feel like this is so obvious to me it's ridiculous, but of course i'll give it 6 minutes before i'm destroyed by 10 posters telling me i hate the bills.
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