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Benjamin Franklin

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Everything posted by Benjamin Franklin

  1. Ahh- Dr. Biology. Welcome to the thread. The basket is important. It serves as a truly visible reminder how, as a bound community, we acheive more than as individuals. Sure, the individual can feed a man a meal, but only together can we teach him to farm.
  2. Even in your higher mammalian brain, I see the hand of God. And I needn't study at a University (or even a college) to see it. Let's make a friendly wager. If you cannot refute ID, and I have yet to see a post where you do, attend Mass for a year. The stakes are low: you just need to prove that the hand of God is not at work in all you see. If you fail to do this, going to Mass for a year is a minor thing. If your faith in the science god is so unshakeable, this should be a triviality. Take a few days. And please, in the tradition originated by Catholics, "SHOW YOUR WORK."
  3. And imagine our enemies doing that to us.
  4. Michael: Teaching science to this group is an exercise in futility. The faith of people like the Monkey and our icy friend in Alaska and another named Johnny Coli is great. Oh wait. Did I say "faith"? That's right, I did. They have a great deal of faith in their scientific theories, so much so that they make the faith of the ardent Christians they mock pale in comparison. The irony of their grand faith is amusing. As an avid reader of this board, you've no doubt seen the Creationism debate. These fellows feel that ID has no place because it HAS ALL THE ANSWERS. That is the flaw in ID to them- it's utter and beautiful perfection. They believe that the theory with all the holes- evolution- is right. And they mock our faith.
  5. Michael, Beaxsox, and I pray for you. I'm sure you don't accept that, but we do. *That*, my ice cold friend, is what sets us apart. And Catholicism doesn't rule out judging people: that admonishment you quote is more in the vein that you shouldn't judge others until you have fully judged yourself. Judging people is important. I need to decide who is evil, and who is not, lest my children fall in league with bad influences. Judging is a natural part of life. So please, don't take that out of context, brother.
  6. To quote Komachi This night of no moon There is no way to meet him. I rise in longing- My breast pounds, a leaping flame, My heart is consumed in fire. You ignorant souls who mock beaux should listen and learn. We have much to offer.
  7. (substitute GW if you feel the need)
  8. John Kerry defines "anti-soldier." What a chump!
  9. Canadians are such losers- who would even listen to one. "Blather" he said! Good one.
  10. John Kerry's wartime service is a joke. Why does he keep touting it? Go back to your fox hole John- go rescue a few more people. HAHAHA. Way to go dubya.
  11. The fall of the liberal media is neigh! Fox's brand of fair and balanced reporting will soon be the norm, and it's none too late. Rush and his 25-30 million listeners are everywhere America. Look out!
  12. Not to mention, as good as Rice is, he is not known as a guy who takes young players under his wing.
  13. The country is still suffering from all the corruption of the Clinton era. It will take time, but Bush is changing things for the better.
  14. You- that's why we voted in the present group to clean things up. Finally.
  15. Rich, with one ball, has more balls than 2/3 of this board.
  16. Why does everyone keep calling this the "nuclear option"? I bet there are millions of Japanese offended by this.
  17. There's only one fair and balanced new source: Fox. Rush is pretty objective too, if you can get over the song parodies.
  18. Why do you guys keep ignoring Rich? Can't you even respond to his premise?
  19. They are after the asylum crowd, as if they didn't already have them in their pocket.
  20. This sickens me. The FCC shoul pull their license- they can't be trusted on the air.
  21. But. But Al Gore invented the Internet.
  22. I accept your apology, since your continued labeling of me as a Christian serves as an affirmation of how right I am. Thank you BluFire. Try to channel some of your anger into learning more about science.
  23. Yeah. Morality is relative. My morals say it's OK to eat living people, so it's OK. Nice world you live in. And where did I say I was Christian, Bluefire? Please post a link. When you can't, here's what you can post. Just copy and paste. "I am an ignorant poster who makes broad assumptions about people's religion, based on nothing, as I did in this case. Mr. Franklin never stated that he was a Christian. I just assumed it because he makes such salient points about ID, and the media have brainwashed me to associate ID with the Christian Right. My inability to think for myself continues to embarrass me. I am sorry." My response. "Dear Blue: it's OK. The next time your parents let you use the computer, stay in the teen chat rooms though. You'll be a better match of wits for those kids. -BF"
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