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Posts posted by billfan63

  1. I liked the beggining of the second half when Jim Nance asked Simms to talk about how the game was going.

    When Phil innocently said I like it tight (as in score) the look on Nance's face was priceless. I could just see the

    bubble over his head saying "yea so do I and it just cost me millions"

  2. Kelly didn't mention anything about warm or cold weather...just California, which is pretty far from California. Timmy Tebow might not be as bad as the truly bright people, who happen to have never taken a snap in the NFL, would have you believe.


    Another quick thing, what is with hating on Flutie? Wow, I didn't realize people disliked him so much. The guy comes in and plays his ass of for this team, finds ways to win games, that didn't necessarily require 400 yards passing, and there is that much animosity against him.... I kind of miss the playoffs, and seeing that unrelenting effort out of QB.

    Just leftovers of the Rob Johnson fan club and people who can't grasp the idea that someone under 5'9" can play OB in the NFL

  3. 10) He just needs more time.

    9) If he ever gets good coaching...

    8) The coaches screwed him.

    7) We'll be able to get a 1st round pick for him, at worst a 2nd round pick.

    6) How could he ever play well behind that line?

    5) He has the potential to be a top 10 QB.

    4) His 1st season as a starter was better than Jim Kelly's, just look at the stats.

    3) Let's bring him back.

    2) He felt starting in the UFL was better for him than being a backup in the NFL.

    1) He's not in the NFL this season, but he'll be back and he will light it up and haunt us for years.


    So far, we former Edwards fans have been a heck of a lot more rational than the fans of his predecessor. That's because we were always Bills fans first, not Trent fans. We didn't fall in love with the guy like his predecessor's fans did. When he proved not to be the answer, we were prepared to move on. Trent is done as a Bill. I could care less what he does with his next NFL team, if he gets another NFL team. If he "lights it up" on some Sunday, more power to him, it certainly won't haunt any of us. Basically, he played his way off the team, it wasn't anyone else's fault but his own, just like the guy before him.

    Agreed, Trent would rather hold a clipboard than try to improve himself after all Bill Walsh endorsed him

  4. God make it stop! Doug Flutie SUCKS! he always has and always will............he was a midget that took the bills no where. And for all the skinflutes out there crying about if Flutie had started in Tenn - little dougie got his shot and blew it in Miami.

    For your 25th post you expressed yourself very intelligently, congrats

  5. Let's move on to quarterbacks. There are 22 quarterbacks in the Hall of Fame. Ten of them were either born/raised played most of high school/college football in predominantly warm weather. They are Aikman, Bradshaw, Elway, Fouts, Jurgensen, Layne, Moon, Starr, Tarkenton, and Tittle.

    college ball in washington state, pro ball in CFL, two of the warmest places on earth

  6. File this in the rumor pile. All my family lives in the SF/Oakland Bay area. One of them told me Trent isn't playing because of a concussion and that he's being checked out by a specialist. I told him that he got the concussion weeks ago but he thought it was more recent than that. Now I don't know if this has any merit. The one thing I know is its more likely to come out of Northern California, since he's from Los Gatos & went to Stanford than Buffalo the way the Bills keep everything from the WNY media.

    If this is true, it might explain why he seemed to get worse as the game went on in Tennessee, especially if the latest concussion came in the Tennessee game. It was awfully odd to see him get pulled at the end last week.

    Do tell more

  7. Which was the point that many JP supporters were trying to make 1-2 yrs ago...


    Edwards looked better because he wasn't Losman

    Losman looked better because he wasn't Bledsoe

    Bledsoe looked better because he wasn't Johnson

    Johnson looked better because he wasn't Flutie

    Flutie looked better because he wasn't Johnson

    Johnson looked better because he wasn't Collins

    Johnson looked better because he wasn't AVP

    Johnson looked better because he wasn't Billy Joe Bob

    We hoped Collins looked better than an old immobile Kelly

    Kemp was no Lamonica

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