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Posts posted by zow2

  1. My only argument against this is that it seems (only anecdotal evidence of course)...that draft choices in the past 3 years are expected to jump in and start more than ever. I'd say anyone drafted in rounds 1-3 is considered a near failure if they are not contributors in season #1. Cinci threw Dalton in there last year as a 2nd rounder. I guarantee Mallett could have started for someone if not behind Brady.

  2. I mean seriously...it's not THAT long ago when the Bills would split with the Jets and Pats nearly every year (from the early 80's on the Phish too). Those teams were never looked upon as being such better programs than Buffalo. In the last 10-12 years we've taken a beating, while our AFC East rivals have become "destination" cities for free agents and the hot coaches. Luckily Miami has stumbled all over themselves but they are bound to get it turned around and possibly get Manning too.

    Can Nix, Gailey, Stevie, Fitz, Merriman, Dareus, etc... make Buffalo "cool" again? Just ranting here but I gotta believe we're coming into an era where it's OUR time to shine.



    Ok, well i'm dregding up this topic and answering my own question. Thank you Buddy, Ralph, Chan, etc.. Buffalo has indeed become a cool place to play again!


    - Down to earth GM who players like and respect, *check*

    - Head coach who players like and respect *check*

    - coaching/staff continuity in place *check*

    - owner who is willing to open his checkbook and get talent here *check*

    - not letting home grown talent pick up and leave *check*

    - Mario, Kyle, Stevie, Fitz, etc.. propping up Buffalo image and as a "great working environment" *check*

    - and on and on...

  3. The Bills are the only team in the AFC East with a possible upside of 4-5 more wins than 2011, imo. They were very efficient on O and ball hawking on D with the starters. Once injuries took there toll coupled with the Fletcher hit on Fitz...the team lost all their mojo. Gotta think with this schedule and if the team can get fortunate to sustain just a normal amount of injuries, they should be playoff bound.


    On the flip side, Gotta out-physical the Jets for once and that toxic team in Miami did sweep us last season. It's nice to talk about the Bills potential improvement but until they show it on the field.....they haven't shown us anything.

  4. I was born in Childrens Hospital in 1969. My parents were born in Buffalo n the 1940's, theyre parents immigrated from Italy and Ireland and came to Buffalo to work and raise theyre families. My family grew up working from the time they could wipe theyre own ass till they couldnt work anymore. My father moved us from Buffalo to Detroit to Dallas and Back all by the time I had reached the age of 13. Ive lived in the Great Motor City, I lived thru the Big oil boom of the 70's in Dallas. When I was 18 and old enough to serve my country I joined the USMC for 8 yrs. And when I was done I came home, to BUFFALO NY...I am so damn sick and tired of all these people busting on my hometown. Who the hell are you!!! Have you enjoyed your economic coddling of your parents so much that all you have now is the gift of slamming people who work damn hard to live? People who give up big houses big cars big bank accounts big paying jobs to live and fight for a place they love and call home? You who throw these little pebbles should take a big step back and look at yourself..You have no right at all to belittle the life we choose..If having a NFL football team charades ur view of us then take it..I dont need you or anyone else who hasnt walked the walk I do everyday to live here or look down on my family because I live in Buffalo NY...I dont want your approval of my homefront...I dont need it..You live in your glass house you throw boulders from and Ill live in my house I build them in...Go away if you dont want to be here..But GDAM im sick of people trashing my PLACE I LIVE IN..I dont need the Bills or anyone else to make me proud of where the hell I LIVE!!!! SCREW YOU


    Nice post. totally respect your view. I was born at Childrens hospital, my parents were born here and my grandparents immigrated here too.

    Sorry though, i do need the Bills here to help feel a sense of civic pride. If the Bills ever leave, Buffalo is Akron or Toledo. No thanks.

  5. It's pretty simple, not a place that gets made fun off being bass ackwards. When you have players making jokes about Buffalo (long list), reporters making jokes about Buffalo (Peyton to Buffalo:LOL), it gives the town an air of not being a good place to play, even if it's not true. Perception means a lot to people whether you credit that statement as accurate or not. Miami sucks, but the town is a vacation spot, so player would consider signing off of that alone. Buffalo needs to create a player-friendly culture. Not in easy workouts or anything, but being known as a good place to live and supportive of the players.


    Very true. How about Brady taking a shot at Buffalo hotels during the SuperBowl? That actually got national publicity. Or the few NHL players that have ripped the city. All these things help the negative perception of NOT a cool place to be. Green Bay is the great exception. First off they got very fortunate by getting Favre and Rodgers back to back. Those are two awesome QBs. Green Bay is universally known as the place to play if you want to WIN. No one really makes a permanent home there but it's a good NFL city to win in. Buffalo was kind of like that through the 90's but the organization let it slip away, plus we didn't get lucky with a QB.

  6. I mean seriously...it's not THAT long ago when the Bills would split with the Jets and Pats nearly every year (from the early 80's on the Phish too). Those teams were never looked upon as being such better programs than Buffalo. In the last 10-12 years we've taken a beating, while our AFC East rivals have become "destination" cities for free agents and the hot coaches. Luckily Miami has stumbled all over themselves but they are bound to get it turned around and possibly get Manning too.

    Can Nix, Gailey, Stevie, Fitz, Merriman, Dareus, etc... make Buffalo "cool" again? Just ranting here but I gotta believe we're coming into an era where it's OUR time to shine.

  7. its all how you look at it. Sounds like he didn't need the cash right away so say he takes that 3 million after taxes, agents etc and puts it into a investment with an 8% return and reinvesting all profits right back into more 8% investments he would have about 7 mil today and over 52 million at the end of the 25 year annuity he negotiated with the mets. He is also taking a big risk cause if the mets happen to run into bankruptcy his payment could get wiped out or lowered. This actually almost seems possible with the troubles the owners are having with being involved with Madoff. It is a creative way for him to invest and it sounds like he is doing well as no bankruptcy rumors and he is working for the MLB making good money.


    I hear ya but I think it's mostly a good way for an athelete to protect HIMSELF from his lavish lifestyle and possible bad decisions. Most people who are reasonably responsible, I agree, would invest it wisely and not have to worry. Also, i think the NY Mets would be a franchise not in danger of going anywhere or filing bankruptcy. If it's the Phoenix Coyotes or something then yes, worry.

  8. This makes me think of the ex-baseball player, Bobby Bonilla and the smartest fiscal decision an athlete has ever agreed to (that rarely gets talked about).


    The Mets got Bonilla back from the Dodgers in 1999 and he totally underachieved. They waived him in 2000. He was still due $5.9 million from the Mets but he and the team reached an agreement to defer the payments. So this guy basically does nothing but gets floated over $1M every year because he chose to do an annuity, just about the time he knew he would run out of money,, great move.


    Bonilla, 36, will receive 25 equal payments of $1,193,248.20 each July 1 from 2011 to 2035, according to the revised contract, a total of $29,831,205 (assuming an annual interest rate of 8% during the period 2011–2035).

  9. I'm a hardcore fan but even I didn't watch more than 5 mins of the Pro Bowl. The little i did see i was kinda' glad DB's didn't lay out some WR's because they sure had the chance...and they just laid up and made easy arm tackles. It's too violent of a game to have a meaningless all star game. No one is going to hit hard and risk injuring themselves or another player. I do love the fact that they made it the week before the SB. I like that the SB is the LAST NFL action of the season. You can't make the Pro Bowl better. Just eliminate it, have a big awards show during SB week like they did this year and announce the All-Pro team then.


    On another note, the NHL game is a bit of a joke too but I like the format of players picking whose on their team. No AFC vs NFC or East vs West. It's kinda' fun to see the guys mess around with the picking.

  10. Im impressed with Indy. It used to be a little midwestern city, nothing extraordinary. Nowadays they seem bigtime. They had Manning, a SB victory, fantastic new stadium that draws every big time event. Buffalo should be so fortunate. We're not in that league.

    Also Atlanta is a world class city in every way. Not sure what more you can ask of a city?

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