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Posts posted by zow2

  1. I still see the "Marino fake spike" play used once or twice a year. It doesn't fool anybody nowadays. The fake QB plunge could easily be pulled off by guys like Peyton or Brady since they do QB sneaks now and then to get that 3rd and half a yard. I guess it's all about the timing and type of defense in front of the QB. I'm sure we'll see it again at some point.


    Speaking of Bledsoe,,,,I did count at least 3 nice touch passes in the Seattle game. I was pleasantly surprised. He had a couple duds too but at least he is getting a little better at them.

  2. Hard to believe some people are arguing about whether the team wins because of Ben R or not?!? Geez, the rookie QB is what, 9 and 0? That's hard to believe. When JP comes in and the Bills go 9 and 0 then call me. I'm sure he will be annointed to the Hall of Fame regardless of his numbers. Ben does an amazing job of getting the ball out accurately and making some plays out of break downs. He does nothing to LOSE a game for Pittsburgh. If Maddox were still QB, no way would they have this record. Yes, the league now has a book on him but I bet as he matures in the NFL he will start to dominate...Much like Peyton, Duante and McNabb after they learned the ropes.

  3. While I think he deserved to be fired why not wait till the end of the year?



    It's the "in vogue" thing right now. Instead of firing coaches at the end of the season, they now "resign" during the team's lowest point. Wanny did it. Now Butch. The NFL is really a cut throat business. More than ever before, owners & fans expect to WIN NOW.

  4. were you the shooter from the grassy knowl?




    No conspiracies here. It's mutually beneficial for the Bills organization, Travis and Travis' agent to minimize this injury. The Bills will obviously be shopping him for a high draft pick and Henry and his agent do not want to lose millions in a new contract over his injury status.

  5. I won't go into it all. Just look at all the masterful use of personnel over the last 7 games or so. From using D-linemen on offensive plays to using starters on special teams. From gadget reverses and flea flickers to on-side kicks that are totally out of left field. Even though Bledsoe still throws a ridiculous pass into double coverage now and then they've made him into a much more efficient QB than the last 2 years. I watch Joe Gibbs still running an offense from the 1980's and I realize how great MM, Clements and Wyche really are.


    Defensively, Gray is doing a great job.

  6. It's a road game. Remember, that line is basically saying if this was played in Montana, the line would be Bills +2.


    I wouldn't touch this game with a 10-foot pole.



    It's a road game against a non-rival NFC opponent. That automatically gives us a much better shot at winning than against the always tough AFC.

  7. Haslett is NOT coming to coach the Bills...he will coach the UB BULLS! There has been some talk of this for a while. His wife, a WNY native, made it clear to Jim she wants to come home. UB needs a coach to bring cred to L-O-S-E-R program. Seems like a match made in heaven.






    Now THAT I would support. UB could use a high profile coach to start recruiting some better athletes.

  8. I vote a strong mandalay on this one.


    You go to hard rock for one reason - the pool, which is filled with ridiculously hot women but is closed from november - march or april. You can also gamble at the pool there and they have some good restaurants and clubs, but you can go to those anyway.


    Mandalay has more restaurants, more bars, more gambling and has plenty of eye candy as well and is closer to the other casinos.


    I'm 31.



    I agree. The pool at Hard Rock is really nice but it was overcrowded with the typical college spring break scene....hot women with muscle head guys trying to act as "players" and some garden variety player-wannabees getting nowhere. Being 39, I didn't even get glances from the young ladies but hey, I'm married so what do I care right?!? Anyway, the Mandalay Bay is much better if you ask me and especially if you've grown out of that Hard Rock scene.

  9. To all those people that compared him to Alvin Harper (back when he was traded)...props to you! When you're good in Buffalo..don't leave. That's the lesson. So few players leave Buffalo and end up doing as well as they did here. Now PP has hurt my fantasy team but luckily I have Culpepper and the Ravens D to carry me through the tough games.

  10. He's right in that there's a sub-culture of hip hop stuff that the average white middle age fan hates. It comes complete with thuggery, attitude and entitlement. I don't really care for all the race stuff since I personally don't begrudge players because they are black, hispanic or white. If someone is a jerk, they are a jerk...period! But it is good to see this author and people like Bill Cosby start to come out and make their own race accountable for their own actions and problems. It's really something that the white media has no business talking about.... but that African American media has started to address (including Michael Wilbon). That's good to see.

  11. Anyone see the highlights on ESPN Primetime last night? AJ Feeley is dinged up the whole game. He throws a TD pass and Bowens comes off the bench to give him a nice friendly congratulatory slap on the butt. Feeley must have been really injured down there because he grimaces and screams at the heavens in pain. I've never seen a guy react in such painful agony after getting a slap on the butt. It was hilarious to me.

  12. I think they have to board their plane from the regular terminal and get screened there. In the old days they would go thru Prior aviation and get special treatment like the coddled babies that they are. I'm sure the Bills organization has instructed the NFTA & FAA to treat our opponents like crap. Donahoe has that much pull!

  13. Name for me how many RB's in the league can take it 80 yards.  Make sure they are starters.



    Lee Suggs can go the distance from anywhere on the field. The guy is much faster than I ever thought he was.


    McGahee is fine. Once he gets outside he does have very good speed. I realize after yesterday that he is definitely better than Henry. Henry goes down so much easier on the first hit.

  14. I'm cutting Mularkey slack. He didn't hand pick this team. He has to coach the people he has. He could have crawled in a hole and died after those first couple ridiculous losses. Instead he has started to at least instill a tough attitude at home and re-establish the home field. Now I agree, he has to start winning some road games. I truly believe we are hamstrung on the road w/ Bledsoe since it's much harder to run and protect the QB. You have to be somewhat dynamic on O and we can't be dynamic w/ Bledsoe. MM has shown the ability to change "on the fly" during games and go with what works. Now he has to find something (anything!) that works on the road. I would like to see him stick JP in there for some spot duty even in games that are close...and unless we are truly in the playoff hunt, JP must get a start late in the season to accelerate his development.

  15. I love the Bills being on the "Giving" end of this controversy and not the receiving end. We're a tough town and we need a bad a$$ team. Martz whines after every loss (Bills cut blocks, Pats DB's holding, etc..) Let me tell you...it's never hurt the Denver Broncos to have a tough reputation (or cheap shot if you prefer?). I don't want the Bills cheap shotting but if it's gonna be border line stuff, I'd rather be the team dishing it out. NFL football is not for the meek.

  16. Mularkey and his staff are awesome. Quiet public demeanor but the wheels are always turning in his head. To me, they were saddled with a very one dimensional QB and they have done their best to milk the most out of him and the offense. All the little gadget plays are nice and very welcome since the Bills usually have to run a very boring offense. Using D-linemen on offense in certain situations really helped in a couple games. I really think he has gotten about all he can get from Bledsoe this year. Let's face it, Drew isn't going to be able to win anymore in road environments...especially when the running game gets shut down. Cutting Shaw was another good move, promoting Fast Freddy, starting to get the TE involved again... etc. On top of that Mularkey has made special teams a priority using starters at a few positions and we still have a very stout D. I really like the future of MM and his staff. They don't sit on their hands and hope things get better.....they are constantly tweaking things. It's just too bad we are going to waste one of the best special teams seasons we've ever had and a very good defense in another non-playoff season.

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