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Posts posted by zow2

  1. Fitz and Fred were very productive behind arguably the "worst" O-lines the season and a half before this year. When Trent and Lynch were back there they were getting like 2.2 yds per play or something awful. I remember we had a slew of games where the Bills total net yards were in the 150-200 yd range for the entire game!

    Let's just agree that the O-line is much better now and the QB/RB combo are excellent as well.

  2. That's crazy logic. You'd rather compete with Pitt & Baltimore for a playoff spot than Cincy and Pitt or Baltimore?


    You people should be wishing for Cincy to win out.


    I've conceded that division to Pitt or Balt. Ideally whoever is poised to win that division I want them to win out. I just don't want to compete w/ Cinci for a wild card since they beat us head to head. Let's just have the Bills win the AFC East and forget about all the other scenarios!

  3. Actually, i hardly hear much praise of Dalton...especially when you compare it to Cam Newton. Dalton is a good story...but i do hope Cinci gets it handed to them when they play Pitt and/or Balt. I just don't need Cinci competing with us for a playoff spot.

  4. I said it all last week that Beck was the worst QB I've ever seen in that MIami game a few years ago. He's better now but still not even close to being a quality, Starting NFL QB. Kyle Shanahan coveted Beck coming out of BYU and when he had a chance to get him off the Ravens scrap heap last year they got him. Kyle convinced his dad to give him a shot. Well, i'd rather have Grossman. He may throw for 2 or 3 int's but he'll get you 2 or 3 TD's as well. Beck is a nice guy, but just doesn't have the NFL smarts and vision to be a quality QB.

  5. Obviously Revis is very good but I think the refs buy in to the media hype on him. Clearly they know it's Revis and not some unheralded DB because they allow him plenty of leeway on hand fighting and his physical style. Most DB's get a flag if they are even in the vicinity of the WR a split second early...Revis gets the benefit of the doubt imo.

  6. It seems like this year more than i can remember, certain officiating crews are calling things differently than others. Last night in the SD/KC game, there were two offensive pass interference calls on SD. I thought both were questionable (hand fighting) and one took away a SD TD and killed a drive. Huge calls. Seems like the guy making those calls was influenced by the KC players reaction and the crowd.

    I was at the Baltimore/Ariz game Sunday. On two separate occasions Ravens players were flagged for "Taunting" on plays where i honestly see the same thing 10 times in every game. Ray Rice got up and was excited about making a 1st down, and BAM, flag. Strange. The other one was also innocent looking. In that same game the refs were flag happy on any Pass interference where the DB makes a great play and barely has a hand grazing the WRs back on a reach around (knocking the ball down). IMO, they were way too quick to call PI in that game.

    My question...do coaching staffs scout these crews to let the team know what to possibly expect?

  7. I'm really tired of Jets fans acting like they are entitled to beating us or winning the division. I'm sure they have the Bills full attention with those 2 beatdowns last season. Chan won't forget that...or how the Jets were yucking it up on the sidelines, both games. I love the Bills this week.

  8. No love for Spiller for his great downfield blocking on Freddie's long runs?


    Nice job by CJ on those. Why can they never get him any of those dump off's over the middle where he can use his speed like Freddie does? Actually on the one's they do get him, he always gets tripped up. CJ needs to learn from Fred and use straight libe speed instead of trying to juke around people.

  9. - Redskins lost last week to a rookie QB and head coach

    - DC media/fans telling them all week how much they suck

    - Bills never do well in Toronto

    - Bills D does not really stop anyone if not getting turnovers (can never bank on those)

    - bye week has caused the whole league to be rusty for the 1st game back

    - Bills have not lost to 'Skins since SuperBowl 26, like 6-0 since then. This is the year streaks are breaking (Cinci & NE)


    To me the Redskins are the wounded animal coming in. They still have a tough, physical D. I think the Bills eeke one out but barely.


    Bills 21

    Skins 20

  10. Count me as being worried. While our guys were hanging out in Disney World, Atlanta, Dallas, Cali and all points in between....the Redskins were getting embarrassed by a rookie QB and head coach in Charlotte. The DC media has been roasting them all week and saying they are now one of the bottom 5 teams in the NFL. I hope I'm wrong but I think the REdskins come out angry and the Bills come out rusty. We can blame it on Toronto all we want but i think this will be a very tough, low scoring game.

  11. I just don't see where B-Lo wins easily. I'd love to say i was wrong after this. Watch when the Redskins D-Line buries our O-line on the first drive. It's not gonna be an easy day for Fitz at all. They have some studs over on D. Now if Beck goes off ala Brady, Vick and Jason Campbell...i will be very PO'd. Let's not make him look like a real QB.

  12. If we can't beat John Beck and the gang, and do it convincingly, we have no business thinking about playoffs.


    This is true, although I'll remove the word "convincingly". Style points don't matter. Just win the game....and win for once in Toronto for godssake. Washington will not lay down and they have a pretty solid D. Newton shredded them with some nifty running. If the Bills give up 400+ yds on D to Beck & Co. they should be embarrassed.

  13. As long as the Bills don't completely flame out they will be on a couple prime time games next year,,, (that is unless the Bills petition against a night home game, then they might get 1 road). The NFL wants compelling, exciting matchups obviously. This year they could've scheduled Buffal/Cincinnati and it would have been a great matchup...last year that game looked unattractive. It's such a year to year thing. Bills, Detroit and San Fran will be on the national scene in 2012.

  14. I blame this on one guy. Bill Polian. How could he not have a backup for Manning that they think might actually be able to play. Pure arrogance.


    I was thinking this last night. When you have a player like Manning, you have to pay some bucks to have something reasonable behind him. For several years they had Sorgi, who was a decent fill in, but the last few years they have had just crap holding the clipboard.

  15. Yeah well, the Giants had a ton of injuries too and we still lost to those guys. I'm from the DC area, and even the Skins suck as usual, they can be pretty good on defense. Bottom line is we need our defense to have a dominant outing like against KC in the opener.


    I agree. Bills fans who think this won't be a tough game are dreaming. This will be a dogfight. Any NFL team coming off a whooping like the Skins took in Carolina will come out fighting. Their D-line is pretty good and Landry is a beast. I don't care how many injuries these guys have, everyone has injuries. Teams coming off bye weeks are 3-9 so far this year.

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