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Benjamin Franklin

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Everything posted by Benjamin Franklin

  1. You can't be trusted to keep that language from children, so yes, someone has to look out for you. Decency is not relative. There's right. There's wrong. That's it. If you'd like to do "wrong" things, you should be punished. Go wash your mouth out, and start setting a good example for people.
  2. Yeah. Run away. Back to college for you. I knew you'd give up.
  3. Most people can't take care of themselves; that's why we need a moral community, and the only way to enforce standards of decency is, sadly, through laws.
  4. Wow. The "I am rubber, you're glue" argument. Good stuff.
  5. Pseudosources calling something pseudoscience. I'm impressed. Rather than refute your assertion that ID is not science with specifics, I'll just footnote you to an ID site. Refute that you college-y Bi-otch. Dare you to click "science" guy Goody. Now you can talk about a pseudoparty. You're good at this. Libertarians basic fault: they trust people to take care of themselves. Always to the extreme with you science types. ID *IS* science. That's all this is about.
  6. Please don't put too much faith in college education. What you've learned is what a few people wanted to teach you. That reject other scientific theories out of hand- such as ID- shows how little you get from the establishment.
  7. Even if a Christian did discover ID, does that undermine its credibility? There are billions of Christians- does the fact of their faith undermine their credibility? Darwin was a Christian- is evolution thus a farce? Nowhere in the ID curriculum is Jesus mentioned. It's just a scientific alternative. As Beauxsox said, please, stay in school.
  8. Really? I don't see Christ as part of the ID design curriculum. Touchy aren't we?
  9. And that is why our kids aren't learning science. Anyone who thinks this country's lack of science education is the fault of parents alone is counting their chickens despite not knowing whether the egg came first. People like you are not willing to teach viable theories of science. If you were teaching science in 2000 BC, you'd be teaching the square wheel design, rejecting the round wheels. You're fixated on accepting ideas that are admittedly WRONG, instead of at least considering, and teaching, ideas that are right. I weep for the US science student.
  10. Let's see someone respond to THAT! Ha!
  11. Evolution is just one of several theories, and ID deserves a spot at the scientific table, since it can explain more than evolution. You wonder why kids in the US aren't doing well in school? It's because teachers refuse to be more flexible in what they teach their students.
  12. There can't be both room for both theories and not room for them. ID belongs in the classroom, and is a viable option for children to consider- especially those that do not buy evolution.
  13. Typical of you "science" guys to say that god is crap, when in fact, if you are truly seeking the truth, be it scientific or spiritual, the only answer is god. And this debate is not about religion in schools. ID is just another theory- an alternative to evilution. Since evolution doesn't have all the answers (as even you admit!) and you are skeptical of ID, then why not just consider that ID is an alternate theory. It deserves as much credence as your theories. Isn't this the foundation of scientific debate? I thought this is what made you guys happy- hashing out scientific theories.
  14. Debating ID with a monkey is like shooting ducks on the head of a pin. Different argument, but the Davinci Code's own author says that it's based on fact. Therefore it is allegedly "non-fiction." But since so much of the "fact" is made up, maybe it should be fiction. QED.
  15. GWB is the first president to cut taxes, actively cut the size of government, and pay down the debt. All it took was a man with balls and vision, which is why... Democrats=dead in '08.
  16. Come on science lovers: tell me how important it is to teach evolution- a theory so full holes that it's like swiss cheese that you couldn't fit it through the eye of a needle. Intelligent Design is the only way to explain the complexity of the world. Thankfully, it's finally getting its day in the schools. This is a great day for American children and for the future of scientific debate in the US- with an acknowledgement that so-called "scientific" theories take a back seat to the higher power. ID in Kanas
  17. For the most part, THIS is a great thread. It's what this board is all about. Welcome to the board and many happy returns. Feel free to post any question you have on the main board- on any topic... relationships, medical advice, whatever- there is a lot of expertience on here who can help you out when you need it.
  18. The same bunch of people supporting the "Satan" thread. What a surprise.
  19. We haven't been talking about it, but there's a lot on the table right now about Social Security. The ME-generation, i.e., the baby boomers, are tackling the problem late, because as usual, it won't affect them, just their children. So this selfish group, which is now considering the problem, will likely make changes that involve: (1) raising the SS tax; (2) raising the retirement age; (3) raising the SS ceiling so that people making more than 90K pay more; (4) etc. Oh yeah, and the privatization thing, which the Democrats say they won't even discuss, and won't even join in a discussion about social security until privatization is off the table. So petty. Anyway, what should we do? I'll step off my pie in the sky dream that I get to take responsibility for myself, which I know is too much to ask in my United Socialist States. Here's what I hope for: (1) raise the retirement age to about 75, maybe 77; (2) make the private investment option more accessible; (3) let people "opt out" of some of their SS tax- which at the same time forfeits future benefits. Even a 20% exchange would be a step in the right direction. Or, make that money go into mandatory IRA accounts that people can manage how they see fit. The big thing would be number 1. If you aren't saving, guess what? You can't retire and expect the government bail you out. If you are saving, you can retire whenever you can afford to do it. #2 won't happen because the baby boomers refuse to let younger people take care of themselves. #3 really won't happen.
  20. Gavin- give gay marriage another go and I'll bring him out. Eminem is dead. He cannot be revived.
  21. Through the first two Lincoln Douglas debates... about half way through it. I only have Ben, John, and Abe... all my other names have been left behind.
  22. Who me? The implementation of all the simple tax systems (flat tax and consumption tax) is unlikely because you can't do JimBob's social control, and a lot of beuracrats will lose their jobs. And Ameicans don't care about this issue. And politicians have no balls.
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