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Everything posted by billfan63

  1. The old blame JP card, it took two pages but it was inevitable
  2. Yea, because this staff works so well when their backs are up against the wall, can't wait
  3. I was in a stall in the Detroit airport and Ralph walked in and occupied the stall next to me. He started foot tapping, I don't know what this means and I don't what to start rumors but,,,
  4. 1) you should hope JP's in the stadium this week, who else will tools like yourself pin the loss on.?
  5. I believe at that time he had one that went through the receivers hands
  6. I hope Trents groin acts ups and hamden gets the trots, so Jp can get in and irritate people like you
  7. so weather.com disagrees with accuweather.com, whatever, it'll be cold
  8. How many games did the Bills come out elect to defend and let their opponent march down the field, thus starting the game down 7-0, that's an unprepared team and it points to coaching
  9. The high in Denver Sunday will be 5 degrees, we'll see Hamdan
  10. Don't forget the steller play by Royal on that interception, he froze like a dumbass , looked just like Reed on the hail mary, nice effort, both those underacheivers should be happy JP is the focal point but remember both will be back next year
  11. That's crap, its the friggin NFL it happens all the time, he didn't jump as high as he could watch the replay,quit making excuses
  12. maybe he shouldn't have let a pass go through his hands or stand by on the last hail mary of the game and not give an effort to catch the ball.
  13. I'll watch, before you know it they'll be in Toronto and I'll never watch again
  14. On second thought, the homeless have suffered enough
  15. Either way your screwed, watch JP or the high power offense that TE supplies, give your ticket to a homeless guy it's christmas
  16. After watching this season, if your in the Bills PR department how do you go about promoting the 2009 season?
  17. What? The massacre was over when the int and fumbled happened
  18. When Jauron goes classless and puts JP in to take a knee you know there's no love lost. Trent couldn't have taken the knee, it was his game and it wasn't like the 100 KC fans left were going to cheer Trents performance by coming out of the game, so there was no need to put JP in, only to rub his face in his postion on the team, a farewell gift if you will by the classless Jauron
  19. I'm old and still write checks, I always write them out in line including all the crap the cashier has to write done like License number etc. I just fill out the amount, it's as quick as the swipe and pin entry of a debit card. But I admit if someone like you is behind me and bitching about me I write a new check and take my time, I'm old.
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