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Posts posted by ICE

  1. 9-7 is most likly. we have the second easiest remaining schedual in the NFL.


    i dont think we can beat the stealers, but they should already be in the playoffs, and might be resting people.


    imagin what our record would be if we didnt loose to the jags or raiders????



    They won't rest players for two reasons....1) they are going to have to win out to beat out NE for HOA throughout the playoffs. 2) Resting them isn't Billy C's way

  2. ICE is the greatest con man ever to pretend to be a Bills' fan .  90% of the time his posts flat out suck or are average at best. Only the hard up and KzooMike Bills' fans can continue to make excuses in the TBD world for him.


    He is what he is, below average at best. From time to time he will pull a decent post out of his ass and that allows him to keep his status. Over the last 2 weeks  even his most ardent fans have finally seen the truth. Two good games later, he is showing his true colors but will start anew once we lose another game.


    This whole subject is old. It was old from the D&C days, through the RJ/Flutie days, to today with Bledsoe.  But you guys are so damn hard up you are willing to look past how badly this jackass has been THIS year, because he's the loudest and most ardent.


    You know what?  Many have fought this battle with this moron for nearly 7 years in some form or fashion. During that time we have had the #1 board and God knows what else. We have had numerous posters with less than 1000 posts who contribute more insight and humor without needing the ridiculous amount of attention that is apparently required. ONE DAMN POSTER has failed us time and time again....ICE!


    I have come to the accept the fact you guys have long ago lost sight of the one and only goal a team should have...a decent board that isn't completely dominated by one clown in desperate need of attention. My GOD folks, as long as ICE pretends to be a fan, kharma will keep our team from the SuperBowl. 


    I am not done with this subject. ICE is a below average poster. Has always been, but the glitz and glamor of numbers coupled with being an individual horn tutor, many are blinded to the truth. Until the day comes we aren't subject to his continued rants, with his complete lack of personal discipline, we will continue to be subject to marginal rants and ridiculous threats.


    Hey, this was kind of fun.



    I know you are a mental midget, but that sucks even for you.

  3. Okay, ICE, I read this all the way through and I vehemently disagree with nearly all the comments. Now be a man of your word and don't ever write about Bledsoe again.


    We'll all be waiting.



    You dissagree? Name for me the last year we made it to the divisional round of the playoffs. How many superbowl wins do we have? You can disagree all you want...the facts are the facts. Since Jim Kellys retirement, this team hasn't done spit.

  4. I honestly don't give a stevestojan one way or the other. As for as being right or wrong, We are still 5-6. and We still don't have a playoff appearance. Even with one it has been what....8+ years since a divisional playoff game? How many superbowl wins do we have?


    I will be 'wrong' the day Drew Bledsoe takes this team and leads them to a Superbowl win. Until that day I am still correct just like I have been for about the last 7 years.....our QB play sucks ass and we will continue to not achieve our goal until that changes.

  5. As I was waiting to be picked up from the sports bar, one of the bartenders comes hauling ass out of the bar to his car. A couple others came running out after him. Long story short...his kid got hit by a car.


    I don't know the details, just that one of the bartenders handed him the phone with the guys wife freaking out. He told his wife to call 911 and told the boss he had to leave his kid got hit by a car.


    Man I hate that. I plan to stop by tomorrow night to see what the situation is. So if you don't mind toss come prayers or good vibes or whatever you believe in the guys way.

  6. He is the greatest con man to ever wear a Bills uniform. 90% of the time he flat out sucks or is avearage at best. Only the hard up Bills fans can make every excuse in the world for him.


    He is what he is, below average at best. From time to time he will pull a game out of his ass and that allows him to keep his job. Not 2 weeks ago even his most ardent fans finally saw the truth. Two good games later, he is the 2nd coming and now will start next year again.


    This whole subject is old. It was old from the Todd Collins BJH days, through the RJ/Flutie days, to today with Bledsoe. This team hasn't had a QB worth pissing on since Jim Kelly PERIOD! But you guys are so damn hard up you are willing to look past how badly this jackass has been THIS year, because of two games.


    Now the excuses have shifted from the OL( Which has not been really that bad all year) to now it was the officials fault we lost 6 games. The Defenses fault, the ST's...anything but the guy who single handedly played like crap. the guy who by himself handed Baltimore a win and NE a win with his play just 2 damn weeks ago.


    You know what? I have fought this battle with you morons for nearly 7 years in some form or fashon. During that time we have had the #1 defense, the #'s 2, 3, 5 and God knows what else. We have had 1000 yard rushers in Thruman, A. Smith and Travis Henry. ONE DAMN POSITION has failed us time and time again....QUARTERBACK!


    I have come to the accept the fact you guys have long ago lost sight of the one and only goal a team should have...WINNING a SUPERBOWL. My GOD folks, NEW FRIGGIN ENGLAND has won TWO! TWO! the fuggin Patsies! Do you realise that every team in the AFC East now has a Superbowl win in it's history besides the Bills? But to you just going 9-7 is ok. 'Just' making the playoffs is ok as well. It it wasnt' and you wanted more then you would accept the fact we have a starting QB that will NEVER lead this team to a superbowl.


    So I am done with this subject. Drew Bledsoe is a below average QB. Has always been, but the glitz and glamor of a strong arm and being the #1 pick have blinded most to the truth. Until the day comes we get a smart leader...LEADER...at the QB position that can make quick, SMART plays and decisions on a very quick and more importantly CONSISTANT basis...this team is not going to achieve the only goal it should be after.


    Go ahead and flame away. I don't expect more than a handful to understand a damn thing I posted anyway.


    PS to those that say 'I' don't have a clue and I am wrong...I say this, we have had great defenses in the last 7 years including this one. When was the last time we made the divisional round of the playoffs? Oh and it's been a decade since we went to a superbowl as well. Funny how that seems to go somewhat hand in hand with Kelly's retirement. but I am sure that has nothing to do with it. :blush:

  7. You well may be right. But I will state right now we will not win a superbowl with Bledsoe.


    Again it is almost sad to see how pathetic Bills fans have become. How little it takes to please them. 5-6 and possibly 6-6 after this week. Maybe 9-7 if everything goes our way. (Note with the way NE is rolling Pitt will come to town needing a win to get Home field in the playoffs. sorry we get beat even at home)


    So maybe 9-7. Then all of a sudden you feel Drew Bledsoe will be reborn and find a way to lead us into the playoffs and a superbowl? Not gonna happen folks. Last time I checked, playoffs...been there done that. AFC Champs, been there done that 4x. SUPERBOWL. That is what the goal should be. Won't ever happen with him at the helm.


    any guarentees Losman gets us there? Nope, none at all, but I KNOW it won't happen with Drew. THAT if for no other reason is why I start JP.


    BTW...answer me this. How is it after nearly 2.5 years of Bledsoe sucking week in and week out, sans a couple of games here and there, all of a sudden he is the answer? Personally I think you guys are punch drunk with actually having a few wins. It is obvious you are ignoring 3 ints this week giving him more int's than TD's for the season. You are ignoring his collapse against NE and the Ravens. The fact he hasn't LEAD this team since day 1.


    but that is what having a Drew Bledsoe does to your team and fans. Just good enough from time to time to make you forget overall he isn't that good at all. Hey don't believe me...the mans career record speaks for it's self. That and the fact he goes down in NE, and unknown 5th round draft pick walks into the same system with the same talent and wins not one...but two superbowls and now something line 26 of the last 27 games. Granted it isn't all brady, but damn...bledsoe goes down and THEN they win superbowls?


    But hey, I who am I? Just some dumb old Bills fan that wants to see the team win what matters...a superbowl.

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