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Posts posted by zow2

  1. I hope Merriman gets back on the field. For whatever reason his presence brings something to the huddle and Lockerroom that makes this team feel like (and play like) winners. He may not be dominant on the field anymore, but I do think his absence at the Meadowlands hurt the Bills.

  2. Redskins actually have a solid D. Landry is a beast and the rookie Kerrigan has been a very good pick. I know he's better now but when Beck was with Miami early in his career he played against the Bills at RWS. It still ranks as the single worst performance of any QB i've ever seen at the stadium. I hope we see some of that Beck on Oct. 30th!

  3. +1


    Lack of arm strength was clearly not the problem on these two passes because Fitz has enough muscle to throw further. But there are obviously other QBs in the league with much stronger arms than Fitz. He has a fair amount of zip on shorter passes but can't throw nearly as far downfield as Big Ben or Vick for example.


    I hate to say this but it's not just these two passes. Fitz just isn't as accurate with long balls as, say, JP Losman. He's very accurate on short to medium passes but over the last year plus, we've seen him miss a number of times on his deeper throws. I haven't gone back to look, but I wonder if his mechanics tend to break down on longer passes for some reason.


    I'll tell you what though, Fitz's short and medium range balls are so perfectly placed for YAC yardage. He hits guys in stride. JP and Trent never could do that. They'd always throw to stationary targets unless it was the occasional bomb. That's why their 3rd down conversion % were so awful.

    Fitz is such a breath of fresh air though. I was hoping this didn't deteriorate into an "arm strength" thread. I will say that watching guys like Rodgers or Brady, even Vick sling the ball downfield on a rope with ease...it's a very noticeable attribute. It's not a requirement to win a Super Bowl though!

  4. But if you are Miami, Minnesota or Indy, you won't need to gut your team -- you'll just take him at #1 and be on your way, which is why I'll be rooting for the Dolphins every week.


    The fun will start if the Rams or Panthers end up at #1, since presumably they will be selling to the highest bidder.


    I'm just hoping he ends up in the NFC. Can't handle another stud QB in the AFC East and Indy doesn't deserve that good fortune.

  5. Too much was made about Fitz's interceptions being "lack of" arm strength. This is BS. On the 2nd INT he was literally backpedaling and threw off his back foot. He did not set his feet at all. Terrible mechanics and the only national media person I heard point this out was Tony Dungy. It may have been b/c the Giants pass rush was in his head. On his first INT, it was not as blatant but he still did not set his feet and throw. This is stuff that is taught at the high school level. I'm sure FItz and coaches will break down his mechanics over the next 2 weeks. I suspect he will overthrow guys in the 2nd half of the season so to not let this happen again. Hope not but I wouldn't be surprised.

  6. I said in the pre game chat yesterday that I had a bad feeling about the Giants game. I really thought the roof was going to cave in for like a 34-13 loss or something like that. I was pleasantly surprised the team fought and made it a totally winnable game. Seems like they have gotten over one hump (being able to win some nailbiters and not getting blown out),,,but winning the close games on the road is the next hump. The O got the ball back at Cinci and yesterday and could not win the game. This is probably not a playoff team until they can win a couple of those type games on the road.

  7. When you break it all down...look at the fortunate turnovers we've gotten, some favorable calls our way, some bad calls, sieve defense, injuries, etc.. The Bills are 4-2 and that's about exactly where they should be. It's a cliche "you are what the record says you are"...but it's true.

  8. Was thinking the same thing. For Oak, NE, we dominated the second half. For the past three, we've been dominated.


    Don't know what it is, but I do hope we can figure out how to play solid for all four quarters after the bye.


    Its NFL football. You're not gonna dominate for 4 Qtrs. You just hope to put up enough points in the Qtrs you do control.

  9. Good post Bill, but I disagree a bit on the Gailey thing. I think Gailey's job is to put his QB in a position to succeed, and while I agree that calling those passing plays w/ 4 min left in the 4th quarter was stupid, he did call a play that allowed Stevie to beat his man down the field. Fitz just didn't make the throw. I mean, I don't think its been pounded home enough...that was a REALLY bad throw. Stevie beat him and throw was not only behind him (way behind him), but it was also to his inside. In the NFL, you need to make those throws consistently. It was a touch throw, and while it isn't easy, its fairly routine at this level. I think that is what bummed me out so much. We all want badly for Fitz to succeed bc he's such a great guy. But, games like this make me wonder.


    I agree with everything else. I would only add that the Bills need to utilize Spiller way more.


    As pointed out by Dungy tonight, Fitz was so gun shy about the Giants pass rush he threw that ball back pedaling and did not set his feet at all. Really bizarre throw by Fitz and when you watch it closely you can see his mechanics are all screwed up. I love Fitz but that throw was all on him. Stevie was open and had separation.

    Interesting that Manning threw it away last week at the end with a bizarre INT and this week it's Fitz'z turn. BTW- Drew Brees also ended his game with a terrible INT in the Bucs end zone. All great QBs throw some bad picks.

  10. ha, by some of these posts, she probably thinks the majority of this fanbase are hard up middle aged men still living in their parents basement.


    Anyway, nice of her to stop by and continue to build her fanbase. Glad we (Bills) could give her some misery for one extra week but I wish the Eagles good luck the rest of the way. I work with some obnoxious Redskins fans so hopefully Philly will quiet them for a week.

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