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Everything posted by billfan63

  1. There are fans here in Houston who still root for the Titans based on their Oiler past. It's alot easier this year with Tennesee undefeated and the Texans sucking but since the Oilers left Houston there is a loyal following who still consider the Titans as their team.
  2. Not gonna happen The only thing Ralph changes these days are his depends.
  3. I just said the people I know are fine. As for myself I grew up in the golden era watchingthe 68 Bills led by Dan Darraugh go 1-12-1 and the 71 team of 1-13 fame who could forget that great Qb tandom of Dennis Shaw and James Harris. Ah the memories makes me want to go look for my Monte Ledbetter trading card.
  4. Not to worry I know people who grew up in the Joe Dufek era and their fine
  5. wings, beef on weck, pizza, fish frys, and Charlie, a perfect fit
  6. The Bill Walsh Birthday bash planned for later this month is officially off
  7. I heard the Lions petitioned the NFL to switch a game so they can play the Bills this season
  8. Or let the players remain comfortable with their starting status and continue to play at the high level of excellence they have displayed the last 5 games.
  9. Thanks for clearing that up, what else should we all think?
  10. You are so right. He kicked butt against the Dolphins and Jets. Just awesome
  11. I'll wait till these two careers play out
  12. Wilfork admits a cheap shot and gets a $12, 500 fine. Last week Jared Allen of the Vikings gets a $50,000 fine for a couple of shots at the Texans Matt Shaubs knees. Wheres the consistency?
  13. Where was this reasoning last season after the defining game for the Bills season. After the loss in Jacksonville where the A train sliced the Jags D for 46 yds. not a word was heard about the running game, after all it was all on the QB. This season the light bulbs goes off?
  14. I liked the one Kenny Rodgers married, I think her name was Marriane Gordon Gloom, despair, and agony on me Deep, dark depression, excessive misery If it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all
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