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Everything posted by billfan63

  1. After the Dick era there would be a parade in Buffalo if Wade came back.
  2. I apologize if this has been addressed but, overcast day turns into dusk in Orchard Park and El Dicko has his Ray bans on, Sunny day in South Florida and nothing, whats up?
  3. I'll agree to a point but to suggest that Jason "matador" Peters had nothing to do with that play isbeing dishonest
  4. But then He logs on a computer and checks his bank account and says "o yea that is what I was thinking"
  5. He always reminded me of Frank Reich
  6. He may be a jerk and a slimeball, but he's not stupid, he didn't get rich by accident As for Erin I wouldn't jump to that conclusion
  7. I know, I've lived through every miserable moment of Bills and Sabres history, but a player sliding through the goal crease and pushing the goalie and puck into the net is another bitter pill thats hard to swallow
  8. The Canadians tying goal was ridiculous, why have a rule if it means sh&t
  9. Since his deparature our luck has changed,,,,,right
  10. I bet a fifth of Jack and your there
  11. maybe, Levy came in during a 4 win season, the 7 wins, then 12, Dickie isflat lining at 7-9
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