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Everything posted by zow2

  1. So maybe Tommy boy was being more honest than Brunell and others think. This puts the focus back on Belichek imo, and makes this whole "deflate-gate" thing more of systemic decision for the team than for Brady to pass the ball. Brady probably could care less if the ball is 11 psi or 13. It's Belichek's way of bending the rules once again as far as he can while trying to give his team an advantage. I'm sure he is well aware of the Stats regarding fumbling when they use lower PSI footballs.
  2. Saw most of the first half and part of the 2nd. I'll say this...Mario and Dareus put forth about 10% of normal effort. It was kind of embarrassing to watch. Many of the defensive players were a bit too casual even for an All-Star game. I'd say Kyle Williams looked to be trying a bit harder than his Bills teammates but not more than 50% effort. No matter what format they use the game is still a joke but what's the NFL to do? It still sells out and gets a healthy TV rating. You can't really blame them too much if they continue it.
  3. Ya think? thanks for making that clear.
  4. I actually liked Brady's line "this isn't ISIS, no one is dying here". I probably would've said that myself had i been in his situation.
  5. I posted this snipet yesterday as it was being tweeted around. This is the most hardcore evidence of cheating imo. It almost exonerates Brady since it lends to the theory that the deflated ball helps reduce fumbles, especially in bad weather. It helps the RB's grip the ball better. It may not help or harm Brady in any way to have the ball 2 PSI below the minimum levels. Reminds me of the Barry Bonds saga. Even though he was already a great player, at some point in his career he cheated to gain an additional edge. The Pats did this in 2007 and saw results and kept doing it. They play outdoors in typical Northeast weather...similar to Jets, Giants and Bills. Brady might be better than other QB's at ball security but they should not be this far above the other Northeast clubs.
  6. People in general and on call-in shows keep saying the balls were a couple pounds lighter and how did Brady & officials not know? I'm pretty sure a football doesn't weigh few "lbs". The pressure in the footballs are 12.5-13.5 PSI. If the ball was pumped to 10.5 PSI i believe it would be 10-15% *lighter* than normal. I'm not sure any of us would feel the difference unless we were holding both footballs in our hands and comparing. I'm quite sure Tim Brady would know the difference. He knows every nuance of a football.
  7. Tom “I didn’t alter the balls in any way.” ""When I felt them, they were perfect."
  8. Lol.. reporter says to Tom...you were quoted a few years ago as liking when Gronk spikes the ball so it lets more air out. You like deflated balls! Tom says 12.5 is pefect for him.
  9. Geez Tom, just cop to it. He's not being truthful. They found 11 of 12 balls underinflated. The star QB would know about it.
  10. A friend of mine from Boston lives down south now with his family. He relayed to me that his 10 yr old daughter came down wearing her Patriots jersey to school today. He said its the first time ever he made her take it off. He's a huge Pats fan and even he is disgusted at the team for these allegations. Says even if the Pats win the SB no one will take them seriously anyway so there's no point.... I *almost* felt bad for him.
  11. Basically it shows that the league average since 2010 is 1 fumble per 105 offensive plays. New England in that same period is 1 fumble per 187 offensive plays. Tells me this is more than just Brady and INT's. Reducing the air pressure in the football is a sly way to grip the ball better and lessen fumbles. It's the Patriot way!!!
  12. Really interesting tweet on Jeremy White's timeline. New Englands ball security since 2010 is nearly off the charts as compared to the rest of the league. https://twitter.com/JeremyWGR/status/558360264228474880
  13. Brady's PC should be interesting. If he says he knew nothing about the footballs then he's lying. I actually believed Belichek. Usually he is evasive or says very little. In this case he was wordy and categorically denied knowing anything about it. He left no wiggle room for interpretation. On the flip side he may not have ordered the Code Red but he probably knew of it's existence in the sub-culture of his lockerroom. Lol
  14. I hear ya. I guess my main point is that QB's have been doing this type of thing for a long time. Even Boomer Esiason and others have admitted as such. Rarely do they get caught. Brady got caught and now the media is attaching this to Spygate and making the Pats looks like gigantic cheaters. They deserve all the heat. As i said, Brady should cop to this, apologize and take his punishment (or team punishment). There's no way he didn't orchestrate this.
  15. Ridiculous. Buffalo vs. Denver...we do an onsides kick and our guy is a centimeter offsides and they flag it (wouldn't have mattered but still, the refs look for every ticky tack foul). Seattle can put an entire extra body on one side and nothing, nada.... so typical.
  16. How about this? (Fyi, new rule is you can only have 5 on one side) "Wow, Seahawks had illegal 6-man wedge on onside kick. We missed. " https://twitter.com/JeremyWGR/status/558293932363485184
  17. Brady news conference is at 4pm today. Tommy Boy should just come clean. Get out in front of this PR disaster. Let's face it, other QB's have done this over the years..to what extent may never be known. It doesn't sound like a practice that is common, but it's nothing that hasn't been done before to try and gain "a little edge". This is more serious (because it's NE and they have cheated before) but I'd probably compare it to using an illegal curved stick in the NHL. If you're caught it's a 2 min penalty... Some guys get away with it, some are caught.
  18. The NHL invented the fantasy draft concept for their All-Star game. They do it pretty well. I was not impressed with the NFL's version for last years pro bowl. I don't care for "celebrity" coaches. I dunno, i guess the NHL all-star game has the feel that the players are honored to be there and participate and the players pick the teams. The Pro Bowl is so casual and "who cares" attitude.
  19. I'd take Bryce Petty but it will probably have to be the 2nd round pick. His stock will go up. I've seen him make all the throws over his career. He looks good to me..
  20. Nobody is trading anything of remote value for EJ right now. This thread is bordering on the ridiculous.
  21. Some of you can talk all the bravado you want about never rooting for the Pats. That's fine. I personally think it's in the best interests of the Buffalo Bills going forward to have NE win the SuperBowl and "quench their thirst" for another Brady/Belichek era title. I'm not cheering for them...but if they win it won't bother me. You see if winning the SB makes New England slightly less hungry next season, I'll take it. It might be subliminal, but teams do get a little fat & happy after winning the Big Game. Brady is not getting any younger...this is obviously his best chance at another ring much like it was for Manning in last years SB.
  22. Here's the article about Pepper not getting the Giants job w/ quotes....and he's bitter. plus it does not appear Rex saved a job for him in Buffalo. Interesting. http://www.nydailynews.com/sports/football/giants/pepper-johnson-denied-giants-coughlin-move-article-1.2079702
  23. New Eng 31 Indy 20 Seattle 27 GB 23
  24. Ah, cool. I'd never expect Whaley to outright bad mouth anyone so the quote i saw was a bit out of context. Whaley seems very careful in what he says to the media.
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