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Benjamin Franklin

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Everything posted by Benjamin Franklin

  1. What's so hard to understand: it would be law for everyone to abide by, but the primary beneficiaries would be kids. People who are sterile, infertile, or don't want to have children would just have to follow the law. No one forces anyone to get married, and when you do, you commit to do it for life. If you don't want to make that commitment, don't get married. It's pretty simple.
  2. By the way, the divorce ban is hardly new. It's the law in Ireland and worked fine there.
  3. I've been a member here longer than you. Deal with the issues.
  4. You're the exception, and you would also fall under the amendment. No worries, but marriage is still for procreation.
  5. No. There's an exception for abuse situations. Pre 1960 kids WERE happier. Families DID stick together. The abusive situations are terrible, but with today's awareness about abuse, women could get free of the abusive husband, even with a divorce ban. (Any divorce ban would have a provision for abuse situations.) Your argument doesn't make a dent in the pro-divorce ban platform.
  6. Exactly--sounds like your parents did the right thing. Other young parents would have bailed. Keep those "other" parents together and maybe they'll raise good kids like you. At least the possibility is more likely.
  7. That's a tough problem--don't hijack this thread. I'm just focusing on the simple one: the divorce ban.
  8. No--marriage is for procreation. Although people can marry and not procreate, once you get married, it's final. As far as wide support, all you need to do is look at wedding vows. No one vows to get married "for a few years" or "until we hit a rough spot." People intend to stay married. How about a law to enforce it. That's ridiculous--let's stay in the realm of reality and not in some ORwellian fantasy.
  9. It's amazing to see what happens to people when they are forced to live together. Suddenly, that marriage will turn into a commitment, and the child can connect to two parents instead of one.
  10. Now that the gay marriage thing is dead, I have a suggestion. Why don't we take a stab at a problem we might be able to solve: broken homes. Children from single homes are more likely to commit crimes, do drugs, have out of wedlock children, contract an STD, and be on social welfare than children from married homes. The solution to this problem--one that America is probably ready for--is to ban divorce. Before you go all apespit on me, there would be provisions for cases of abuse, but they would require a Court Order and hearing. This would insure that people get married for the right reasons, and can't get divorced for the wrong ones. There would probably have to be some laws forcing married couples to cohabitate; otherwise people could "divorce" in practice without doing it in name, just by moving out. To be honest, I cribbed this idea from a local paper, but apparently, it's gotten wide support.
  11. Shouldn't you be stalking the myspace-lover.
  12. Remember when Moulds' poked his ex-girlfreind in the face and picked her up by the neck...after breaking down her door? Or how about the three years of child support he didn't pay until he was facing jail time? Let's all stop sucking his d___ here, OK? Moulds has been a hard-working football player, but he can be a J/O. Maybe he went over the line.
  13. They did a halftime tribute to the late Reggie White. What a horrible game to put on in tribute to him.
  14. Dude: you are the man. The man. Plain and simple. I'm so glad you reminded me of how "the man" you are. It had slipped my mind for a second, but now I'm focused on the fact again. Wait, you're not just the man. You are a god. G.O.D. You told us "so," (where's the link--I'm dying to relive the moment), and by god, err, yourself, you were right. And for that, at 5-8, I am grateful. Were you also right about Flutie v. Johnson? That Todd Collins was a bust? That Josh Reed would end up having a fair season? That Lindell would have a pretty good season? That the O-line would be horrific? That the D would go from best to worst in one season? That Pat Williams would be a huge loss? That Spikes would get hurt? That Thurman would misplace his helmet? That Ronnie Harmon can't catch a ball in a critical situation? That the Bills traded Greg Bell at just the right time? Just curious. I forgot your positions on those issues, but I'm dying to know. And do you know where I can get a good deal on car insurance?
  15. I didn't see the tent, but I heard the show. They also had Milloy, Spikes, and Shaud Williams. There wasn't anything said that hasn't been covered here, but it was nice to get some non-homer perspective on the Bills. I liked most what the players said about Mularkey: takes ST seriously (lead with ST practice this morning), leads by example, and has everyone's respect.
  16. i am posting this from the woods- i just got a short moment of internet connectivity with my sat modem one of my fellow deep woods hikers was bitten by a poisonous snake his leg is now covered in green pus-ey welts and his eyes are red rimmed we are 70 or so miles from the nearest civilization can someone tell me what i should do here are the materials i have at my disposal nylon fabric aluminum cooking utensils knives corkscrew bent fork flora in adirondack mountains stream water altoids dessenex misc clothing ipod 30 ft of rope thank you in advance- my signal is fading but any help could save a life- i will check back soon
  17. Commercial radio is for poor people.
  18. Why bother with all the "suspicious eye" stuff? You sound like a politician. Try this out. darkey: bad whitey: good.
  19. Glad to see there's another keen observer of intellect around here. Keep your eyes open: there are only a few in Rich's category.
  20. I have no doubt that, for you, this seems like a Zen Koan, as you can hardly be expected to grasp the deeper concepts. Rather than mock what you don't understand, maybe you should just shut yer trap and read a little bit.
  21. You and John are just a couple of whippersnappers. Unlike you, I had my priorities straight, even at 80. I just wanted a lass in my lap and I was a happy old man. Bah. Politics.
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